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  1. T


    Our family rescued a kitten 2 weeks ago at a barn. It looked like it had been dumped, but was healthy and clean. We have a vet appointment next week for first kitten shots. However, 2 days ago she developed what I think is likely ringworm on her face. Is there anything we can do between now and...
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    6 week old kitten 1.85 lbs, capstar

    I rescued a 6-week-old kitten this week that had been dumped near a barn. She is in very good health, other than fleas. My state is having a massive flea outbreak due to rain, so bathing in Dawn dish soap isn't working well enough. I do have capstar that I keep on hand, but she is not yet the 2...
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    Feral cat with possible urinary blockage.

    I feed a 'porch cat' who is exhibiting signs of possible urinary blockage. He's been hanging around our house 3 years. 2 years ago I was able to live trap him and take him to get him neutered and get all of his shots. I estimate him to be about 4 to 5 years old. Since that time I put food and...
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    Help me troubleshoot -- cat has deeper voice

    We have a veterinarian appointment on Thursday morning, but I wanted to try to think of what could possibly be causing this issue. Heidi is 16 years old, long haired. Her only chronic health issue has been cystitis which we control with extra canned food mixed with water daily. She has never...
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    Clippers for cat grooming

    I have an elderly cat that is not grooming as much as she needs too. We have moved to daily brushing and monthly baths. This helped for a year, but now it isn't. She has very long fur and it getting hairballs and mats. She lets me vacuum her with an attachment, so I think I could clip her to a...
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    Cost of Euthanasia

    I have a 16 yo cat that will likely need to be put to sleep soon. I found out our vet charges $700. I called around and $500 to $800 is normal! Wow. I am shocked by this. Is this normal or is my area very expensive. For reference: 5 years ago one of my cats had to have a leg amputated and the...
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    Fleas! What is working for you now?

    The newest versions of Frontline and Advantage II have quit working. I am in TX and the fleas are back in force. I am considering a Seresto collar for the long haired cats and ordering Revolution (from the Australian site) for the short haired cats (5 total, 2 long, 3 short haired). Thoughts...
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    Fur loss

    My 7 yo cat has been losing hair for 9 months. I posted on this site a few weeks ago about him, he is currently recovering from Horner's syndrome (cause unknown). He's had two vet visits for his fur. At the first visit the veterinarian felt like his hair loss was alopecia, which was uncommon but...
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    Third eyelid showing, no scratch visible

    My 7 year old (one of 5 shelter cats of various ages) has had his third eyelid showing across half of his left eye since Tuesday of this week. He had a vet appointment for it yesterday since it wasn't getting better. The vet said no scratch was visible. He noted that the eye was not dialting...
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    Cat with clear mucus poop

    Today my cat began vomiting and passing clear mucus poop. A trip to the vet revealed a clear abdominal x-ray, no fever, no other signs of illness. Vet gave and antinausea shot and sent us home Science Diet Biome food. Kitty will not eat other than a few licks of the food (new or old). He has...
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    Cat Will Not Eat Following Injury/surgery

    My 2 year old cat injured his hind leg 8 days ago. We tried to save his leg through a variety of means, but ended up having to amputate yesterday. For the week that we tried to save Jet's leg, he got around well on three legs, but we struggled to get him to eat or drink. He lost over a pound...
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    Canned food-- besides Wellness-- to eliminate stinky poop

    Our new shelter kitty (8months) has the stinkiest poop.  He clears the house when he uses the litter box.  I have considered parasites and will get him re-checked, but for now am trying different foods.  Wellness chicken made a huge difference in the smell (but not the consistency, still runny)...
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    Best oral meds for ringworm

    We have one cat with ringworm (4 cats total).  Our vet prescribed Griseofulvin, but I quit after one dose as she was foaming at the mouth with it.  Any suggestions on an oral medication I can ask my vet to give us?
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    Keeping outdoor kitty in at night-- she's tearing down the house

    A few years ago we adopted a loving mostly oudoor kitty.  She is allowed in whenever she wants but generally prefers to be outside.  This has been fine as we made her a 'house' in the safety of the backyard.  Recently, she moved to the front yard and refuses to stay out back.  We have a small...
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    8 week old kitten with a stuffy snotty nose, but not sick

    Hi there-- I have a now 8 week old rescue kitten that I bottle fed beginning at 7 days old.  He is doing great, expect that every few days he gets a nose and sinuses full of snot and boogers. After wheezing and having trouble getting air through his nose for a day or two, he'll sneeze...
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    Kitten won't take bottle or syringe

    REMOVED VIDEO I've written about my kitten woes in a previous thread about aspiration, but I wanted to start a new thread and see if I can get some help.  My smallest, sick kitten is totally refusing to eat.  I can get about 1 cc down him drop by drop, but after that he refused to even...
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    Aspiration pneumonia in bottle baby-- lost cause?

    I have two approx. 8 day old kittens. The mama cat left them in a chicken coop where they were in danger of getting pecked severely.  She did not come back for them after they were moved near the coop, but no longer in the nest.   I've been bottle feeding them for 2 days.  The smallest has not...