Recent Content by kimmycup1

  1. kimmycup1

    How to mix KMR with goat milk

    Do you mean1:3 ratio of water, or kmr and goat milk? Would it be okay to mix the goat milk as per the instructions on the bag, and then mix a little into the kmr formula? I've looked everywhere for exact directions and ratios for powdered goat milk but haven't found any
  2. kimmycup1

    How to mix KMR with goat milk

    I know many people use goat milk when bottle feeding, I want to continue to use KMR while also using some goat milk, mostly because it's cheaper and I've heard it's easier on their tummies. I've bottle fed before, but have never tried goat milk. Would it be better to mix it with the formula, or...
  3. kimmycup1

    How to get cats to stop chewing on wires

    I shopped around on Amazon and bought a similar product to what you recommended. It will be here tomorrow so hopefully it works. Thank you for the guidance! I'll look into what I can do about giving them something to chew on. It's mostly one cat, Kira, that does it. She's always been a bit of a...
  4. kimmycup1

    How to get cats to stop chewing on wires

    My cats recently discovered my tv wires and nothing I do prevents them from messing with them. My tv is mounted to the wall so the wires hang down, they are in plain view and I understand why they would want to play with them. I've tried just about everything I can think of to prevent them from...
  5. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Do you know if the Frontline spray worked before you switched her to the spot treatment? I finally was able to get the spray and plan on using it tomorrow morning. So far the kittens haven't had any signs of fleas so I'm just using it for prevention. The situation has calmed down with the adult...
  6. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Bumping this, hoping to hear what flea products are working for other people on a budget
  7. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    I had a quick chat with a vet on chewys website, just to get some recommendations for my budget and they recommended Frontline spray, fleabuster powder and I can't remember the name of the last product but I think it was something along the lines of "knockout spray". Has anyone had any...
  8. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Yes, I wouldn't use Advantage on them until they are 8 weeks and until Desiree is 2 lbs. Sorry, I don't always write clearly, I didn't mean I would be using it on them at 7 weeks, just that I wanted to buy something so I have it ready. They will be 8 weeks in 3 days so even if I bought it online...
  9. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Both sprays that I'm using have insect growth regulator and it does help for awhile. I notice the fleas that jump onto my socks are usually small so they're probably fairly new and haven't had a chance to feed. I want to get something for my 7 week old kittens, I just worry about it causing...
  10. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    I've read about it a bit and saw a couple times that cats should be bathed sometime afterward(one website I think said 12 hours after, not sure about the other website I was reading), and I don't think that's something my cats will do well with. The kittens would be easy enough but not the...
  11. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Forgot to mention that one been washing their bedding in hot water and also, I jav I've heard about diatomaceous earth, and did consider it for at least the carpet, but I'm still not sure how safe it is. Not that chemicals are safe but I'd definitely need to really read up on diatomaceous earth...
  12. kimmycup1

    How to deal with flea infestation

    Hi everyone, I wasn't sure if this was the right place to put this thread so please let me know if it isn't. I have indoor only adult cats and kittens of 2 different ages. Somehow my adult cats got fleas, they live in the basement (it's fully furnished, all carpeting with heating and air...
  13. kimmycup1

    hand rearing and weighing newborn kittens

    My mom helps with the vet. Ours is about 25 minutes from my house, and since I can make appointments, it's easier for me to get her to help. I don't have anyone else who could help drive the mom. I wanted to finish up the petag since it was a huge container and so expensive, I didn't want it to...
  14. kimmycup1

    hand rearing and weighing newborn kittens

    I'm 100% for spay and neuter. Every cat I've owned has been either spayed or neutered, I've never had one of my own indoor cats have kittens. This is a feral cat who randomly showed up and has stuck around. I do not drive, and live in a rural area with the closest shelter almost an hour away. I...
  15. kimmycup1

    hand rearing and weighing newborn kittens

    Just wanted to update and add some new questions because I am once again in this situation. My kittens are 11 weeks old and are doing great, they're all over 3 lbs, unfortunately mom got pregnant right away and just had her babies a day and a half ago. She was doing great, but they were attacked...