Recent Content by ranshao

  1. ranshao

    FIV+ Cats and Raw Diet

    Could you link where you found information about FIV+ not being a reason to not feed raw? I have FIV+ sons and am interested in raw, but I haven’t found anything like that.
  2. ranshao

    raw diet and FIV positive

    What site is this? Could you link it?
  3. ranshao

    raw feeding FIV+ kitties

    Hello~~ I have two FIV+ sons (4 yr 3 mo.), who are also brothers, and I am very interested in feeding them raw. Honestly, if they didn’t have FIV, I would’ve taken the plunge by now. However, they do and I’m struggling to find any positive or neutral articles about raw feeding FIV+ cats. I made...
  4. ranshao

    raw diet and FIV positive

    Do you have the link to that site where you read that?