Mine are both asleep, Mingo on my bed and Lily on my lap. I'm killing time here on TCS because I don't want to wake Lily up. Sleeping is what they do best.
Moogle is playing with his catnip filled/infused stuffed pickle. Penny is staring at him probably thinking, "You're so dumb"... She's such a princess. Lol
Noka is looking out the window at the birds bathing in the puddles of rainwater but Shade is having a blast playing in a cardboard box I modified into a tunnel for them.
Willow has been knocking her empty treat bottle around, signaling me that she wants her nightly snacks put in it. It’s a plastic water bottle with holes cut into it so she needs to roll it around to shake them out. It slows down her eating and she loves it.
Amelia is laying on my lap, alternating between grooming herself and grooming my arm. She's always up for helping me stay clean and exfoliated. Hurts like the devil, but admittedly my skin is smoother if I let the cat help...
Noka is napping on the top tier of their cat furniture where she can look out at birds or squirrels but Shade is in his (he has claimed it) box tunnel, asleep.
Shade is trying to push his way into the box but Noka is pushing back with her paws against the other sidewall. Typical sibling argument of whose turn in the box it is.