Weirdest thing you REGULARLY do for your cat

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I have a cat, Seal, that demands kisses. He will get on my desk and step on my stomach and press the top of his head against my mouth for a kiss. I have tried rubbing the top of his head when he does this, but he is not happy with that. I must kiss him, complete with kissy noises. :lol: I have had to give him 50 or so kisses when I pick him up and hold him as he repeatedly presses the top of his head against my mouth. And yeah, I love it!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I have a cat, Seal, that demands kisses. He will get on my desk and step on my stomach and press the top of his head against my mouth for a kiss. I have tried rubbing the top of his head when he does this, but he is not happy with that. I must kiss him, complete with kissy noises. :lol: I have had to give him 50 or so kisses when I pick him up and hold him as he repeatedly presses the top of his head against my mouth. And yeah, I love it!
One of my girls was like that. She wanted me to press my lips against the top of her head and just hold them there for minutes at a time.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2014
Eastern PA
bengalcatman bengalcatman please have Makena EXPLAIN what Q tips are for ? My cats think that I am torturing them with one of their favorite toys :ohwell:

The worst is when someone takes off with one of the dirty ones !!! Roxie will take off with a clean one, then come back for more til they are all gone...

I save the fur from grooming to make a fuzzy play ball for Roxie. Take a handful, put water in your hand and roll it up in a ball. Lots of rolling with a little more water. She can HEAR me rolling one and instantly appears for playtime. The wild part is she knows where I hide the fur, behind the phone. If she starts grabbing at it I know what needs to happen!View attachment 327012
That face!

Wow, never thought of using a Q-tip as a toy. I gave it a try and they have been batting around a few tattered Q-tips for two days now!
Wife apparently has a special touch with cleaning ears, all three are pretty good about it.... She gets them sitting on the bathroom counter and makes a big deal out of showing them the Q-tip, telling them what good cats they are, scratching behind their ears etc... and next thing you know they tolerate it quite well.... But Makena does love it for some reason.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Thought of another one, a tad embarrassing though. My Willow was a semi feral when I adopted her and still nine years later is skittish about touch or being close. She pretty much doesn’t come near me except to visit me on the arm of my chair, always with her back end towards me, ready to run. But there is one, strange exception. Since early on she will come up on the bed as I sit after a shower and loves to lick one of my arms dry. Always and only the left arm. Of course I am not going to stop her so I never dry my left arm and sit while she dries it for me. Wrapped in a towel with one arm dripping can get pretty chilly in the middle of a Minnesota winter but i can’t deny her what she clearly thinks is her job.
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spec's pet human
Alpha Cat
Sep 1, 2019
Oh lots...
Specter lives in my room yet has 2 televisions, sometimes three. She watches birds on the TV and fish on a tablet. The tablet is equipped with alarms to wake me up before sunrise a couple of times to feed her meals at 3AM, 5AM, 6AM. She can only about half an ounce of food every 46 minutes minimum because she vaccums down her meals at lightning speed and given the chance, she will scarf and barf on repeat.

Specter needs her blankey available throughout all times of the day in case she happens to want to suckle, she wants to suckle me so I give her the blankey whenever she starts going on the rim of my shirt. At night however her routine is: she will eat her food, mur at me, jump on my bed and walk across my face or stand on top of me requiring pets, then she will go waddle onto her sucky blanket; followed by a brief nap then either stealing my pillow or using her bed for once.

Her blankey is to be handwashed with diluted dawn because it is basically a pacifier. It has it's own container to be washed in, strictly for this. I am not fo wear or touch this blanket unless my hands are washed and dry.

Specter will allow holding only if she is held like a gun or scruffed and cradled. No in between.

Everynight I set a box underneath my window curtain to hold it up enough for her to sit next to it and look out of the window but to block anyone from seeing my bed. Because of this, I sleep in my day clothes with pants socks and shirt just in case. Also I set three 10 pound weights in front of the door, a towel under and on top and a box ontop of all of that, locking me and her in. No nightly pee trips! Can't go to bed unless this is done or else I'll have nightmares she's opened the door and escaped.

The "carpet" in our room is several layers of various bedsheets neatly placed to keep her off of the carpet simply because my brain says the carpet is too dirty for her. These sheets are washed every few weeks along with every single other article of fabric in the room on wash days...on wash days specter is placed in her carrier while I frantically take all of the sheets and clothes etc, wash and dry them, vacuum the room, wipe the walls down and surfaces with disinfectant, change her box, then take her a bath with blended, smooth oatmeal to keep her coat healthy and then shower because she shakes oatmeal into me. Occasionally I use diluted dawn dish soap if she's particularly funky from her outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities consist of leash and harness walking, I am hunched over crawling and sliding around under trees with her, running and jumping along with her, strategically allowing her to run to trees just tall enough to allow me to put her back on the ground, and staring at trees and birds for 20 minutes straight for her. When danger arises or rather; if my brain says danger is arising, I scruff her in one hand, and cradle her body in my arms and dart back to safety. There are random parts of the yard my brain decided are dangerous so she isn't allowed there. Don't ask because I don't know why!!

Specter has lots of homeade toys I lock up at night because again, brain said they're dangerous. She attempts to break into them and therefore they have their own bags at the foot of my bed in which I lock them all up in every night and hide under her blanket.

On that note, her homemade catfood supplies and tools (Mason jars, scissors, premix, pot, scale) are all exclusive to her use only, and are locked up in large duffle bag kinda thing at the foot of my bed, on top her box of pine litter. I cannot stretch my legs out in bed as a result of this and frequently have cramps and leg issues..And because of daily outdoor activities, I gotta run and jump on that pain! Oh and the top and middle shelf of the fridge and entire freezer are for her use only and I have to stick my stuff and wedge it on the bottom part.

My hands are cracked and dry from how many times I wash them to handle her and her food and I don't use lotion because I don't want it to end up on her or on her stuff or in her food.

Specter needs about four hours daily of playtime and outdoor activities.

Routinely, I have to vocally encourage her to do things like go to bed, eat her food, let me brush her teeth, to play, to relax, etc, in a gentle baby voice. I also must talk to her like that if I want exactly 3 pets and perhaps a kiss outside of bedtime. Tired specter is a doll I tell ya!

I have 4 backup pillows because she likes to steal my pillow at night despite having (3) "beds" set up for her specifically.

Specters hair and teeth are brushed, boogers removed and ears are cleaned daily. she has a spot dedicated to these items and has a backup toothbrush and hair brush because somehow they go missing.. Accidentally... Of course ... She totally doesn't do it on purpose..!!

I don't trust bugs and don't want her eating them so of I spot a bug even in the dead of the night, I will sprint out of bed and track it down and kill it, then hide it's body in my dresser to toss out in the morning. She makes this a game to try to eat flies faster than I can catch them.

I have to consciously physically guard my armpits socks and shoes and feet because she WILL attempt to lick them given the chance. I have to guard strangers from her as well due to this, and if my dad is around and he's worked out, she all out has to be removed from the room.

I'm an atheist yet continue to ONLY pray for specter nightly out of habit. Can't sleep unless the deed is done.

Lastly, I spend about eighty dollars a month on her food alone roughly and I only eat canned food and like; rice and pasta because she takes up so much money. I do not buy stuff for myself unless it's under 4$.

There's a lot more but that's my list for timesake!
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