I got the results of my PET scan yesterday. The scan shows no cancer, no abnormalities. It was clean! And I immediately started to cry. My oncologist gave me a huge hug. This was literally the best news we've had in a year. I will continue with the Keytruda treatments; I have five more to go. And then we'll see what's going on. If need be, I can do the treatments for two years. But, if all goes well, it will just be a maintenance kind of thing. Oh, and, at this point, he sees no reason to remove the bladder.
I still need to do blood work because of my kidneys. The kidney issue will likely be a lifelong thing for me as going through chemo really did a number on them. I will work on diet (and now exercise) to get the numbers lower and, hopefully, keep them lower. So far, there's no need for dialysis.
- Change the bedsheets and put the dirty ones in the washer.
- Work on cleaning and chopping peppers for the freezer. Rick will be going up to the garden today to pick lima beans. I'll work on them, too.
- We're trying a chuck roast in the Traeger tomorrow. I'll get it ready tonight.
It was probably a 'reactionary' response to her being helpless in this situation. Not in being evicted, but in other situations in my life. Yes, I tend to react immediately, without thinking things through. And I feel badly about it, afterwards. I guess it stems from my childhood, where I was always told to be a 'good' girl. And from being in many dysfunctional workplaces. It is complicated.I told her exactly what to do - it is against the law for a landlord to shut off water,gas or electric plus no one van force you out of the rental unit except the County Sheriff- an order to vacate must be obtained from the Court,posted or served properly as well- then you respond ( all she had to do was call the police and they would've called the landlord informing her of the Law- I know the person well and police can handle the matter with no problem)
Yes,it is unlawful to tamper with an elextric meter and also power theft is a crime plus unlawful entry into the electrical room to unauthorized persons( only FPL or a licensed electrician with a work order may have access)
So now,she and her ' friend" are on cctv unlawfully entering,FPL shut the power off and now it will show kilowatt usage- the owner( landlord) will be notified and billed,in turn shell call the property mgr ordering to see who entered the room and the girl just doesn't think because she's a reactionary whirlwind of chaos.....
Plus she called the new ( prospectivs)owners realtor,the landlords daughter,FPL,the maintenance person and she cannot ever keep her mouth shut and thibk anything through.... now that she has told everyone in the universe she had no power what do you suppose will come of it all? Lol
If she could've just taken the proper route ,maybe light candles for one day she would've had an excellent case to file a small claims ( no attorny needed)and be compensated for her troubles up to 3xz the amount of one months rent if found in favor of thd Court .... plus gotten an emergency order to turn electric on and probably granted an extended stay.....
Some have to learn the hard way and some never learn a thing....she is going to have to call someone else for advice & " poor me" because it's a waste of my time really
Now, that I am older and more vocal about things, My temper still rails out; especially when I should be calm and cool, so that I can think things through appropriately. When someone yells at me, calls me names, I react.. When I know I am right about something and are constantly berated, or in a dysfunctional situation; I usually react... It is not good. I feel horrible about it, and stew..
Your friend could have some of this behavior.. It is almost like PTSD... as in my case.