A very Happy 2025 to everyone
Happy New Year

Well I remember that. Our living room looked like a toy store was dropped haphazardly into our living room and we were exhausted from being up till 1 am putting stuff together so the kids could enjoy everything immediately. I bet your tired!!! I hope you got some much deserved rest'Twas 3 nights after Christmas and all through the house
Finally the children weren't stirring even though the almost birthday girl was awake until almost 10PM
And the house was a mess with new toys
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Poetry is not my strong suit.But I feel like the chaos of this picture describes my life.
BYE BYE INDEED! Sorry can't say I'll miss you 2024
Another new year another chance for positivity and hopefully peace. Happy New Year to you
Blessings to youAnother new year another chance for positivity and hopefully peace. Happy New Year to youKwik and everyone here at TCS
The Seal doesn't appear to be malnourished. Just look at the size of that butt. LOLThis seals must weigh alot to tilt this dock that much
That big guy might weigh 250 lbs- he's pretty big!This seals must weigh alot to tilt this dock that much
I have one giant box and one Sterlite low storage box that I bought when Lola came to live with me. It was cheaper than an extra large litterbox and both girls seemed to prefer it.Gigantic litter box at petsmart. I kinda want to buy one for graycie
We also have found our cats prefer the storage box over commercial litter boxes. Depending on their needs/likes we either use a low as is or one with high sides and cut an appropriate opening in the box. As you mentioned its cheaper but I also prefer them for the greater ability to adapt them for a cat with special needs.I have one giant box and one Sterlite low storage box that I bought when Lola came to live with me. It was cheaper than an extra large litterbox and both girls seemed to prefer it.