Search Results

  1. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 30, 2024

    What generation were you born in? Does some of the information in this infographic fall in line with your generation? I am a Millennial (Gen-Y) born in 1986. I think for the Aspiration and Attitude toward Career categories that is mostly true. I'm a hard worker and will go out of my way to...
  2. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 16, 2024

    Do you have a favorite meme? Please share it if you want! My favorite meme for a long time is the one below. It cracks me up every time I see it.
  3. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 9, 2024

    What was the last sit-down restaurant you at it? Who did you go with? I think the last one I went to was Perkins with my friend, Bekah. We always have "friend dates" where we go to the Dollar Tree and then out to dinner. Friendship as adults is kind of hilariously lame, but I do enjoy going...
  4. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 2, 2024

    What has been your rose, bud and thorn this week? Rose = Good thing that happened, Bud = Something you're excited about, Thorn = Something not good that happened My rose is that my blood work from my fertility appointment doesn't look too concerning leading to my thorn being the one blood work...
  5. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday April 18, 2024

    What three inanimate objects can you not live without? As much as I wish it wasn't the case, I need my laptop or a computer. I also don't think I could live without air conditioning or a bed.
  6. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday April 11, 2024

    Today is my late great, great grandma's birthday. She died 20 years ago at the age of 106 when I was 18 and I remember realizing that my great, great grandma was my grandma's grandma, so that leads to today's question: Did you know any of your great or great, great grandparents? Do you have any...
  7. MonaLyssa33

    The Place to be on Weekdays

    I moved stuff around in my office/dining room which included putting the dog bed closer to my desk and the deck door. The dog bed thus became the most hopping place to be when I'm working. All pictures were taken Thursday afternoon, so there was a lot of turn around. :lol: Flora and Poppy...
  8. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday April 4, 2024

    A video about this ice breaker question came across my Facebook feed this morning, so I thought I'd ask it here. What is the one crime you would commit if you were guaranteed to get away with it? I would financially destroy Amazon and Jeff Bezos and then appropriately compensate the current...
  9. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday March 28, 2024

    What one thing do you wish were cheaper? I know, there's SOOO many things that should be cheaper, so only naming one is hard. I'd say a car though. Since I'm hoping to have a baby next year, I want to upgrade from a sedan to an SUV but all cars are just so expensive!
  10. MonaLyssa33

    Cat keeps biting dog

    I have three cats and two dogs and there's never really been an issue with them tolerating/getting along with the each other. Maisie is always trying to rub up against the dogs which only confuses the hell out of them. Remy's relationship with the dogs is...confusing because it seems like he...
  11. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday March 21, 2024

    There are a lot of funny and random holidays for every day of the year. My birthday for example is appropriately National Hug Your Cat day. If you could make up your own funny and/or random holiday, what would it be called and what day would you choose? I'd probably do one for my birthday...
  12. MonaLyssa33

    Moving cat boxes?

    I have four litter boxes for my three cats. Two are upstairs in my craft room/guest room and two are in the basement laundry room. I want to move all of the litter boxes to the basement so the guest room can be used like an actual bedroom without it smelling like a cat box. Do you think this...
  13. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday March 14, 2024

    I was throwing the ball for my dog yesterday when I noticed a cardinal tapping it's beak against the window of my garage and it made me think of today's question. A lot of people see an animal that hangs around a lot as a sign from a dead loved one letting them know they are okay. Cardinals are...
  14. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday March 7, 2024

    What are some charitable causes that mean a lot to you? Because I work in homelessness prevention, affordable housing and helping people find stable housing and get out of poverty is one cause that's important to me. Other ones include mental health, disability rights, LGBTQ+ rights, human...
  15. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday February 29, 2024

    What is something you know you should do more often but don't? Since I work from home and don't drive that often, I only get my oil changed like every 15 months. I know I should probably be doing it sooner, but I really only go when I start getting alerts on my dashboard. I also don't change...
  16. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday February 22, 2024

    What was the last picture you took? Share if you want to. The last picture I took was of a ceramic box that I made last week. It has rainbows on it, so I jokingly called it Pandora's Gay Agenda.
  17. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday February 15, 2024

    What do you think is the most important phrase or sentence to know when you go to a country where you don't speak the language? I had this thought the other day about what I would say if I went to Norway (the top place I want to go) and needed to communicate with residents. For me, I think the...
  18. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - February 8, 2024

    Who is someone you look up to? I look up to my younger sister. She is the type of mother I hope I will be one day. We've also gone through a lot with our mom lately, so I just appreciate that she's someone I can rely on and trust.
  19. MonaLyssa33

    Question of the Day - Thursday February 1, 2024

    Do you have a life motto? If so, what is it and why? If not, is there a motto-like quote that you really like? My life motto is Stand Up, Keep Fighting. I have it tattooed on my arm. It's attributed to Paul Wellstone (Minnesota senator who died in a plane crash). It's my motto because it...
  20. MonaLyssa33

    Super Late Question of the Day - Thursday January 25, 2024

    Just a quick name game generator one today. Hopefully it's readable. I am Colonel Josephine Wraithwaddle