He wasn't falling over, that was a failed take-off.
My Sammy is ginger and white and he is the most loving fella I have. He is also very vocal and will talk to you as long as you listen and talk back.I adore ginger cats! There's just something sooo appealing anout them. And the male ones I've known are extremely affectionate and a bit. ...well,daft[emoji]128522[/emoji]for want of a better word. But daft is good! Daft cats are so entertaining.
There is a tutorial at the top of the Fur Pictures forum, How to Add an Image to Your Forum Post. If you're still having trouble after following those directions PM me and I'll walk you through it.I wish I could post pics, but the box keeps rejecting the url's as not pictures! Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Ha! Roxanne must have learned from Mouse because her belly paunch balances out her bat-ears and now she doesn't tip over as much.I've been calling her Bartlett since she now resembles a pear.