Originally Posted by hillbillywoman View Post
AddieBee - Adrien (No nicknames that I care to share!)
Alison Joy - Alison Joy (Nicknames are Alison, Ali, or Ajay)
AmberTheBobcat -John
Arlyn - Arlyn
Babz - Babz (B for short)
badgeyirl-Edyth (but I only use Edy)
badninjakitties - Michelle: Shelley, Chelle (shell), and Mishie (Me-She)
BreellaBlue- Bonniejane, BonBon, BJ, BonBear, Bee, Bunny.
Bookworm- Jennie, Nanamouse, Nana, one that rhymes with Witch.
Calico2222- Hope (also answer to Faith and Charity )
Capt_Jordi - Jordan but I go by Jordi
carolinalima - Carolina
Cat.Ling - cat
catbehaviors - Eileen
Catlover19- Rena
CatNurse22- Kate (real name Kathryn...blech)
cheylink - Cheyenne (and Maia ofcourse!)
clpeters23 - Cathy (which is my given name, not Catherine, etc.)
CruiserMaiden - Mary
DarkMavis - erica (lots of people just call me e- so can you!)
DeeDeeMay - Diane (known as Dee or DeeDee)
Emy4cats - Emily but everyone calls me Em or Emy
GailC - Gail
GloriaJH - Gloria
Going Nova - Linda
Hillbillywoman - Candace, aka Candy, Mom, Mimi, Toots
jcat - Tricia
Jaffacake - Linny ( real name Linda )
JazzyTheCat - I go by Jackie or Jackz (Don't want to give away anything )
jezmondo69 - jeremy (only girls call me that its jez/mondo to my mates)
JuneBugBear07 - Karlena
Jupeycat - Gemma/Gem
kara_leigh - Kara
katiemae1277 - Katie, jut Katie, Mae is not really part of my name
KittenKrazy - Cynthia.....but please just call me Cindy, lol!
KittiesHasMe - Lyn
kittybernard - Jenna
KiTTYL0VE4 - Crystal (or Crys, or Crystizzle, and a nickname my uncle started, and only my cousins use, Cruptal LOL!)
Kittymommy96 - Kelly
kittywarden - Carla
kluchetta - Kim
kscatlady - Krysta
LDG - Laurie
lil maggie - cat
Lisa- Goose or Goosie
LovesMyCats - Jamie
Lynsey - Lynsey
Miagi's_Mommy - Krista
mismaris777 - Marissa (sometimes Missy, but mostly Marissa)
Misty8723 - Linda (Lin or Lind)
missymotus - Amanda
Mollysmom- Virginia
momofmany - Amy
morningrl - Tammy
mrblanche -- Mike Blanche (with my initials
mrsgreenjeens - Sally
Nanner -- Nancy, Nan, Nance....(call me anything, just don't call me late to supper.)
Nekomania - Beth (Short for Elizabeth, my brother calls me Bee or Beth-ann)
Nes - Vanessa
NorthernGlow - Mari
nurseangel - Angela (go by Angie)
oodlesofpoodles-Sara, nicknames are Sara-Lou (my middle name is Louise) and just Lou...please dont call me either LMAO!
Oscarsmommy - Courtney
Pipersjo-- Joann but usually I go by Jo
plainjane - Tiffany
proudmamiof4_Angela (everyone calls me Angi)
Punkygirl0101 - Melanie, most people call me Mel
Rachelh1018 - Rachel (friends call me Rach, Rach Rach, or Rachie)
Rianna- Rian (like Ryan, but I'm a girl )
Ruthyb-I am Ruth, I use the B as that is what my surname begins with, my dad and nana call me Ruthy.
Sandra - Sandra or Sandy
sillyitiliangrl - Danielle
Siobhan Irish for Joan but I prefer Siobhan
SkyeCat0117-Beverly (or Liz which is my middle name)
Snake_Lady - Chris (Christina)
StarryEyedTiGeR- Lydia Nichole (Nikki for short)
TabbyCalicoGurl-Nicole or Nikki
Tara & Rob - Tara
Tavia'smom-I go by my middle name Gail
TheTerribleDuo - Hunter ( yes I am a girl!)
threecatowner - Sally
tierre0 - Susan
TigerOnTheProwl - Justin (JR for short)
Trouts mom - Natalie
Tyclipper - Clair
Vampcow - Holly (Hol for short)
WellingtonCats - Samantha Ann (Sam for short)
Wesley's Mom- Lori (well Lorraine is my real name, but I only go by Lori!)
Whisky'sDad - Keith - (no nicknames, but go as shuckymomo around the 'net)
whiteforest - Kristen
Winchester - Pamela (Just call me Pam)
yayi - Maria
zoeysmom - Stacey
zohdee - Laurie
zorana_dragonky - Monica (occasionally called Nica or Mo or Momo by silly friends and family.
AddieBee - Adrien (No nicknames that I care to share!)
Alison Joy - Alison Joy (Nicknames are Alison, Ali, or Ajay)
AmberTheBobcat -John
Arlyn - Arlyn
Babz - Babz (B for short)
badgeyirl-Edyth (but I only use Edy)
badninjakitties - Michelle: Shelley, Chelle (shell), and Mishie (Me-She)
BreellaBlue- Bonniejane, BonBon, BJ, BonBear, Bee, Bunny.
Bookworm- Jennie, Nanamouse, Nana, one that rhymes with Witch.
Calico2222- Hope (also answer to Faith and Charity )
Capt_Jordi - Jordan but I go by Jordi
carolinalima - Carolina
Cat.Ling - cat
catbehaviors - Eileen
Catlover19- Rena
CatNurse22- Kate (real name Kathryn...blech)
cheylink - Cheyenne (and Maia ofcourse!)
clpeters23 - Cathy (which is my given name, not Catherine, etc.)
CruiserMaiden - Mary
DarkMavis - erica (lots of people just call me e- so can you!)
DeeDeeMay - Diane (known as Dee or DeeDee)
Emy4cats - Emily but everyone calls me Em or Emy
GailC - Gail
GloriaJH - Gloria
Going Nova - Linda
Hillbillywoman - Candace, aka Candy, Mom, Mimi, Toots
jcat - Tricia
Jaffacake - Linny ( real name Linda )
JazzyTheCat - I go by Jackie or Jackz (Don't want to give away anything )
jezmondo69 - jeremy (only girls call me that its jez/mondo to my mates)
JuneBugBear07 - Karlena
Jupeycat - Gemma/Gem
kara_leigh - Kara
katiemae1277 - Katie, jut Katie, Mae is not really part of my name
KittenKrazy - Cynthia.....but please just call me Cindy, lol!
KittiesHasMe - Lyn
kittybernard - Jenna
KiTTYL0VE4 - Crystal (or Crys, or Crystizzle, and a nickname my uncle started, and only my cousins use, Cruptal LOL!)
Kittymommy96 - Kelly
kittywarden - Carla
kluchetta - Kim
kscatlady - Krysta
LDG - Laurie
lil maggie - cat
Lisa- Goose or Goosie
LovesMyCats - Jamie
Lynsey - Lynsey
Miagi's_Mommy - Krista
mismaris777 - Marissa (sometimes Missy, but mostly Marissa)
Misty8723 - Linda (Lin or Lind)
missymotus - Amanda
Mollysmom- Virginia
momofmany - Amy
morningrl - Tammy
mrblanche -- Mike Blanche (with my initials
mrsgreenjeens - Sally
Nanner -- Nancy, Nan, Nance....(call me anything, just don't call me late to supper.)
Nekomania - Beth (Short for Elizabeth, my brother calls me Bee or Beth-ann)
Nes - Vanessa
NorthernGlow - Mari
nurseangel - Angela (go by Angie)
oodlesofpoodles-Sara, nicknames are Sara-Lou (my middle name is Louise) and just Lou...please dont call me either LMAO!
Oscarsmommy - Courtney
Pipersjo-- Joann but usually I go by Jo
plainjane - Tiffany
proudmamiof4_Angela (everyone calls me Angi)
Punkygirl0101 - Melanie, most people call me Mel
Rachelh1018 - Rachel (friends call me Rach, Rach Rach, or Rachie)
Rianna- Rian (like Ryan, but I'm a girl )
Ruthyb-I am Ruth, I use the B as that is what my surname begins with, my dad and nana call me Ruthy.
Sandra - Sandra or Sandy
sillyitiliangrl - Danielle
Siobhan Irish for Joan but I prefer Siobhan
SkyeCat0117-Beverly (or Liz which is my middle name)
Snake_Lady - Chris (Christina)
StarryEyedTiGeR- Lydia Nichole (Nikki for short)
TabbyCalicoGurl-Nicole or Nikki
Tara & Rob - Tara
Tavia'smom-I go by my middle name Gail
TheTerribleDuo - Hunter ( yes I am a girl!)
threecatowner - Sally
tierre0 - Susan
TigerOnTheProwl - Justin (JR for short)
Trouts mom - Natalie
Tyclipper - Clair
Vampcow - Holly (Hol for short)
WellingtonCats - Samantha Ann (Sam for short)
Wesley's Mom- Lori (well Lorraine is my real name, but I only go by Lori!)
Whisky'sDad - Keith - (no nicknames, but go as shuckymomo around the 'net)
whiteforest - Kristen
Winchester - Pamela (Just call me Pam)
yayi - Maria
zoeysmom - Stacey
zohdee - Laurie
zorana_dragonky - Monica (occasionally called Nica or Mo or Momo by silly friends and family.