A job waiting to be done.
Before throwing them out, I promised my siblings to read through all my mother's letters (boxes of them) and to put together everything that's interesting, funny, forgotten or even philosophical for future generations. We decided not to include extremes: she had a tendency to divide people (including her 6 children, sons- and daughters-in-law and grandchildren) into two camps: the angels and the witches. Funniliy enough the menfolk were always among the angels but the females, if they were lucky, were allowed a temporary residence with the angels, though some poor women and girls never left the witches den. It doesn't make very good reading but there are some gems among the little stories she told.
I was going to pay bills, but online banking is down. I really should start some laundry or straighten the kitchen. Getting dressed is always an option too.
I should be looking for this SD card that I need tonight. Just so cold outside I"m not inspired to do anything. Also down in the dumps today about things around here.