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  1. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    My computer and my yarn
  2. misty8723

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 30, 2024

    Boomer, but I think I share more characteristics with GenX, especially communication preferences. Telephone is a last resort for anything these days. i did notice this looks like it is geared toward U.K. I don't believe they were directly involved in the fighting.
  3. misty8723

    A vacation question

    That would be fun! I have not been to Niagara Falls (Canadian side) for a very, very long time. My husband is from Near Buffalo, NY and I'm from Western PA. When we started dating, we went up that way several times to visit family and cross over the Peace Bridge. They used to have a Village of...
  4. misty8723

    A vacation question

    I would go to Nova Scotia, Canada (where some of my Ancestors were from) and take my sister with me. Husband could stay home and take care of the cats.
  5. misty8723


    You are lucky if they do behave. My RB kitty Swanie is the one who was scratching the screen, so we decided to just not open the windows. Once we took them out to paint the house we just never put them back. I would love to be able to open a window or two, but my little P.I.T.A. Austin would be...
  6. misty8723

    Non cat related life advice

    Retired, and never had a clue what I wanted to do. I think a lot of people don't, they just sort of drift into something.
  7. misty8723

    Cicadas in the U.S. 2024

    I haven't seen them, just heard them back in the little wooded area behind our house. I have only seen dead ones (sad) Don't seem as loud as they were at first. When they first started, my neighbor said he could hear them over the noise of my lawnmower. I hadn't noticed until he pointed it out...
  8. misty8723


    I stopped having screens in our windows when my RB kitty Swanie was trying to scratch his way through. I would love to get something that is cat claw proof but I'm not handy to make something.
  9. misty8723

    Which house - 1980's Music Edition 🎡

    Probably #4 but I honestly haven't hear of a lot of these people. I think 1980s is when I was listening to country music.
  10. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 11

    Once Upon a Time (multiple times) Good Omens (multiple times) The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch Star Trek (original) Start Trek TNG Ghosts MASH Cheers Probably a lot more but I'm not sure if I've seen all of them.
  11. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Friday, 10 May, 2024

    New carpet and flooring. Someone to deliver home cooked meals for my husband (not gormet just plain food) A lawn care/gardner person A chauffeur
  12. misty8723

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    Not MacDonalds or Kentucky fried but I do eat Wendys more than I should. Always the same, plain burger (no cheese) and plain baked potato. Butter on the potato, take the roll off and eat the burger with a fork and knife. It's not great but it's fast and easy and I hate to cook. The only other...
  13. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    I prefer texts or email depending. I chat with my sister on Messanger or we do zoom calls or phone calls. If I'm looking to buy something (recently bought a Samsung Tablet) I like to get on a chat with a sales person. I've discovered they will often find more discounts for you than they show on...
  14. misty8723


  15. misty8723


    Strawberry Blackberry Red currant Growing up we had strawberries growing wild in the field next to our out and blackberry bushes along the side of the road. I used to walk home from school picking blackberries along the way. And we had a red currant bush in back by the creek. I miss those days...
  16. misty8723

    What's a phrase.....

    (When they follow me into the bathroom) Do I pester you when your going potty? No I do not!
  17. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 5th

    Just those people close to me. I've always had a hard time remembering my own anniversary, other than it's in August .
  18. misty8723

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 12th

    I did, but unfortunately I can't remember her name. I read her first two novels and really enjoyed them, so I emailed her and told her. I also expressed a wish that it would not be long before I could get the third and final in the series. She emailed me back, but I can't remember what she said...
  19. misty8723

    Wordle 2024

    Wordle 1,058 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟩🟨 🟩🟨⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 1,052 4/6 1,053 3/6 1,054 4/6 1,055 5/6 1,056 2/6 1,057 3/6 1,058 4/6 ------ 25 Connections Puzzle #336 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 πŸŸͺπŸŸͺπŸŸͺπŸŸͺ
  20. misty8723

    Wordle 2024

    Wordle 1,057 3/6 🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 1,052 4/6 1,053 3/6 1,054 4/6 1,055 5/6 1,056 2/6 1,057 3/6 ------ 21