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    Overweight cat and unique challenges to help him

    I have a 6 year old cat who has gotten overweight. (17 pounds). He wasn't always like this and feel it is all my fault for not controlling the food. He has gotten more lethargic this year and it concerned me. Healthwise, he has confirmed colitis/ibd via scopes at internal medicine last...
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    So...... IBD/Lymphoma isn't contagious.... right?

    If you recently read this forum you've probably seen my other post about my Bengal having IBD/Lymphoma as of a month ago. This sounds really dumb but those are not contagious, correct? My other cat, a solid black domestic shorthair, who I adopted one year ago has started having 'soft...
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    IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing

    Hello all, I needed a supportive place again to air out my situation with my current kitty. He is a 7 year old bengal. I've had two other bengals who lived long lives and one had IBD as well. Apparently the breed is very well known for the issue. I never knew this! Over the course of 2022...
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    Think I just messed things up with new adopted cat

    Last week I adopted a new cat and he has been housed in a bedroom all week. This morning I grabbed his food bowl and went to open the food bag to scoop some food into it. After I was done, I was pulling the bowl away from the bag and the cat ran up to it excited at the same time and I bopped...
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    Adopted a new buddy for my cat! Couple questions

    I had put up another thread a week ago where I was thinking about getting my current 6 year old bengal a buddy since I'm at work at an office all day. I had 3 bengals at once and had to say bye to the 2 brown ones in the picture at 17 years old each. Since he was around other cats for the...
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    Stuck on if to get my cat a friend.... work situtation

    The quick story is that I have a 6 year old bengal cat. When I moved into my place years ago I was in a relationship and we had 4 cats total together. The relationship didn't work, she left and took her one cat. I had to say bye to one cat in 2020 and one in 2021 (they lived to be 17). I was...
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    High Sodium in blood... hospital stay opinions?

    Hi all, My 17 year boy was diagnosed early this summer with kidney disease. (It's sad because he doesn't need that on top of his IBD). He stopped eating Thursday so I took him to the vet Friday and they gave him some meds and fluids to pep him back up. They called me today to say the...
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    Feel guilty I'm boring my cats -Overthinking?

    I think this feeling all started when I lost my 17 year old girl last year and it's been ramping up a lot this year. So I had 3 cats last year and now I have two boys. One is almost 17 and one is almost 6. The girl used to float between everyone so it brought everyone together. It's been...
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    My cat has a scab or something on nose

    My 16 year old has developed what looks like a scab on the end of his nose. This started about a week and a half ago. I thought maybe my other cat scratched him or he scratched himself, but it hasn't fallen off yet. It sort of impedes his breathing a little, like when someone has a stuffy...
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    Battling IBD for 3 years, have weird sleep question

    My oldest boy turns 16.5 this week. His name is Obie. I've been managing his IBD for just over 3+ years but I'm afraid it is getting to him more now that he is further into the senior years of life. Usually, he might throw up once or twice a month. Now, it seems he is throwing up a few times...
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    Helping a greiving cat

    I hope this is the right section to ask, but feel free to move if not... Some might have seen my recent post that I had to let my 17 year old girl go last week. I have 2 surviving boys. One is 4.5 and doesn't seem to notice as much. The one I'm concerned with is my almost 16 year old boy who...
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    Think my kitty has reached the end and it is scary

    Hi all, It's been a tough couple days. I have a 17 year old Bengal, girl. She had a routine appointment 2 weeks ago for updated rabies and check up blood work. She was fine 3 weeks ago. Was lethargic after the appointment, but it was always normal as she gets super stressed out going to the...