A friend once told me “ Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”
110% absolutely, yes! XOTreat everyone with kindness, because you never know when your kindness could save someone’s life
Perfect practice makes perfect; imperfect practice just tires you out.Practice makes perfect, or at least it helps!
Wise advice- everything can wait and life will go on until you arrive at your destination- it will also wait if you NEVER arrive and life will still go on ( without you in it or worse yet,someone else)When driving, don't play with your smartwatch, your cell phone or anything else. Distractions can leave you having a very bad day.
Exactly If you are in a bad place remember this too will pass. Sometimes all you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other, do the best you can and get through it.Everything passes. The unbearably painful and the incredibly lovely. You take it in, you breath thru it and you move on.
You're not alone.... I think about it alot,wrote out instructions and who to call in my will but it still doesn't comfort me( who knows?)I always think about what will happen to my cats and my younger dog if something happens to me
No and age does not matter anything can happen at any time. I think I annoy some people with this but I always look around me and think 'It could be worse' . It is how I keep going. I don't think feeling bad for myself would help me it would just put me in a space to give up.You're not alone.... I think about it alot,wrote out instructions and who to call in my will but it still doesn't comfort me( who knows?)
I've no words of Wisdom for what you FEEL but do try to have some kind of arrangements in place becsuse no one is guaranteed tomorrow![]()
I wouldn't have it any other way- I like to think of all the things I do not have- like a seeing eye dog ,a wheelchair ,an oxygen tank and a host of other - including a casket!So as long as I'm above ground things are well!No and age does not matter anything can happen at any time. I think I annoy some people with this but I always look around me and think 'It could be worse' . It is how I keep going. I don't think feeling bad for myself would help me it would just put me in a space to give up.