Search Results

  1. betsygee

    Big kitty!

    Got a good picture of this beautiful bobcat on the critter cam last night. We’ve seen them around lots of times over the years but never this close to the house, on the stairs, until the past couple of weeks. My neighbor and I were speculating that maybe that’s why we haven’t seen the usual...
  2. betsygee

    Catio kitties

    We finally got some sun after several days of fog and gloom. Kitties are loving being outside. 😎
  3. betsygee

    Wiley Coyote!

    We’ve seen bobcats around here over the years and even a fox once, but this is the first time I’ve seen a coyote this close to the house. Neat to watch, he was probably after gophers.
  4. betsygee

    Springtime visitor

    We've seen deer coming through our yard for years but I don't think I've ever had one come right up to the door before!
  5. betsygee

    U.S. Daylight Savings Time

    Don't forget, we 'spring forward' tonight.
  6. betsygee

    Don't do it!

    Ozzy...don't do it. He got his paws up on the beam and was thinking of jumping onto the loom when I grabbed him. :lol:
  7. betsygee

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year from Ozzy and Mowie! :party3: Okay, well--I know they would send that wish if they were awake. :lol: Wishing everyone a happy 2024 filled with happy, healthy kitties! :clapcat: :dancingblackcat: :lovecat:
  8. betsygee

    What's Your Pet's Elf Name?

    Mowie's is not that remarkable: Snowflake Wonderfulest but I love Ozzy's: Santa's Little Gigglygoo :lol:
  9. betsygee

    Happy Cat Nights Eve!

    A fun cat legend: 'Irish legend stated that a witch could change to a cat and back again eight times, but on the ninth, she was forever trapped in the cat form - and the yowling of the cat was the witch lamenting her fate. According to the legend, caterwauling is particularly prominent on...
  10. betsygee

    Happy International Cat Day

    How did your cats celebrate their big day? Ozzy and Mowie had a busy day of it—first a bath to get ready. Then deciding what to do: They decided on some bird watching: And then of course needed a nap after all that exertion! Happy International Cat Day to all our sweet fur-kids...
  11. betsygee

    Introducing Mowie!

    I've posted many times over the years about our 3 Amigos--Rico, Ozzy, and Zoe, all adopted from the SPCA about 13 years ago. Sadly, we've lost both Rico (on the left in this photo) and Zoe, on the right. Our last amigo is Ozzy, 13 years old now. He's been an only child since last December when...
  12. betsygee

    TCS anniversary!

    Ten years ago today I joined TCS. :jive: At the time, we had three cats and had just taken in four more from a friend who'd died. I was a tad overwhelmed and looking online for how to integrate four kitties into our household when I came across TCS. Ten years later, we're down to one kitty as...
  13. betsygee

    Good-bye, Zoe

    We had to say good-bye to our sweet girl Zoe yesterday. She'd had lymphoma for some time. She held her own for awhile but lately was losing ground. She was losing weight, not wanting to eat, and yesterday she was dragging her back leg behind her. The poor girl had no energy left and it was time...
  14. betsygee

    'Tasty Human' treats!

    Hmm, I'm not sure it's a good thing that the cats like the Halloween 'Tasty Human' treats as much as they do. We may start shutting them out of the bedroom, wouldn't want them to get any ideas while we're sleeping. :lol:
  15. betsygee

    You can adopt 2 cats for only $285k and their house comes free

    Tempting. For $285k, you get a house and two sweet cat roommates!
  16. betsygee

    Third time's the charm!

    Ow--getting a crick in his neck with his head to the right. Let's try to the left--nope, ear is squished in the blinds. Ah, there we go. Third time's the charm. :sleepycat:
  17. betsygee

    Take Your Cat to Work Day

    June 20 is Take Your Cat to Work Day. Hmm, somehow that doesn't sound like the greatest plan. :lol: Anybody here ever tried it?
  18. betsygee

    Let me in!

    Ozzy is quite perturbed that Zoe is getting an extra snack in the other room and he isn’t invited!
  19. betsygee

    My cats’ portraits!

    Our local SPCA ran a two day ‘flash’ fundraiser last week. For a small donation, one of their volunteers would draw your pet’s portrait. They warned that their volunteers had all different levels of drawing skills—you might get a stick cat drawing by a 6-year-old, or a really nice drawing by...
  20. betsygee

    National Black Cat Day Oct. 27

    Happy National Black Cat Day from Zoe and Ozzy! 🖤 🖤 Show us your black beauties.