Recent Content by susanm9006

  1. susanm9006

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    They seem happy, they go in willingly, they are comfortable and you are comfortable. Seems like it works great for you all.
  2. susanm9006

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    Morning coffee. I am diabetic and coffee makes my blood sugar go crazy but just can’t give it up.
  3. susanm9006

    What is your dream cat?

    I have always admired Abbysinians. So athletic and sleek.
  4. susanm9006

    Not Covering His Poopers

    I have a 50/50. She pees in one box and doesn’t cover it but poops in the other and buries it as deep as she can. You can try covering it yourself and not cleaning the box for a couple days to see if they get the idea.
  5. susanm9006

    Featured Indoor/outdoor cat frantic for food

    Could you build him an outdoor shelter, like a the straw filled tote so he has a place to get out of the weather without inviting him. Then feed him only if he has been living there for more than 24 hours? This way he does have some incentive to go home but you can still meet his basic needs...
  6. susanm9006

    Bellatrix LeGray (17) joined her brother at the rainbow bridge on Wednesday

    It is so hard to lose them. I am so sorry.
  7. susanm9006

    Question of the Day - Thursday May 30, 2024

    Baby boomer but share about half my characteristics with Gen X.
  8. susanm9006

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    I think the two of us have the same hairstyle, the same dislike for hair creeping down our neck and the current challenge of growing out layers!
  9. susanm9006

    The 2024 Gardening Thread

    The resilience of nature. I have an old 100 foot long cottoneaster hedge at the back end of my property that is usually 5-7 feet tall. But the winter of 2023 was so horrible that squirrels and rabbits nibbled on it and stripped branches bare of bark in places to the point where big sections...
  10. susanm9006

    Name Three Things - 2024

    Mowed and weed wacked while there is a break In the rain. Picked up the paint for the repaired sections of the shed so I can paint whenever the wood has been able to dry out.
  11. susanm9006

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    What? Do you think the rental office has been storing it? Or the tenant that got it?
  12. susanm9006

    My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    Has your girl been spayed?
  13. susanm9006

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    Usually about two months but I have been trying to grow out my front layers for the last year so I can tuck all my hair behind my ears, and every time they “just trim the ends” I end up with them considerably shorter. So for the last six months I have been cutting my own hair. Once it is all...
  14. susanm9006

    Female cat not using litter box after fav human return home from a month away

    Do you have a room you can put her and her litter boxes in? Just to give her time to de-stress and start using her box again.
  15. susanm9006

    Name Three Things - 2024

    Didnt get around to making the roast today, so tomorrow. Problem for me is that since I think everything with alcohol in it taste horrible, I can’t tell good from bad, but will remember to check for this brand the next time.