Recent Content by Biomehanika

  1. Biomehanika

    Help! My cat is peeing outside her little box

    Hello, has she seen a vet for this? You will want to rule out any health issues before trying to find behavioural related solutions. She could have a UTI or crystals or something and is associating the litter box with pain related to that, causing her to avoid using it.
  2. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    After quite a few rompings in the main part of the home, he is currently sitting by the window relaxed and is taking in the view, first time he’s sat somewhere out here to just hang out and groom himself and has truly relaxed outside of his own room!! He usually just walks around trilling and...
  3. Biomehanika

    Has anyone had a kitty who only had a one-time urethral obstruction and never again after diet?

    Yes food change resolved it in my case and he never blocked again, but all cats are different so you need to keep a close eye on his litter box habits incase he shows signs of reblocking. 1ML sounds like a very small amount, it’s possible he is avoiding going much due to pain, or maybe you...
  4. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Loool good to know. I will continue to PONDER on Winston and others 🤣 I looked back at his old pictures last night and wow… Here he is his first day with me VS last night… what a difference a month makes. His Tom Cat cheeks that I absolutely adore are definitely shrinking, but he is still very...
  5. Biomehanika

    Has anyone had a kitty who only had a one-time urethral obstruction and never again after diet?

    Lashing out at the other cat while blocked is a normal reaction in that situation, sick cats/cats who are in pain often become aggressive. Once he gets the vet scent off him and has some more time to settle back in they should be fine. Did they give you any pain medication for him? A bit of...
  6. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    I’m not sure he is an Egg/Aegon either, actually, LOGICALLY, I’m sure he isn’t because if he was I would have liked it enough to just name him it by now lol. But yeah I’m totally lost on names. It took me 2-3 months or something to name Bitsy, that was 12.5 years ago and the last cat I named...
  7. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Haha. Egg is a nickname for Aegon (pronounced Egg-Ohn) — why Aegon/Egg?? Lol. Because I’ve always wanted a Game of Thrones themed name for a cat but it hasn’t happened yet, my next female cat is basically already pre-named with a Game Of Thrones female name lol. I went through my mental list of...
  8. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Ahahaha I’m so sorry but there’s no way he’ll be called Teddy 🤣 that’s my mom’s dog’s name looool, and then one of his doggo friends is named Bear and they’re like a little pair so I’m always hearing about “Teddy and Bear” so I can’t call him that either 😆 SO YA as for names, no, no progress...
  9. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    So um…. I wanted the boys to spend some more time together today and Bitsy’s poos have been back to normal for a few days and she seems a lot less perturbed by New Boy lately so I decided to just let him out with them instead of jailing her in his room again, and uh… so far so good? Bitsy...
  10. Biomehanika

    Has anyone had a kitty who only had a one-time urethral obstruction and never again after diet?

    Hello, yes, my boy Bentley blocked around 8 or 9 years old and spent three days in hospital getting unblocked/monitored. He was on RX urinary food for the rest of his life and never blocked again. He died at 16 of other causes. I gave him the occasional random brand wet food without issue, too...
  11. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Thank you, thank you. I won’t do a new thread in Health for now as I already know what the answers will be! 1) if you’re worried see a vet and 2) if there’s no other symptoms he’s probably fine/just getting over the URI and then maybe 3) my cats third eyelid showed like that always and he was...
  12. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Looool thank you @Kwik and sorry all that I’m such a spazz. Same thing as with the introductions. I know logically one thing but unless I have someone else confirming it I just doubt everything I think I know and get paranoid about my own judgement lol 😅
  13. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    (RANT INCOMING SORRY LOL) There is a closer vet, just 10 minutes away, but she is awful. Dirty old rundown clinic, rushed appointments (literally 5-10 minutes max), does not seem to care at all. She refused to do senior blood panels on my cats last year (????). Told me that’s not something they...
  14. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    She didn’t give me any advice 😅 Just said to “keep an eye on it” and to “bring him back in for a PCR if the sneezing/coughing fits were still happening in a week or so” — those stopped completely awhile back, eye boogers are basically a thing of the past now too, so it’s just the third eyelid...
  15. Biomehanika

    Meet my handsome new man

    Oop, here is a recent photo where they are very visible! They aren’t always this visible, usually depends on the angle, if he’s sleepy, ect, but in general they show a lot more than any of my other cats ever have. IDK it just concerns me because people always say third eye visible = sick and/or...