Search Results

  1. blackstarnoemi

    Help! My cat is peeing outside her little box

    When we first got her, everything was normal. She is peeing in her actual litter boxes. I only have 1 cat and she has 2 litter box. I always make sure that I clean her boxes day and night. But then, this year, she started peeing outside her litter box, even tho her litter boxes are clean. I...
  2. blackstarnoemi

    Why did my cat put her whole face in mine while I was sleeping?

    So last night, I was sick. I set an alarm for me to take my medication. And while I was sleeping I didn't noticed my alarm is already ringing, not until my cat shove her dumb little face on mine and keeps on meowing. I felt her whiskers on my nose, and lips. That's how I woke up. She did this...
  3. blackstarnoemi

    Lady Tamayo

    This is my cat Lady Tamayo ~ I call her Mayu. She is a pure persian! She's also turning 1 this May 15. She weighs 3.5kg 🫣 Say Hi to my Mayuu~
  4. blackstarnoemi

    Tips & Advice!

    Hello! My Cat is 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant right now. I just want to ask a few tips & advice from my fellow breeders right here 👋🏻 I give her royal canin kitten wetfood & royal canin mother & baby cat kibbles. I also sprinkle moringa powder on top of her food as a supplement.
  5. blackstarnoemi

    Is my cat pregnant?

    My exotic long hair cat mated on April 9, 2024, with an exotic long hair male too (they are both papered). My cat stayed there for 3 days and they are mating non-stop. My only concern is that when we went home (April 11-12), my cat is still heat. Does it mean that the stud wasn't successful...