OMG, Lucy is gone!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
She was the kitten that came up to my husband in the pouring rain at his business. He thought she was a rat and didn't know why she was walking right up to him and his friend. I guess she was asking for help. We couldn't take another cat at the time, so my MIL took her in and gave her a good home.

My MIL is very sick and staying at my SIL's. My SIL went over to feed my MIL's cats today and found her. She was right in front of the door. She never goes in the dining room so I think she was trying to go outside to die. She was an indoor only cat, but I've heard it happens that way sometimes. My SIL called me hysterical. I am heartbroken. She had tried to get an appointment with a vet yesterday, but nobody could see her until Monday. I know this is rambling but I am just sick on my stomach and shocked.

I had a really cute picture of her when on TCS when she was a kitten, standing in a frozen dinner tray to eat. I can't figure out how to find it. We thought she was too young to eat "real" food, but she managed just fine. I wish I could find it; it's been posted on TCS in happier times.

I told my SIL I don't think she should tell my MIL. It will only upset her. She hardly ever goes back to her house and all but one of her cats hides now. What do you think?

I can't believe this. Everything is so bad right now. SIL sent me pictures of Lucy there in the floor and I didn't want to see that. I didn't need to see that.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
My sincere condolences and deepest regrets on the passing of Lucy. :hugs: Your DH saved this gentle kitten and his mother gave Lucy her forever home. She was a very lucky kitty. RIP sweet angel.:angel:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Lucy, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on so many hearts forever!

I'm going to agree with everyone thus far. Wait to tell your MIL. You do NOT want to cause her a setback, or add emotional stress to a physical illness. If possible, perhaps have Lucy cremated and get a pretty urn for her. Maybe a pawprint. They may be a comfort to MIL later on.

For now, EVERYONE in your family stepped up for Lucy, and gave her the best life that she could have had. She knew hearth, home and love from the moment she walked up to your husband, and she is now at Home in That Place Where All Things Are Known.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I am so sorry, nurseangel nurseangel , I pray your big heart heals in time........Preciosu Lucy died at home, surrounded by everything she loved. I pray you can find comfort in that. She had 12 years of love, family, and care, someone to love her was at the top of her list. You, your husband, and MIL gave her that, she is at peace.
Sometimes these things are beyond our control, you tried to get her to the vet, it just would not line up. Do not beat yourself up over this, you and your SIL did absolutely nothing wrong. I really believe if she was that bad, there was nothing to be done by scaring her at the vets.
Of course you are sick to your stomach, you loved that little girl too. She is fortunate to have so many love and care about her. To be remembered and loved after death is a great honor.
As you very well know on this forum, it takes a long time to heal a broken heart. There will be many unanswered questions, many should haves, could haves. Now you will have to decide at which point of getting better do you tell your MIL. A very hard decision. There will be no easy way to soften the blow. Although for us at times like these, everything stands still, the world goes on and takes us with it. My heart goes out to you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Try to keep in mind the good times with Lucy, not her end. Eventually the pain will soften and the good memories will come more often then the bad. You will be filled with gratitude for having her in your life, and her for you saving her life and giving her a chance at love. But that all takes time, one day at a time.........Please tell your MIL and SIL how sorry we all are here at this site, we all band together at these times and will send all of you thoughts and prayers for healing. Please accept my condolences on your loss, my heart breaks for what you are going through......RIP dear Lucy, you will always be remembered, you will always have a secure place in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Thank you all for your kind words. I don't blame my SIL, but wish she wouldn't have sent me those awful pictures. I guess she was shocked at the way she found her. It almost looked like her leg was broken, which I guess could have happened when she fell to the floor. DH is worried about Susie because they were best friends. She had to have seen her like that.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear this Angie. What an awful shock for you all.

It sounds as if Lucy died quite quickly, without having to suffer any long illness. Sometimes it just happens that way. At least she was at home with her best cat buddies around her.

Sending you hugs.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: