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  1. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 28

    Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! 🌻 What's the most unexpected friendship you've formed in an unusual place? Two actually, both older gentlemen at the nursing home I used to work at - one a resident and the other a visitor. Very kind, interesting people!
  2. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 21

    Hello hello! Happy Tuesday! My Birthday is this Thursday 🎂 What was the first ever movie you remember watching in the theatre? 101 Dalmatians (1996) I would have been around 8 years old :)
  3. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 14

    *Late Edition* My apologies for my tardyness! Yesterday was a crazy day - for one, my BF was sent to the ER due to a workplace accident. He is OK thankfully and now back home, but has some fractures and will need surgery at some point. Now on to the Q: What meal from your childhood...
  4. cassiopea

    What's a phrase.....

    What's a phrase that would be weird to say to a human but not to your cat? "You got a little poopie stuck to your bum fur that I need to remove" "Your primordial sack is really hanging low there/Look at that jelly belly!" "There you go, sitting on my face again"
  5. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 7

    Greetings! Happy first Tuesday of May 🌸🌼🌷 As a kid, what did you wear to be "cool"? First comes to mind was platform shoes. They had a moment of being trendy/popular. Good times :lol: (*Whether I was actually cool is up for debate)
  6. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 30

    Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday 🌻 How do you hope people describe you? Smart, interesting, creative, knowledgeable, kind, elegant and appreciatively helpful.
  7. cassiopea

    You can only choose two....Spring smells!

    This is actually kind of hard! Cherry Blossoms Rose Garden Sliced lemons, after it rains and ripe strawberries were very close though!
  8. cassiopea

    Zodiac Signs as Spring Veggies

    Radish. NOOOOOO! Oh the humanity! I don't like radishes :lol:
  9. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 23

    Hello hello! Greetings on this fine Tuesday 🌻 What’s something only the rich could afford in the past that is now affordable by most? Books and spices! Originally very expensive and exclusive, now very accessible and plentiful :D
  10. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 16

    Greetings! Happy Tuesday! What is something most people think they want, until they get it? - To get older, as cliche as it is so many teens and younger adults want to be older but then switches quite quickly later on lol - A small business, especially a café/coffee shop, book store, art...
  11. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 9

    Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! You and your significant other suddenly woke up one morning having switched bodies with each other - What's the first thing you two do? (Feel free to be speak theoretically too if you are single of course) We would probably try and figure out how...
  12. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 2

    *LATE EDITION* My pardons for the delay! One of my kitties, Tintin, passed away suddenly yesterday due to illness :sniffle: Suffice to say it was a very difficult day. Happy first Tuesday of April! Your country's special forces show up and tell you "Your skills are needed to...
  13. cassiopea

    Your Easter Bunny Name

    Sunny von Bounce. Not bad!
  14. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 26

    Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! What is something you're a pro at but couldn't make a career in it? - I sew quite well and can make all sorts of things, especially historical gowns, but the types of wages that are offered around here aren't the best (And while you are initially treated...
  15. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 19

    Greetings! And happy first day of Spring for those of us above the equator 🌸🌺💐 People often talk about the Golden Era of this or that. In what Golden Era or Age are we in right now? - Youtube videos that have expanded onto other things in terms of content and quality; DYI, history, true...
  16. cassiopea

    Beware the Ides of March!

    Happy Ides of March everyone! :thumbsup: Hope you are all behaving out there!
  17. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 12

    Hello to all! Happy Tuesday! What is a "rich person thing" you would be totally into or doing if you became rich? Housekeeping, garden/landscaping maintenance, scheduling appointments, cooking food etc all the daily chore stuff that could take off some of the mental load :lol:
  18. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 5

    Greetings! Happy first Tuesday of March! The last thing you did has now become illegal. What are you getting arrested for? I just went to the bathroom. Uh oh :lol:
  19. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, February 27

    Greetings everyone! :hearthrob: What's known to exist only because it was caught on camera? - Last year, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope accidently caught an image of a moving or runaway Black Hole in space that is creating a trail of stars. - Some animals that were thought to be...
  20. cassiopea

    St Patrick's Day Celebration According to Zodiac

    Looking for four leafed clovers. I admit I did that as a kid, but nowadays I would love to visit a museum, go to Ireland again or take an Irish step dance class :D