31 degrees and sunny but chilly
Honestly, nothing like that works. They just laugh at anything with citronella, tea tree oil etc. I usually have to use the heavy duty stuff. And cover up, which doesn't work in this heat. They love me.Hey mani , try those cheap rubber 'bracelets' they sell that are impregnated with citronella, etc. Mine are called Bite Me Not. I kept being bothered by those almost invisible gnats that drive you crazy and mosquitos, but they didn't come around wearing these.
My sister in southern Queensland said the same, it’s oppressively hot and humid where she is, too.We're in a heatwave.. it doesn't seem extreme (35C , 95F) but the humidity is just ghastly. No way I can work in the garden, except at dawn and dusk when the bitey insects are at their worst.
I don't think I've ever experienced such a low temperature Where you are from?Well, I'm glad I'm off today so I can stay inside and keep warm.
It's -29C with a wind chill of -42C. But good news!!! It's supposed to climb to -25C with a wind chill of only -35C this afternoon!
The real good news...it's supposed to warm up by tomorrow afternoon...going to -10 or so, with a wind chill of -15ish.