(((hugs))). I hear you.. I get it.. I, too, have been plagued with sick kitties..
All I can say is what has been said to me and I believe to be true: "God (the Universe) has given you the sick kitten because He knows you will take good care of them. He is entrusting them into your care."
It is maddening.. I know. It is so hard to understand. All you want is a 'normal' kitty to love, and who loves you.. You do all you can to provide healthy food, normal Vet visits; Yet, things go bad.. It is more than frustrating. Some times you may cry with all the stress this evokes. I get it...
Not to make light of your troubles, but mine has been;
1) Pumpkin: a sick kitten with we got her. Never heard a real diagnosis, but it was something severe. Kept bringing her to the Vet for antibiotics, bottle fed and syringe fed my mom's concoction of kitty egg nog, and thinned out baby food. With all of this, she developed a test for people food, and detested cat food.
Turned out to be a diabetic with insulin shots twice a day. Multiple vet overnights to monitor blood glucose levels.
2) Artie: My soul-kitty: developed IBD, and then Megacolon, severe heart murmur, fussy with food, skin lesions, spot on lung.....
3) Geoffrey: my little baby boy: IBD with SCL, heart murmur... passed from a massive stroke
All of this is making me not want to have another kitty... as the universe seems to be against me. I would love another ESA kitty, but I just cannot emotionally and financially afford another sick cat. And I am getting older with more issues. I miss the love, the companionship.. I have one doctor who is telling me adopt, another not to as I am allergic to cats.. but that has never been an issue to me..
All I can say is what has been said to me and I believe to be true: "God (the Universe) has given you the sick kitten because He knows you will take good care of them. He is entrusting them into your care."
It is maddening.. I know. It is so hard to understand. All you want is a 'normal' kitty to love, and who loves you.. You do all you can to provide healthy food, normal Vet visits; Yet, things go bad.. It is more than frustrating. Some times you may cry with all the stress this evokes. I get it...
Not to make light of your troubles, but mine has been;
1) Pumpkin: a sick kitten with we got her. Never heard a real diagnosis, but it was something severe. Kept bringing her to the Vet for antibiotics, bottle fed and syringe fed my mom's concoction of kitty egg nog, and thinned out baby food. With all of this, she developed a test for people food, and detested cat food.
Turned out to be a diabetic with insulin shots twice a day. Multiple vet overnights to monitor blood glucose levels.
2) Artie: My soul-kitty: developed IBD, and then Megacolon, severe heart murmur, fussy with food, skin lesions, spot on lung.....
3) Geoffrey: my little baby boy: IBD with SCL, heart murmur... passed from a massive stroke
All of this is making me not want to have another kitty... as the universe seems to be against me. I would love another ESA kitty, but I just cannot emotionally and financially afford another sick cat. And I am getting older with more issues. I miss the love, the companionship.. I have one doctor who is telling me adopt, another not to as I am allergic to cats.. but that has never been an issue to me..