What's considered "normal" after a urinary block?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
Hi everyone,

My cat Vinny recently suffered a urinary block (it was a plug from crystals and mucus + cystitis or something like that). We took him to the vet and I spent my savings to get him treated. The vet put him on about 4 different medications, all of which I've been making sure he takes. He also prescribed Hill's S/D, and I've been feeding him that as well (mixed with a little water because I'm incredibly paranoid.)

We picked him up from the vet about a week ago (last Monday I believe). He's gone through about 3/4 cans of his food and his medication is all gone except for his Amoxicillin. He was perfectly fine but earlier today or yesterday I noticed he seemed to be straining a little when he was using the litter box -- pushing like he was constipated (he's not, and he's peeing). He wasn't yowling or anything like he was when he was blocked, and he WAS producing (it seemed to be more than the small dribbles he used to be producing in the first couple of days.) he isn't wailing when I try to express his bladder (it's not that big right now, it's about the size it should be so I can't really find it and I'm sure he's tired of me pressing on his bladder anyway. I did it a lot at first because his bladder seemed to be filling faster than he could empty it :( )

I called the vet and the receptionist (I'm assuming she was the receptionist) seemed pretty insistent that he was blocked again/going to be blocked again. This was a receptionist I had never talked to before. I don't know if she actually went to ask anybody -- she put me on hold for nearly a minute but I don't know if she actually asked anybody or what she asked them. She scheduled an appointment for Wednesday and that was it.

Maybe I just didn't hear what I wanted to hear, but is it normal for a recently blocked cat to be straining, yet still producing? I don't know if his urethra is still inflamed (they DID use a catheter) because it's been so long and his urethral relaxant is all gone. He's eating pretty well and he was even drinking today which I hadn't seen him do in awhile (the tech said it was likely because of how much moisture was in the food) and his bladder is very small (around walnut sized, which is what the vet said that we wanted it to be at)

I'm really scared that this is a sign that he's going to block up again. I know it's always a possibility, but I'm just hoping for some reassurance or some peace of mind or something. I'm an 18 year old working minimum wage, I really don't have the funds to take him in for another $2.3k procedure. Even the price of the emergency visit is pushing it a little and I haven't found a single vet that does payment installments. (I don't qualify for CareCredit -- no credit history yet). I love him dearly and the thought of having to put him down because I can't pay for something so treatable makes me so worried. Please ease my mind. :sniffle: Has anyone experienced their cat straining, but not blocking/re-blocking?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
Also, I plan on calling again at around midnight so I can ask the overnight staff. I believe they're vet techs since they watch over the patients doing overnight stays. I'd just like some peace of mind (and maybe even some prayers) right now :(


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Once they block, they are very prone to blocking a second time. My cat blocked 2 years ago. He spent a few days at the ER vet and was ready to come home. On our way to pick him up, he blocked again. They were able to recatheter and remove the block again, but it was too risky to catheter again. We elected to do the PU surgery. It was the only way to save his life.

He did well for 2 years and then blocked again even after the PU surgery. In this case, it was due to a medication he was on to keep calm. The medication caused urinary retention which led to the blockage. He was catheterized again to remove blockage and kept at the vet for 5 days. The medication was stopped. He is doing fine once again.

The key is water water water. My cat was never a big drinker. I now add many Tablespoons of warm water to each meal and he does not eat any dry food. Just canned food.

Please update on your kitty. There are some really good supplements to try as well.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Yes, I would keep him on supplements, you can get them on Amazon. For now, as long as he is going pee, that is a good sign. The muscle relaxant running out may be a factor, as is inflammation from his being catheterized. Since you are familiar with feeling for a enlarged bladder, you would be good at detecting a blockage. As long as the bladder is not hugely enlarged he is not blocked, that is what my vet told me. Just remember though, once enlarged it is an emergency. It could be the beginnings of a UTI but being on amoxicillin should take care of that. Since money is an issue, frequent monitoring should do, maybe the vet could have you bring in a urine sample somehow from home to be tested, ask. Just be ready to bring him to an emergency vet, or have a vet on your phone so you can call. It seems to always happen at night. Make them aware of what is going on. Like said above, encourage water, lots of it. Put small bowls around the house, they always check them out for something tasty, and more times than not, drink. all the luck! PS to me, 3-4 cans of food in a week isn't much, especially where he needs extra water. He needs more water! If you can't get him to drink, push thhose pouches of food, tehy have a lot more liquid, also there are 'lickable treats' out there too, in the treat section, that are almost all liquid. cats go crazy for them and that is what I mix medication in!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
Thank you both so much 💗 his vet put him on more prazosin and more painkillers (just extended the dose by about 5 days) so I'm gonna see how that goes.

he doesn't seem very interested in his food when there's a lot of water in it, i kinda have to keep showing him it and getting it close to his nose for him to get the hang of it.

i bought him a fountain, I've seen him drink from it a couple times but not extensively. The tech i talked to on the phone about a week ago said he probably wasn't interested in drinking because of the amount of water i was putting in his food (not that she said it was a bad thing, just that that was probably the reason).

he doesn't seem too big on drinking in general. i feel like i have to force him to drink when i put the water in his food. he's exclusively eating wet food.

another thing is I'm really not too sure how much i should be feeding him. they only gave me 7 cans and i don't get my next check until around Wednesday, so i can't get a case of it until then. i need to make it last until it can ship to our house. they need to verify a bunch of stuff too because it's prescription.

he's 13.50 pounds, the charts i looked at said about a can and a half a day which, considering the size of the can, seems like a lot? but I'm not sure. he's always eaten dry food mainly until now. the cans themselves don't have a chart on them, i was just looking on the hills s/d website.

the cans are pretty expensive... ~50 dollars for a pack of 24 seems expensive. i can do it, i get paid every 2 weeks, but what scares me is what ill have to do if he runs out of his food (i really don't know what I'll do).

to top it off, i think he has earmites. he's shaking his head a lot and he was growling for no reason earlier today. He's just been kinda weird today. our other cat had/has earmites (I've been using the sentry earmite stuff on both of them) so I'm not sure. but that can't feel good.

overall I'm just a really worried mommy :( it hurts to see him hurt. I'd really love some tips on the water thing. I just got home from work, I'm gonna put some water bowls around the house.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
another update, my mom saw how stressed out i was about everything and decided to call the vet for me and ask how much we should be giving him.

the tech said a can and a quarter or just a can a day. We only have about a can and a half left, but my mom offered to go to the vet clinic tomorrow (we don't have reliable transportation or i would've gone earlier -- i don't drive and neither does she) and pick up a few cans until i can pay for a whole case with my next check. i have enough for a few cans, just not a case :(

he seems like he wants to lay under my desk for now. i put his favorite blanket down there with a stuffed animal so he's comfortable. he's going to the bathroom and producing clumps that are probably about the size of a quarter. i don't know if that's good or bad, im just glad he's producing.

i gave him another dose of his medicine about an hour ago. he doesn't need more amoxicillin until 3am. im taking tomorrow off work to be with him and then I'll be back to work on Wednesday when i can hopefully get my check, and then buy him some more food. maybe even another, different fountain to see if he likes that one better.

I'm doing the best i can for him, i just hope it's enough :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 24, 2017
Urinary blockage is all about the PH, it can be too much or too low depending on the problem. As soon as you figure out which problem your kitty has, the sooner you can fix it. I've been there, and it is scary as hell.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There are many good urinary foods out there that are cheaper. Many at farm supple stores like Tractor Supply or Orschelns. I have seen Science Diet and many other brands. You may want to research them after this is settled a little. You can most likely buy the same thing online too, much cheaper, the vet could give a prescription if needed, explain your circumstances. Many sites sell the same thing with no prescription needed. Ask about giving regular wet food after his crisis is over with a supplement given for urinary problems. Try PetMeds, or Foster and Smiths. I buy Profender, with a prescription from my vet, for a THIRD of what he charges. I had to tell him that when he offered it at his office. I have too many cats to pay a lot more for things I can get a lot cheaper online!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Feeding him strictly wet food will really help. I too bought a fountain, but my cat hardly ever drank out of it. You can start by adding small amounts of water to his food and gradually increase the amount. I always use warm water. I also give some CatSip cat milk from time to time. I usually dilute it with water.

I know the prescription canned food is very expensive, but it does help so that crystals do not form.

You might do some research and look into some supplements that will help him. Many use Cosequin. It comes in a capsule that you can open up and sprinkle into wet food and also comes in a chewy treat. Another good supplement is alcohol free cornsilk. I find it on Amazon and also Vitacost. Do your research about the supplements. I always like to have D mannose on hand too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I had a boy who developed cystitis (from stress), he also presented with crystals and infection, but they were secondary to the cystitis. Stagnant pee can crystallize and not urinating well can cause uti because the urethra is not being flushed.
My boy was cathed by the first vet we went to for not even a day (not our regular vet, but the only one who could see us ASAP). It was a Friday and they were not open on the weekends so they sent him home with us at the end of their day. Obviously it was not enough. Dealing with that vet is a whole other story!
He blocked again overnight so first thing in the morning we went to another vet and he was cathed for 5 days, hospitalized for 6. After bringing him home we were also given several medications, the anit spasmodic and anti-inflammatory were for 2 weeks as was the antibiotic. He was also on an anti-depressant for about a month. His appetite was horrible and it was simply because he hated and refused to eat the prescription food that the first vet INSISTED he HAD to be on. While I know first hand that the prescription food is great for crystals (it's the only thing that worked for one of my other kitties), when your dealing with cystitis, there is a possibility that the crystals your kitty has may not be the primary problem but a secondary issue. So although I would obviously continue with the prescription food and your vet recommendations, I would also speak to them about if they think the cystitis was the main problem. If that's the case then water and a low stress environment is what's going to help him moving forward.

One way you can see if he may need a longer course of the medications if if you look as his penis. when he's not peeing can you see it twitch at all? If you do then you know that his urethra is still spasming.
If you see mucus globs / blood clots in his pee, that means the lining of his bladder is shedding inflammatory cells, so inflammation is probably still present.
That irritation can make it feel like he has to pee, so if you notice him trying to pee, but when you feel his bladder it's small or empty, then he's not blocked. And probably just needs some pain/inflammation/spasm....meds. to reduce the irritation/urge.
Also some meds can cause constipation - how's his poop thru all this?

Although our boy was incontinent at times (he would randomly leak urine) his output was considerably smaller for over a month.
His pee clumps were usually 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter. But after bringing him home, they were only about an inch. And gradually they got bigger and bigger with time. My vet said that as long as the pee clumps were AT LEAST staying the same size and not getting smaller, to not worry too much as it can take time for everything to get back to normal. They stayed at the 1 inch diameter for about a week, before it eventually started to get bigger. But he was still peeing so no blockage.

Anyway, this post has been long enough, but if you have any questions about what I experienced just ask....

J. A. Vann

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 10, 2017
Hi everyone,

My cat Vinny recently suffered a urinary block (it was a plug from crystals and mucus + cystitis or something like that). We took him to the vet and I spent my savings to get him treated. The vet put him on about 4 different medications, all of which I've been making sure he takes. He also prescribed Hill's S/D, and I've been feeding him that as well (mixed with a little water because I'm incredibly paranoid.)

We picked him up from the vet about a week ago (last Monday I believe). He's gone through about 3/4 cans of his food and his medication is all gone except for his Amoxicillin. He was perfectly fine but earlier today or yesterday I noticed he seemed to be straining a little when he was using the litter box -- pushing like he was constipated (he's not, and he's peeing). He wasn't yowling or anything like he was when he was blocked, and he WAS producing (it seemed to be more than the small dribbles he used to be producing in the first couple of days.) he isn't wailing when I try to express his bladder (it's not that big right now, it's about the size it should be so I can't really find it and I'm sure he's tired of me pressing on his bladder anyway. I did it a lot at first because his bladder seemed to be filling faster than he could empty it :( )

I called the vet and the receptionist (I'm assuming she was the receptionist) seemed pretty insistent that he was blocked again/going to be blocked again. This was a receptionist I had never talked to before. I don't know if she actually went to ask anybody -- she put me on hold for nearly a minute but I don't know if she actually asked anybody or what she asked them. She scheduled an appointment for Wednesday and that was it.

Maybe I just didn't hear what I wanted to hear, but is it normal for a recently blocked cat to be straining, yet still producing? I don't know if his urethra is still inflamed (they DID use a catheter) because it's been so long and his urethral relaxant is all gone. He's eating pretty well and he was even drinking today which I hadn't seen him do in awhile (the tech said it was likely because of how much moisture was in the food) and his bladder is very small (around walnut sized, which is what the vet said that we wanted it to be at)

I'm really scared that this is a sign that he's going to block up again. I know it's always a possibility, but I'm just hoping for some reassurance or some peace of mind or something. I'm an 18 year old working minimum wage, I really don't have the funds to take him in for another $2.3k procedure. Even the price of the emergency visit is pushing it a little and I haven't found a single vet that does payment installments. (I don't qualify for CareCredit -- no credit history yet). I love him dearly and the thought of having to put him down because I can't pay for something so treatable makes me so worried. Please ease my mind. :sniffle: Has anyone experienced their cat straining, but not blocking/re-blocking?
Hi! Hope I can help you a little! I rescued a cat that was the sweetest little guy ever! He was 2 years old when we got him & he came with the exact same thing your kitty is going through! The shelter had no clue! He was back & forth to, what I thought was a good Vet! This Vet office had a lot of Vets & on one trip I got a great Vet who is still my Vet & has been for 20 years! Several times a year my kitty was back & forth because he was blocked & straining, most times he did not make a sound! Once he almost died! This new Vet put him on the anti biotics, again, she took blood & did x-rays! There were crystals in his kidneys & bladder a few were attached & stayed there. Then she told me about this product called Daysaquine! Not sure if I spelled that right but I spelled it as it’s pronounced! It’s supposed to be only sold by Vets but there are Vets that sell it on Amazon much cheaper! It’s not cheap! This stuff is in capsules & you take a tablespoon of canned food & open the capsule, mix the powder in the food & then give it to your kitty! This makes sure kitty gets all of the powder!
I’ve heard this is like a medication for joint problems! My sweet cat had such problems “before” I got the Daysaquine! He passed away in 2013, not from the urinary problem, at the age of 16 & had been 8 years with out a flare up of the crystals in his urine! I can’t count the times I had him back to this Vet office but not until I thankfully got another Vet did my cat improve!
Any time your kitty starts to strain for urinating you should at least call your Vet! I don’t think trying to express your cats bladder is a good idea because if there is a crystal blocking the Urianary tube, you may cause
a worse problem! They can get very clogged.
I truly believe those capsules kept my cat healthy for 8 years!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I believe that J J. A. Vann is referring to dasuquin. It's similar to the cosequin I recommended. Both are used for bladder support. DASUQUIN® Sprinkle Capsules for Cats | Dasuquin.com

Nutramax Cosequin Capsules Joint Health Cat Supplement, 80 count - Chewy.com

When dealing with a cat with urinary blockage issues, it's a life time of support. I have 6 cats so I really have to watch carefully to be sure my boy is urinating each day. I now
have cameras on all litter boxes to be sure he is peeing.

I don't use any prescription food any longer. I just use the highest quality canned food I can afford and add extra water and supplement to his food daily.

My boy has very large urine clumps. Sometimes almost softball sized. He has issues that when he gets stressed he holds his urine. It's as though he cannot urinate
if I am not home. Many times I am gone all day and as soon as I get he home, he will run to the litter box. Stress management is key. My boy was on Prozac for almost 6 months.
It really changed his personality, but in the long run it made things worse. Prozac and other anti depressant drugs can cause urinary retention. This happened to Cisco
and it almost killed him. Now he is off Prozac and I supplement with CBD. It helps keep him calm without any side effects. I also use Feliway diffusers.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
thank you all so much, I can't express how much I appreciate all of you guys and your advice.

next time i get paid, I'll definitely try some of what you guys suggested and sprinkle it in his food. it can't hurt to try.

his bladder is very small, and when he uses the litter box it just kind of drips. it's not a steady stream like it's supposed to be. i don't know if that's because of the inflammation or because his bladder just isn't full enough for a steady stream.

when he uses the litter box it's like.. it gushes out (sorry, gross) into a puddle the size of a quarter and then he has to strain to get more out? like as soon as he steps in and tries to go he gets a bit out and then it just slows down a lot. he also spends like... probably about a minute in there every time.

i have another question -- what's a good way to manage his stress? we just took in another cat about a month ago and i don't think he likes her all that much. he hisses at her and bats at her when she gets too close (he hasn't lately, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was just because he was on so much medication that he doesn't care) and i think they got into a little tussle the other day.

I try super hard to keep them separated, at least for now, but Vinny HATES being stuck in my room. it's not a super big room (our house isn't big in the first place, it's a single wide trailer) and he tries really hard to get out. my door is a sliding door so he's learned how to pry it open. I've been trying to play with his favorite toy but he only seems interested half of the time (it's a leash we tried to harness train him with, he doesn't like balls or feathers, just the leash). he seems to prefer rolling around in his new litter box. i don't know if it's fun for him or not, he's never done that until now.

so, what's the best thing i can do for him to manage his stress? when he IS in my room (i make sure he eats in here and i keep the litter box in here clean, his fountain is also in here) i make sure it's dark and quiet, and I try to keep the rest of the house quiet and dark too. should i make sure he spends more time in a quiet place?


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
thank you all so much, I can't express how much I appreciate all of you guys and your advice.

next time i get paid, I'll definitely try some of what you guys suggested and sprinkle it in his food. it can't hurt to try.

his bladder is very small, and when he uses the litter box it just kind of drips. it's not a steady stream like it's supposed to be. i don't know if that's because of the inflammation or because his bladder just isn't full enough for a steady stream.

when he uses the litter box it's like.. it gushes out (sorry, gross) into a puddle the size of a quarter and then he has to strain to get more out? like as soon as he steps in and tries to go he gets a bit out and then it just slows down a lot. he also spends like... probably about a minute in there every time.

i have another question -- what's a good way to manage his stress? we just took in another cat about a month ago and i don't think he likes her all that much. he hisses at her and bats at her when she gets too close (he hasn't lately, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was just because he was on so much medication that he doesn't care) and i think they got into a little tussle the other day.

I try super hard to keep them separated, at least for now, but Vinny HATES being stuck in my room. it's not a super big room (our house isn't big in the first place, it's a single wide trailer) and he tries really hard to get out. my door is a sliding door so he's learned how to pry it open. I've been trying to play with his favorite toy but he only seems interested half of the time (it's a leash we tried to harness train him with, he doesn't like balls or feathers, just the leash). he seems to prefer rolling around in his new litter box. i don't know if it's fun for him or not, he's never done that until now.

so, what's the best thing i can do for him to manage his stress? when he IS in my room (i make sure he eats in here and i keep the litter box in here clean, his fountain is also in here) i make sure it's dark and quiet, and I try to keep the rest of the house quiet and dark too. should i make sure he spends more time in a quiet place?

I would definitely get the Multi cat Feliway plugs in. Comfort Zone 2X Pheromone Formula Calming Diffuser Kit for Cat Calming, 1 Diffuser, 1 Refill - Chewy.com

You can also try calming supplements such as Composure which comes in treat form or Composure liquid max that is liquid and can be added to food.

When have a kitty with UTI issues, it is very important to keep the cat as stress free as possible. Adding the other cat may be causing him some stress. How many litter boxes do you have? The golden rule is one per cat and then one extra so you should have 3. I realize that sometimes space does not warrant having so many. Yet you never want him to not be able to use a litter box and he may really prefer one of his own.

I also use CBD to help keep my boy calm. When he gets stressed, his urinary issues can flare. Do what you can.

1. Water water water. I even used to syringe water into my boy when he wasn't getting enough.
2. Try some of the supplements such as the Cosequin or Dausequin .
3. I also would look into the alcohol free Cornsilk. It works wonders in the bladder, but does take time. It helps reduce inflammation of the bladder
4. D mannose is really great to have on hand too. If you sense a UTI, D mannose can be used with or without antibiotics.

Here is an article that talks about cornsilk and D mannose D-Mannose & Corn Silk for Bladders?
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
we have 2 litter boxes right now, one in my room and one in the living room. we do have a third litterbox, there's just not any litter in it yet.

the supplements seem like a great idea, I'll be sure to try those out and I'll look into feliway as well :)
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
he made a noise earlier when he was using the litter box, that kind of worries me.

his bladder is still very small, he's still producing, but him straining is really starting to freak me out. i don't know if i'll have enough on my next paycheck to pay my part of the utilities and also take him in and ALSO buy more food and litter and stuff. i also have to pay my grandpa 290 dollars since he had to pay that much out of pocket for his first vet visit.

i don't think the vet does payment plans. i feel like if i ask they're just going to tell me the same thing every other vet has told me -- that they can do carecredit but that's all they can do. i don't want to bother the poor overnight staff with all my questions like I've been doing for the past 3 nights.

the thought of putting him down because i can't afford to help him is so scary. having to surrender him is equally as scary but at least if that's the case i know he'll go into better hands than mine.

it's all so so scary and stressful. i really just hope he pulls through. the vet already said before they put him under when he first got blocked that he only had a ~50% chance of making it through, but he did anyway. He was going into kidney failure because i didn't have any way to get him into the clinic until morning. i feel terrible. he's a fighter and i just hope he stays strong and doesn't hate me too much. :sniffle:


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Can you call your vet and talk with him about your concerns? First off what to look for in regards to straining. How much is too much? Do you know when you should bring him back?

Secondly, ask about payment options. If he does not accept them, you might want to find another vet.

Also is he on any pain meds? I ask because with all of the straining he might be in pain. If it were me, I would call the vet to discuss.

Also can you order the Cornsilk and get started with that? The normal starting dosage is 7 drops 3x a day.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
I'll definitely call today, i planned on calling last night and asking the same question but the phone just kept ringing so i assumed she was busy and ended up going to bed, but i'll try and call when they're still open so i can hopefully get an answer from a vet or a tech for sure.

he is on pain medication, he's on buprenex (I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled) which is what he was on before when we took him home. he was also on gabapentin but the vet only continued the buprenex.

i saved the rest of my money on my debit card so my mom can get more litter and more cans of food for him today, but I'm like 90% sure i get paid today so I'll absolutely order the cornsilk. do i drop it in his food or directly in his mouth? or does it matter?


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
For the cornsilk, I add it to wet food. Yet when I first started giving it I added it to a bit of water and put into a syringe to be sure he was getting every bit.

Just be sure you get the alcohol free cornsilk. Here is what I order


I am glad he is on pain meds. The prazosin never worked for my cat. He still continued to spasm. Yet the corn silk made a big difference. This is something he may need to be on for life. I am still giving it at least 2x a day. Yet a bottle that is $9 lasts me at least 2 months.

If you can swing it the cosequin is really helpful too.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 19, 2017
I'll definitely get whatever i can for him, i don't know if the prazosin is working for him either but i just hope it is.

he seems to be bleeding FROM his urethra now. i don't really know why or what's going on, he gashed up my arm and my hand when i tried to look, but when he got up off his blanket (and some papers i had laid out) there was blood. not like pink pee blood but like drips of actual blood and the area around his urethra on his fur looks like there's blood on it. i tried to call the vets office but all the receptionist did was schedule another appointment instead of asking a tech or directing me to someone who could answer my questions.

i don't know if he's still peeing, i tried to see if i could feel his bladder but he snapped at me and started biting and clawing at my arm so he could keep rolling around in his litter box. im not mad at him, im just starting to get even more worried. i have work tomorrow too, i don't get off until 4 and i don't even think i can pay for another appointment right now. i can't think of any reason why he would be bleeding like that... unless he groomed himself raw or something, but i haven't seen him do that besides the occasional 20 second licking. the vet did say he had some blood clots when they were keeping him overnight but I'm not a vet OR a tech so i have Literally no clue if that's what this is. i really just wish i could talk to the vet or at the very least a tech and not a receptionist :(