A little brisk but not too bad! Sunny, -16C
This reminds me of what we used to do for our dog. We would also shovel the patio then paths throughout the entire yard. It made it easier for him as he got older and arthritis started to set in. However, he loved snow and it brought me so much joy to see him run out at the first snowfall of the season. I swear it looked like he was smiling from ear to ear.We also had fluffy snow last evening for a couple hours so I shoveled out the cat paths and patio while bundled up.
She said it's alot warmer than usualMy sis lives in Alaska! First couple years no electricity. Everyone is very lucky to not be frozen!
It's 49f here
That's crazy they are not closing the schools in your district! Not safe for kids!-9 this morning and -27 with the windchill.Some schools in the area are closed but not our school district.
-24 feels like -48 hereIt's in the 40's and very damp. The winds are supposed to pick up later and be intense.