Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
19 days post-chemo:

No news but good news. I've spoken to a couple of you offline about his vomiting pattern, which occurs, then goes away, then recurs sometimes. He hasn't been vomiting recently. But I am going to make a more extensive public post, dedicated to that issue, that describes his history (which started way before cancer) until now. Just in case anyone can offer any advice.

Today, he's currently at his sunning window for the ~3-hour sunshine period (if that... it dwindles by the day), just lounging and grooming.

Edit: Can anyone explain why cats always close their eyes while grooming? Is it simple eye protection (from hairs flying off)?
I think actually that they do it to create conversation topics for their hoomans.:flail:
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  • #382


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I think actually that they do it to create conversation topics for their hoomans.:flail:
I did some cursory searching, and found this article. It's not something that comes out of a scientific study, but it was written by an "experienced feline researcher" (who may or may not be an expert; I have no way of knowing... but she sounds insightful).

Why Do Cats Close Their Eyes When They Eat?

Grooming is also mentioned in the article. I often see similar nuances between eating and grooming, one of which is closed-eyes.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I did some cursory searching, and found this article. It's not something that comes out of a scientific study, but it was written by an "experienced feline researcher" (who may or may not be an expert; I have no way of knowing... but she sounds insightful).


Grooming is also mentioned in the article. I often see similar nuances between eating and grooming, one of which is closed eyes.
Good article, as is the one on the topic of furballs (or "hairballs"). Another reason is undoubtedly that, since cats' whiskers are below their eyes and very sensitive, the muscles used for both are related. So they'd close their eyes to protect their whiskers.
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  • #384


TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
Good article
I especially found the bit about big cats interesting. That when big cats are eating in the wild, they are in environments with constant flies buzzing around, larger quantities of blood from larger prey, and more environmental dirt/debris due to their geographic range. Eye protection very likely evolved from that.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
19 days post-chemo:

No news but good news. I've spoken to a couple of you offline about his vomiting pattern, which occurs, then goes away, then recurs sometimes. He hasn't been vomiting recently. But I am going to make a more extensive public post, dedicated to that issue, that describes his history (which started way before cancer) until now. Just in case anyone can offer any advice.

Today, he's currently at his sunning window for the ~3-hour sunshine period (if that... it dwindles by the day), just lounging and grooming.

Edit: Can anyone explain why cats always close their eyes while grooming? Is it simple eye protection (from hairs flying off)?
I always thought the closing their eyes was a signal of pure relaxation and bliss. But the eating thing could be that or anything else that was mentioned. I wish they could talk!
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  • #386


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I love his crossed arms, don't you? Very regal.
For all you crossed-arm fans.

He's actually messed up the shape of that cat bed because he always sticks his arms out like that while sleeping in it.



TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
For all you crossed-arm fans.

He's actually messed up the shape of that cat bed because he always sticks his arms out like that while sleeping in it.
I've said it once and I'll say it again...his overall "look" in his eyes, expression, etc has improved SO much since the photo you took on Halloween. He looks so much brighter and healthier.
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  • #391


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I've said it once and I'll say it again...his overall "look" in his eyes, expression, etc has improved SO much since the photo you took on Halloween. He looks so much brighter and healthier.
And thats great because I was in a dark place that day, I had convinced myself chemo wasn't working, etc. That's part of why that is the only photo I have representative of how he looked at that point. I just didn't want to take more photos of him that way.

In general, like I said before, he's mostly acting like his old self. But appetite is still spotty, although he doesn't appear to be losing weight. I will make more detailed posts on this (plus the chronic vomiting issue that is not going on now, but has gone on in the past and could resurface again, according to historical patterns).

When your cat has cancer, and is being treated, whenever he/she acts like their old content self, I can't describe how much of a relief that is.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
And thats great because I was in a dark place that day, I had convinced myself chemo wasn't working, etc. That's part of why that is the only photo I have representative of how he looked at that point. I just didn't want to take more photos of him that way.

In general, like I said before, he's mostly acting like his old self. But appetite is still spotty, although he doesn't appear to be losing weight. I will make more detailed posts on this (plus the chronic vomiting issue that is not going on now, but has gone on in the past and could resurface again, according to historical patterns).

When your cat has cancer, and is being treated, whenever he/she acts like their old content self, I can't describe how much of a relief that is.
Many of my customers knew about Tag (I had to re-schedule SO many appointments to get him to HIS appointments, and everyone was incredibly supportive.) The saying was, "When Tag's having a good day, *I* am having a good day, and when he's having a bad day, *I* am having a bad day." Even the tiniest little drop in energy or appetite can make your stomach hit your knees, but then they do something incredibly silly (like the day Willy scaled the tree out of the blue) and it's almost like, for a single instant, all your stress and worry lifts. I totally understand that feeling.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
For all you crossed-arm fans.

He's actually messed up the shape of that cat bed because he always sticks his arms out like that while sleeping in it.
Love Willy boy- I think these are my favorite photos so far

He sure doesn't look 10- hugs & kisses to my little adorable pal from his Auntie❤
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  • #394


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
He sure doesn't look 10
He's actually 11. I have been stating his age correctly in this thread, but in some other threads on the forum I started before this, I may have said he was younger.

One of the things his more recent vet care uncovered (simply by my having to answer questions and think about his history more) was that he was about a year older than I previously thought. I was talking to my mom about his history, as she and I took him in together in the beginning, and she corrected my memory about what year it was.

I'm past it now, but when I realized I basically had "lost" another whole year with him by just having to adjust my expectations, it was depressing.

On an unrelated note, I figured out today that if I add another bowl of water right by his bed, he takes a lot more drinks throughout the day.
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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
He's actually 11. I have been stating his age correctly in this thread, but in some other threads on the forum I started before this, I may have said he was younger.

One of the things his more recent vet care uncovered (simply by my having to answer questions and think about his history more) was that he was about a year older than I previously thought. I was talking to my mom about his history, as she and I took him in together in the beginning, and she corrected my memory about what year it was.

I'm past it now, but when I realized I basically had "lost" another whole year with him by just having to adjust my expectations, it was depressing.

On an unrelated note, I figured out today that if I add another bowl of water right by his bed, he takes a lot more drinks throughout the day.
I can't even keep track of my own years or how old my son is let alone my 5 furbabies- good thing for record keeping


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
He might like a fountain too. Kabuto loves his ceramic "raindrop" fountain. When I wash it I do put down a bowl for him but he just sticks his paw in it and flicks the water like its lava.

He stares at the noisy water box (dishwasher) until it spits out his fountain.

Its so funny, I almost worry what would happen if the power was out for a day (it has happened before)
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  • #397


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
He might like a fountain too.
Its so funny, I almost worry what would happen if the power was out for a day (it has happened before)
I've talked about this before, but Willy never drank out of a fountain any more than a bowl of water. I even bought another fountain after his emergency catheterization for a urinary blockage, when I was worried about his hydration. He mostly just stares at it. It is not currently hooked up.

I find them a pain to clean, and then for the reason you just stated about power going out, I would ALWAYS have a bowl of water out in addition to it, anyway. Especially now, I want to make sure he is drinking enough water every day. So if I'm going to have a bowl out anyway, why bother with a fountain that gets gunked up with minerals and is a pain to clean?

Plus I've noted that adding additional bowls of water around the apartment makes him far likelier to stop and take a drink when he passes one.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
The raindrop is probably the easiest to clean fountain on the market all parts except the pump just get thrown in the dishwasher

I run some vinegar through the pump in a bowl, rinse and that's it. Comes out looking brand new. Also gets the hard water marks off.

When I went looking for one I wanted one without little tunnels and corners where nasty stuff can fester. The fact the whole thing is dishwasher safe is awesome.

I had a drinkwell platinum maybe 10 years ago but it was noisy, and a major pain to clean. I ended up giving it away.
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  • #399


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
The raindrop is probably the easiest to clean fountain on the market all parts except the pump just get thrown in the dishwasher
If I had a dishwasher, my entire life would be easier. Old apartment building, no dishwashers.

I stay here because rent is extremely reasonable for an apartment with larger space than most new one-bedrooms anywhere in the area, and they've barely increased my rent at all over 7 years. If I wanted to move into any other newer apartment in the area, I'd be both downgrading my square footage, as well as literally doubling my rent or more (I've looked).

I'd kill for a dishwasher but my current situation is worth not having one. So that's why washing stuff like a fountain has been such a pain in the past.

Edit: There are tons of brand new residential buildings being built all the time in Milwaukee, and I can't understand who is moving into them all. Very high-priced condos and apartments. A studio apartment in one of the new buildings is like double the rent of my current one-bedroom, which has a separate dining room, high ceilings, much roomier.

Edit: End rant. LOL. I know I've professed wanting to stay mostly on-topic for the sake of keeping this thread from ballooning out of proportion, but hey, its my thread. Thanks again to everyone reading all my updates.
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Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
The raindrop is probably the easiest to clean fountain on the market all parts except the pump just get thrown in the dishwasher

I run some vinegar through the pump in a bowl, rinse and that's it. Comes out looking brand new. Also gets the hard water marks off.

When I went looking for one I wanted one without little tunnels and corners where nasty stuff can fester. The fact the whole thing is dishwasher safe is awesome.

I had a drinkwell platinum maybe 10 years ago but it was noisy, and a major pain to clean. I ended up giving it away.
Is the Raindrop noisy? I can't stand humming or motor type sounds myself,the only reason I have not gotten a fountain.....

I have 5 dispensers( gravity type) ,they look like the human kind only cat size scale,lol,I use spring water- better than filling bowls constanstly- I like the sound of yours,whaddya think?
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