Recent Content by NY cat man

  1. N

    Question of the Day Late Edition 1 June, 2024

    Once upon a time, yes, but that time is strictly in the rearview mirror now. Add to that the cost just to get into one of them, and the crowds and lines, and it just isn't worth it any more.
  2. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Consider yourself lucky. At least once a week, I find a hairball somewhere in the house. In fact, just yesterday I found a big one in one of the cat trees. Bashful and Stretch are the usual suspects, but the others contribute their fair share as well.
  3. N

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    Books. Books of almost any kind. When it comes to reading, I'm pretty much omnivorous. Except for romance novels- there I draw the line.
  4. N

    What is your dream cat?

    All we have ever had was strays or ferals (no one really owns a cat), so that's what I would stick with.
  5. N

    The 2024 Gardening Thread

    So much for weather forecasts. It was 47° at 5:00 this morning, and it's 56° now- not that I'm complaining. Not a bit, and it's finally supposed to get out of the 60s today.
  6. N

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 30, 2024

    I'm on the border between Maturists and Boomers. One thing- and kind of a big thing- left off the chart for the Boomers is Vietnam.
  7. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Michele's late father used to make sauerkraut every year, and every year that slicer got some skin off at least one of his fingertips. Extra flavoring, maybe?
  8. N

    The 2024 Gardening Thread

    On the weather forecast this evening, they put up a frost warning for the next couple of nights. It is mostly for the higher terrain to the south of Buffalo, but it is still uncomfortably close. If the wind comes from over Lake Ontario, we should be all right, as that would moderate any really...
  9. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    We were running low on cat litter, which we usually get from Chewy. I went to WallyWorld this morning, and surprise! No Tidy Cat Free and Clean in the 35 pound pails, and the other types were $27 each. BJ's doesn't carry any Tidy Cats, but I found that the local Tractor Supply does, and had it...
  10. N

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 29, 2024

    Mornings. I normally get up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m., have my breakfast while Stretch sits by and observes, then have my tea and read or do crosswords with Miss Eleanor on my lap, and Digger and Stretch playing tag, or one of them displaying a case of the zoomies. The outside world is quiet, and all...
  11. N

    A vacation question

    I would rent an RV (so there would be room for the cats to go along) and take a tour of the West. Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, Grand Tetons; that sort of thing.
  12. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Michele has said, on more than one occasion, that the next move she makes will be to the cemetery, but watching her on the stairs, what with her bad knees, makes me think that her position may change, though not any time soon.
  13. N

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    Hair? What's that? I get mine cut about every four months or so, and more than once the barber has said that he is going to charge me cover the cost of a hunting license. I know, I know; barber humor.
  14. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    It's funny how I never noticed.
  15. N

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I remember those days of drinking raw milk, as our supply was whatever was left over after the milk cans were filled for transport to the dairy. It didn't seem to do us any harm. Too, that was in the days before the widespread use of antibiotics or growth hormones on the cows.