Search Results

  1. M

    How to help my cat after enema?

    Hey everyone! So a bit of backstory. My cat is 5 years old and has problems with constipation. We are trying to adjust her diet, but for now it hasn't exactly been effective. She usually goes at least every two days. So yesterday I have noticed that she hasn't pooped for over 80 hours. She was...
  2. M

    Need help on getting my cat used to grooming

    Hi everyone! So almost two months ago I adopted a five year old cat Jojoba from the shelter. When we went to a vet for a checkup, we found out that her ears are VERY dirty (thankfully, no mites). She also has a tiny bit dental plaque. I was advised to clean her ears and brush her teeth...
  3. M

    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    Hello everyone! Sorry for my english in advance, it's not my native language. So 5 weeks ago I got a cat from a shelter. She is 5 years old and her name is Jojoba. Volonteers at the shelter told me that she had some problems with food. She would eat very little or sometimes would refuse to eat...