How do you keep it alive?
It should be ok for only a couple of days. They aren't like mammals that need to eat everyday.How do you keep it alive?
Will your insurance cover the generic? DD needed new adult-dose size ones last summer and they were very affordable. You might be able to get them with one of the pharmacies programs too. DH has the GoodRx app that can help with some but we’ve also gotten discount cards through the drug companies for things.I should have added that the reason I may have had to go to the hospital is because I can't afford an epi-pen and I seem to have an allergy to venoms.
Insurance won't pay for it. That's ok. It's kind of a waste of money in my case anyway. I've only been venomated twice in my life, so the chances are not very high that it will happen. I have learned to live in the desert where everything has venom and I am very careful. This is not the first time a centipede has made it's way into my room and the cats have warned me everytime.Will your insurance cover the generic? DD needed new adult-dose size ones last summer and they were very affordable.
I did, some kind of beef thing, and it wasn’t very good.OK, this is funny.
I've watched enough Kitchen Nightmares, Hotel Hell and other Ramsay shows to know that when he takes a bite of frozen foods served to him, he spits it out and asks "Is this frozen?"
I was walking through the frozen isle at the store and saw Gordon Ramsay frozen dinners. I busted out. I almost bought one but couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm still laughing.
Oh, dear! WeII, by aII means, feed the beastie, and be carefuI! Poor IittIe roIIy-poIIy (Southern speIIing), though! That said, I do have a few thousand Iiving on/around my front porch. I think they Iike the food I put out for the feraIs.I hated math. Was never any good at it. Good thing I never worked in finance( I actually did for 30 years)
Now my son want's me to find an Isopod (rollie-pollie) and put it in the container with the centipede so it won't starve. I didn't think it would but he's the Biologist. This means digging around my yard to find an Isopod, then open the lid to the container and drop it in. All the while, trying to keep the centipede trapped so it doesn't escape and bite me. I've been thinking of ways and I'm pretty sure I know a way to do this safely. (I hope)
Things we do for our children.
hated math. Was never any good at it. Good thing I never worked in finance( I actually did for 30 years)
Funny thing is, when my son was here over the weekend, all we could find were Isopods and only a couple of centipedes. Now that he has the centipedes (plus one extra - mine), I can't find any Isopods. It's like they knew to run and hide.Oh, dear! WeII, by aII means, feed the beastie, and be carefuI! Poor IittIe roIIy-poIIy (Southern speIIing), though! That said, I do have a few thousand Iiving on/around my front porch. I think they Iike the food I put out for the feraIs.
shingles too, I hope. I haven’t gotten the RSV yet but will in a couple weeks.Got the new Covid vaccination this afternoon. Boy, were they busy. So glad I made an appointment. I usually get Pfizer, but since I read something about Moderna having a better response to the new variants, I decided to go with Moderna. We will see how I react to this.
I usually get sick for 3 days after the Pfizer shots..
Next to get done is the Flu shot.. but not for a few weeks.. probably Halloween day!! Then I will be all set, until next year!
Prevnar 20 (pneumonia), RSV, Covid, and Flu... OMG... how many vaccinations can one body have? Especially within a couple months, before something dire happens. No one knows..
Sure sounds good,doesn't it?Has anyone on here tried the golo weight reduction product?
Got that a couple years ago.shingles too, I hope. I haven’t gotten the RSV yet but will in a couple weeks.
I think the GoLo pill is based on apple cider vinegar...Sure sounds good,doesn't it?
I've not tried it myself but a friend did and she was not very successful because she didn't really follow the plan- she was expecting a miracle pill I think but basically it is a calorie restricted diet not unlike any other- that's what she told me after spending an awful lot of money
All the hype about insulin resistance and " reversing" it is a great marketing tool- eating the right foods,avoiding processed,fast foods and sweets along with getting daily exercise and good sleep can do the same without any costly "release" supplement
I was interested myself and did as much research as I could only to find nobody seems to be able to verify who this " team of dedicated doctors & pharmacists " are who developed the Golo diet- hmmm?