Recent Content by Jem

  1. Jem

    Need help finding right concealer/foundation

    We don't have Target in Canada, but I'll look into "IT" and see if other stores carry it. Edit: Did a quick search and I can get it in Canada...:thumbsup:
  2. Jem

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    I don't get my hair cut. My hair is very curly and I had not been able to fine anyone who knew how to cut curly hair without butchering it, so I gave up and just started trimming my own. I actually would like to find someone who knows how to shape curly hair as I'm at a point that it needs...
  3. Jem

    Need help finding right concealer/foundation

    I've reached that point in my life where unfortunately my skin is not as "youthful" as it used to be... I have expression lines (forehead and between eyebrows)...I've had them for a while because apparently my grandmother was right that if I didn't relax my face it would stay that way. :lol...
  4. Jem

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 20, 2024

    My meatloaf is seasoned with garlic, onions and whatever spice I'm in the mood for with some BBQ sauce, again, whatever BBQ sauce is the one that's open in the fridge. Ketchup is too sweet for me. I eat my steak with just some S&P, however if I'm in the mood to make it, I will eat it with a...
  5. Jem

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 18

    I always try to keep a balanced diet and include veggies and salad along with a starch/carb...but I gotta go with a starch. I absolutely love rice! Pasta and potatoes (depending on how they are prepared) are tied for second. I could seriously eat rice everyday....yum! Carbs are my friends...
  6. Jem

    I entered my first real pool tournament! expected, I did not win, but I did have fun. Good news, even though I was the lowest ranked person entered...I did NOT get last place!!!!!! Woot!.........I got second to last! :lol: :rolleyes2: But I consider that a win! My husband and I were also asked to help with the score...
  7. Jem

    I entered my first real pool tournament!

    I entered my first "real" pool tournament. It's happening today, starting at 11am. Although I'm quite good a pool, I would still be considered an amateur. When asking the guy who organized it who else had entered, I'm the lowest ranked my expectations of winning are not exactly...
  8. Jem

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    We'll treat ourselves to McDonald's maybe 1-2 times a year. Although I would love to have some KFC sometimes, our local KFC just isn't the same since new owners took it's not very good anymore. Same with Dairy Queen and Pizza Hut, new owners and now it's filthy and kinda gross. Mary...
  9. Jem

    Spring allergies

    Ugh! My allergies are terrible this year. I'm just a snot machine at this point...and the post nasal drip makes it seem like I'm sick all the time due to my cough, so I'm constantly having to explain myself to people so they don't think I'm sharing germs. The pollen isn't too thick just yet...
  10. Jem

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 11

    Oh my!...So many! Big Bang, Friends, Buffy, Angel, Castle, Gray's Anatomy, Goldbergs, Young Sheldon, Good Doctor...and probably more.
  11. Jem

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 9, 2024

    Thank you! :)
  12. Jem

    Chips and?

    I don't like avocados so I'll go with salsa...however, just plain chips with salsa doesn't excite me either. The chips need to be in "nacho" form.
  13. Jem

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 9, 2024

    A locally owned (not franchised or chained) sports bar/restaurant type place. It's primarily Italian foods, as the owners are Italian and use their family recipes for several of their dishes, but it also has your standard pub food. They are known for their meatballs and pizza, but have a pretty...
  14. Jem

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 8, 2024

    As for blood relatives. It's a tie between my aunt and my cousin (mother/daughter). My aunt has severe mental health issues and is always in conflict with someone in the family. She is always stirring the pot and seems to thrive on confrontation. That doesn't sound too horrible, but how she...
  15. Jem

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 6, 2024

    I did some "date night" babysitting for one of my neighbors as well as after school babysitting for another neighbor starting when I was 13 or so, but my first real job was when I was 15-16 at a jewelry store. I kept that job until was 19 or so. At 17, I got a job to be a camp counselor for a...