I went to Walmart for a simple eye exam to get my drivers license. The doc says I have glaucoma! I did once have shingles in my eye,the one affected
Anyone familiar with animal/canine prints? Wondering who took a walk through my yard recently. We have a small coyote population but they aren’t supposed to be big here. One neighbor has a corgi and another similar size dog. The other has a pittie mix that doesn’t look big enough for these. If another neighbor has a big enough dog; I haven’t seen it!
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Did the optometrist give you a referral to an ophthalmologist? There are different types of glaucoma but it can often be controlled with medication.I went to Walmart for a simple eye exam to get my drivers license. The doc says I have glaucoma! I did once have shingles in my eye,the one affected
I saw an optometrist to renew my driver's license eventually see my specialist. Years ago I had bad shingles in my eye that is affected. Retina problems run in the family. It was weird. Staring at the black square in white background I only saw dark grey with my left eyeDid the optometrist give you a referral to an ophthalmologist? There are different types of glaucoma but it can often be controlled with medication.
I hope so too hope you are staying safe.supposed to rain this weekend hopefully its a heavy rain to help put those fires out
That siding you are referring to is called cementitious board, that most often is in the form of clapboards. Yes, because of its composition, it's fire resistant, like the now outlawed asbestos shingles of old. The only downside to it is the dust cloud formed when cutting it to length, and the special diamond saw blade needed. I've seen it applied to several homes on This Old House in recent years.might be residing the house. they have this new fangled concrete siding that can either look like lumber or shingles. Sposed to last a long time and firefighters like it. just can’t decide if it looks sorta phoney. It can be painted any color.
Also saw a bobcat for a long time this morning which completely ignored me while it hunted gophers. it looked like a statue but the giveaway was one ear telescoping back to me, checking up on me while it hunted..
I sent several books to an overseas member of this site a few years ago, and yeah, it was expensive. The member even offered to split the cost, but I don't work that way.I learned a expensive lesson today. Don't promise to send something overseas without knowing the true shipping cost ahead of time. I sent a 4.90 lb. box of assorted Chocolate candy pieces to Germany. I was shocked at the shipping cost. Shipping alone came to 273.00 euros. I told the recipient to savor each piece as if it were Gold. I won't be doing this again.
In dollars the shipping was $284.11 through UPS. The candy itself cost $40.85. Pretty expensive Candy IMO.I sent several books to an overseas member of this site a few years ago, and yeah, it was expensive. The member even offered to split the cost, but I don't work that way.
Anything fire resistant sounds great. It also seems to be called Woodcrete, which when stained right really fools the eye! I’ll check out TOH.That siding you are referring to is called cementitious board, that most often is in the form of clapboards. Yes, because of its composition, it's fire resistant, like the now outlawed asbestos shingles of old. The only downside to it is the dust cloud formed when cutting it to length, and the special diamond saw blade needed. I've seen it applied to several homes on This Old House in recent years.
I ordered a large corner litter box one time that did not show the dimensions but looked like what I normally buy.... anyway when it arrived I thought is might be okay for a small horse or a LG Great Dane....it was only like $25 dollars but Walmart told be to keep it & refunded meI sent several books to an overseas member of this site a few years ago, and yeah, it was expensive. The member even offered to split the cost, but I don't work that way.
Woodcrete is a brand name, but the generic term is fiber cement, or fibrous cement. It can be smooth or have a faux 'grain', depending on the mould used. Supposedly it is quite durable, although I have no personal experience with it.Anything fire resistant sounds great. It also seems to be called Woodcrete, which when stained right really fools the eye! I’ll check out TOH.
My daughter is clear across the country and we sent a lot of her things to her more then 12 years ago.It was hundreds of dollars.At least there were a lot of books that could be sent ' book rate' so that was a little less expensive. She still had things here that we needed to move out ( at her expense now). A few bigger items we actually boxed and took to see what they would cost and she changed her mind about shipping them. AsI ordered a large corner litter box one time that did not show the dimensions but looked like what I normally buy.... anyway when it arrived I thought is might be okay for a small horse or a LG Great Dane....it was only like $25 dollars but Walmart told be to keep it & refunded me
My friend in Georgia has Maine Coons & would love it so I " promised " it to her..... $75 to send to Georgia and light as a feather.... could've sent her a check to buy one and saved $50 ..... had to send it,I promised- didn't have the heart to tell her how much shipping was cause she wouldn't wanted to pay it which is absurd to give me $75 for a $25 item
So I agree,never promise to send anything these days