There`s been a new cat in the neighbourhood recently so I`ve had my trail camera out to try and get a better look at him. I thought it might be fun to start a thread of all the other critters that live in the woods.
Please ignore the date and time on the videos. I had it out for a few weeks before I realized I hadn`t reset it. Everything here was recorded over the past month.
First animals to come out every evening are the tanukis, also known as Asian raccoon dogs.
They`re really cute little guys. They are related to dogs, even though they hibernate and live in burrows. I`ve also heard that they form monogamous pairs and mate for life.
Please ignore the date and time on the videos. I had it out for a few weeks before I realized I hadn`t reset it. Everything here was recorded over the past month.
First animals to come out every evening are the tanukis, also known as Asian raccoon dogs.
They`re really cute little guys. They are related to dogs, even though they hibernate and live in burrows. I`ve also heard that they form monogamous pairs and mate for life.