Zorbium sucks


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2015
For those who haven't encountered this drug yet, it is a transdermal (topical) form of buprenorphine which is a synthetic opioid pain medication. Zorbium was FDA approved in 2022 and is commonly used after dental surgeries. It supposedly works for up to 4 days. Vets love it because they don't have to deal with state required paperwork when prescribing the oral form and they know that there's 100% compliance because they apply it for you.

What they don't tell you is that the side effects SUCK and are different than the oral form of buprenorphine.

Both of my cats have now had Zorbium. They have had the oral form of buprenorphine in the past with no noticeable side effects (maybe some mild sleepiness?) but this transdermal version is weird.

With Contessa, she refused to eat which is very unlike her. She loves food more than life itself and I was beside myself worried that she was going to get hepatic lipidosis. She didn't start eating until about 3 days after she got her Zorbium. I also think that the drug wore off early but because it "lasts 4 days," the vet would not allow me to give her any oral buprenorphine until day 5 so my cat was in unnecessary pain.

With Juliet, she is walking around with her tail held low, walks a few steps and then lays down on her side, looks around all confused, and also is refusing to eat. She had surgery on the morning of 8/22 so we're about 48 hours out from that but our vet had us fast her from 10pm on 8/21 so she is about 60 hours with no food at this point. We brought her to the vet yesterday and they gave her fluids and a transdermal appetite stimulant and she still won't eat. She also has NOT slept at all since she got home unless she has only slept while I sleep which seems unlikely. She seems like she's on guard at all times.

I will NEVER allow my cats to get this drug again. I didn't even realize my vet had started using it until Juliet got it on Tuesday. The dose that Contessa got was given at a different clinic. I will be calling Monday morning to tell them to put NO ZORBIUM in both of their files. I'm also considering filing a complaint with the FDA because this is clearly a dangerous drug if it causes cats to not eat for days on end. If vets are going to use it, they need to warn clients and maybe even put in a feeding tube while they already have the cat under anesthesia.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. There are other members on this site who have reported adverse effects from Zorbium, although the reactions they have mentioned have been varied. I would suggest you do file a report with the FDA.
Contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems.

You also need to tell the vet that it doesn't appear as if the appetite stimulant is working and tell them you need more help in getting her to eat.

If you haven't tried some of these options to see if you can get her to eat, please do so now.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2015
Hi. There are other members on this site who have reported adverse effects from Zorbium, although the reactions they have mentioned have been varied. I would suggest you do file a report with the FDA.
Contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems.

You also need to tell the vet that it doesn't appear as if the appetite stimulant is working and tell them you need more help in getting her to eat.
Thanks. Unfortunately the vet is closed until Monday. I'm going to pick up a bunch more foods to try. I mostly had pate style foods on hand. I'm going to get some gravy-heavy foods. I'm hoping I can at least get her to lick up some gravy. It's not great but better than zero calories. If she doesn't eat anything today I'll probably bring her to the emergency vet tonight when they open to see if there's more that can be done.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I edited my post to include a TCS article about various things to try to get her to eat, so I doubt you saw it. I'll just repost it.
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again - TheCatSite

Also, baby food meat (Gerber Stage 2 or Beechnut Stage 1). Try every lickable treat you can find too. None of these are complete cat foods, but they could just jump start her into eating again.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
To echo FeebysOwner FeebysOwner - If it helps you may want to try pure meat baby food in broth, i.e.. absolutely no seasonings like this one. Beech-Nut Chicken & Chicken Broth Stage 1 Baby Food
It was one of the few things our cat would eat when he was in end stage kidney disease or had a pancreatitis flare-up. Another trick you can try is some tuna and/or tuna broth on top of their food.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2015
Thanks! I did just get her to eat some meat treats (Fancy Feast that come in the little pouches). She ate 2 of them but only if I fed them to her by hand lol. Still, progress is progress. Hopefully just remembering that food tastes good will get her to try more stuff later.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 3, 2015
She finally started eating! I think the treats were the catalyst. She ate some moistened dry food about 2 hours later and then ate more moistened dry food throughout the evening. She even went to the food of her own volition when I previously had to carry her to her food bowl to get her to eat. She's probably eaten 1/3-1/2 of her normal food today which is much, much better than none.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
It is a stupid drug. I thought simbadol was bad, this is so much worse. Regular Buprenex, oral or injectable is great. These other types are ridiculous as far as I am concerned. Just trying to take away the paperwork from the vets because it is a pain to do the required paperwork for dispensing controlled drugs.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 7, 2019
When Twyla got Zorbium after a dental she ate OK, though smaller amounts than usual (understandable since she had an extraction), but she barely slept for three days and was like a drunk on a bender. It was a relief when it wore off, for sure.

I don’t know why your cats were given Zorbium, but if it was post dental or other surgery, those events and other medications (such as antibiotics) that may have been given could also contribute to the lack of appetite. Glad she is eating better!


TCS Member
Dec 13, 2024
Our vet gave our small (4 pound) 17 year old Persian Zorbium last week because of ongoing arthritis pain in her lower spine. Honestly, I think it could have killed her. She was completely stoned for two full days. She wouldn't eat, drink or sleep and was having hallucinations. She normally likes to be held but we could barely touch her. I know she was hallucinating because she would jump up quickly as if something touched her paws or there was a bug under her. Then she would bat at the floor - nothing was there but she thought there was. She was completely terrified for two days.
This cat has ongoing medical issues and it's a miracle that she survived not eating, drinking or sleeping for two full days. She is consistently underweight and we already had to encourage her to drink water and eat wet food to keep her hydrated. Given her existing medical issues, the trauma caused by this drug could have killed her.
I called the vet multiple times and was told that these side effects were common.
She slowly improved as the drug wore off. She finally ate and drank a little on day #3 and improved each day. We are now in Day #8 and she is 90% improved. She is still a little weird but it almost back to being herself.
I think this drug is VERY dangerous and will never allow it's use in any of our cats.


TCS Member
Jan 23, 2025
My 7month old kitten Pinky just got spayed and they offered Zorbium(topical). I feel so guilty for having said yes. We are barely in day 1 . I knew a couple of hours in it something was off cause she wasn’t sleepy. It’s now 1:30 am and she has been sitting with eyes open. Thank you to everyone for all the tips. Dark room and cat calming sounds have been helping. I don’t know how I will mentally endure the next 3 days. She is eating very well and I’m trying to keep her hydrated. Broth in wet foods. I’m so scared.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
You don’t have to worry about adding broth to her food if she eats a canned diet. It will most likely wear off sooner than 3 days.