Search Results

  1. Jem

    Need help finding right concealer/foundation

    I've reached that point in my life where unfortunately my skin is not as "youthful" as it used to be... I have expression lines (forehead and between eyebrows)...I've had them for a while because apparently my grandmother was right that if I didn't relax my face it would stay that way. :lol...
  2. Jem

    I entered my first real pool tournament!

    I entered my first "real" pool tournament. It's happening today, starting at 11am. Although I'm quite good a pool, I would still be considered an amateur. When asking the guy who organized it who else had entered, I'm the lowest ranked my expectations of winning are not exactly...
  3. Jem

    Which one...

    Found this and wanted to know your opinions. Which is the correct way and explain why. lol. I say #2. First off, #1 just looks weird. Second, a tie, while it does go around the neck, should also lay over the chest. The tie also goes under the collar of the shirt and if Mr. Dino was also...
  4. Jem

    Anyone buy a new vehicle lately?

    My husband thinks we are at a crossroads with our current minivan. It's a 2014 dodge grand caravan. It's still in really great shape, but we have a repair in the near future that we need to do. Some of the oil gaskets need fixed. Best case just under $1000...but hubby says it could end up...
  5. Jem

    Tell me a mildly infuriating

    As the title says. Mildly infuriating things happen to us all the time...but when over, it's over and often becomes kinda funny. Here's mine... I drop a dirty hand towel on the floor, meant for the laundry basket. I bend over to pick it up...but I miss. So I bend over to pick it up...
  6. Jem

    Banana bread/loaf questions

    I have a fantastic banana bread/loaf recipe that always turns out perfect. But I want to make some changes in terms of flavors and serving size. For reference it bakes in a 350*F oven for about an hour. 1) I want to make this recipe into standard sized as well as mini-sized muffins. Any clue...
  7. Jem

    META (Facebook, Instagram ect...) Problems

    I was scrolling thru my facebook, when all of a sudden I was kicked off and the login page popped up. So I go to login and it doesn't work...try again...nothing. I spent all morning trying to figure out how to get back in. Thinking I've been hacked, I tried that avenue as well. It was...
  8. Jem

    Solar Eclipse April 8th for North America

    We are going to get to witness a solar eclipse on April 8th in North America. Here are links to show you the path of totality. NASA' site focuses on the US where as the ASC site shows where it will pass in Canada. 2024 Total Eclipse: Where & When - NASA Science Total solar eclipse of April 8...
  9. Jem

    At what point does inquisitive become nosey?

    I have always had an inquisitive mind. When I get bits of information about anything, I like to know and understand the whole of it. And it can be anything, I'm not just talking about gossipy people news. However...sometimes it is about people. I don't pry nor do I ask invasive questions...
  10. Jem

    My freezer was left open a crack.

    So I just went downstairs to get some sauce out of the freezer for dinner and the freezer door was open! Just a crack, but I have no idea for how long. Looking thru my freezer, most stuff is still frozen but the stuff at the very front, by the open part has thawed, but is still cold. When I...
  11. Jem

    Word love: What is one of your favorite words?

    Going off another post about word aversions...I thought "What about those words that we just love?" So what words do you love to hear or say? I absolutely love the word "kerfuffle". It's just so fun to say. Unfortunately, it's not a word that is used anymore, at least when I'm in younger...
  12. Jem

    A little scared, LOL!

    So I saw one of those posts where whatever song was #1 on "whatever" day will predict "something". This particular one was "Whatever song was #1 on your 24th birthday is how 2024 will be for you". So I did a google search...First chart I saw...S.O.S. by Rhianna. Second chart I saw...Bad Day by...
  13. Jem

    Ever Surprise Yourself?....Odd little Story.

    After dinner yesterday, my niece got the hiccups, and they were pretty intense. Me, my niece and her Dad were just chatting when I just stopped and try eating a couple might help. You see...In my brain, I knew that acidic foods can help trigger the esophageal sphincter...
  14. Jem

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! Yesterday was my first family dinner and it went really well. Today we are just going to hang around and do our little Christmas celebration (me, husband and kitties). And tomorrow we have another family dinner to go to. What are your plans?
  15. Jem

    I think I just got a deepfake phone call

    So, I'm kinda freaking out a bit...creeped out. The phone rang, and it showed "unknown number"...Now, I usually don't answer the phone unless I know who is calling but something in me said to pick up as my husband sometimes comes up as "unknown number" and we've been having some health issues...
  16. Jem

    Poor Seymour...urinary issues

    HI! So my husband decided to get a shop cat. He partnered with one of our local rescues and took in Seymour, he was recommended by the the rescue people because of his personality and what not. He is much more of a loner cat and was not doing well in a shelter environment. He was...
  17. Jem

    How are my fellow Canadians in BC doing?

    These wild fires are unprecedented. I know fires have always been an issue in BC but there have been so many evacuations this year. And now a province wide state of emergency...hope you are all well.
  18. Jem

    Help me figure these out

    Saw this online and there was no explanation but I think these are all supposed to represent various cartoons or kids shows. It makes sense because I think I figured out a few of them... So as the post says...#4 is Spongebob Square Pants I also believe.. #3 Shrek #7 is Alvin and the...
  19. Jem

    I officially hate drywall/mudding!!!

    For the past three days I've been working on the next step of putting my basement back together from the flood we had. Mudding, taping and sanding...and it sucks! My walls are not even at all so the drywall patches aren't that means the mudding and taping isn't perfect and will...
  20. Jem

    Who's good with computers?

    For a few weeks now, I've been trying to fix my computer. HP laptop 64bit running Windows 10. It started freezing and when I started to investigate I just got confused. First I opened Task Manager and my disk was running at 100%. Usually "system" and "widows update module"?...or something like...