Weird Treats Your Cat Will Beg For


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 9, 2015
Thought this would be kind of fun/funny. What types of foods will your cat beg you for. Not talking about usual things like fish/chicken.

For me the two weird things that my one cat will always beg me for is Mac n cheese/any type of cheese pasta noodle. He normally stocks me as soon as he smells the cheese sauce getting mixed in with the noodles on the stove.

My other cat is a fluffy bread critic. She will beg me for whatever type of bread product I’m eating. Not like pasta or that but bagels and pizza crust seem to be her favorite. She only gets little nibbles, but her nose is always at my plate whenever I eat any of these.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 14, 2018
Sylvie pesters me for raw green beans whenever I'm topping and tailing a batch. She's not interested in eating them (I've chopped them into tiny bits and offered them to her); she just wants to bat them around like hockey pucks and lob them under the furniture so I can find their dusty petrified remains months later.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Thought this would be kind of fun/funny. What types of foods will your cat beg you for. Not talking about usual things like fish/chicken.

For me the two weird things that my one cat will always beg me for is Mac n cheese/any type of cheese pasta noodle. He normally stocks me as soon as he smells the cheese sauce getting mixed in with the noodles on the stove.

My other cat is a fluffy bread critic. She will beg me for whatever type of bread product I’m eating. Not like pasta or that but bagels and pizza crust seem to be her favorite. She only gets little nibbles, but her nose is always at my plate whenever I eat any of these.
We got us another cheese head.
Baby Girl will beg for any type of cheese, or cream or cows milk, but her favorite is cheese. She also likes (and will fully consume) lettuce, applesauce, blueberries, bread crumbs/bread, crackers, you name it.
If we have any kind of steak and sear it, the smell carries throughout, and I spent half the dinner prying her off my shin.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Hank would literally try to crawl up my body to get chick peas. I had to throw them across the house to get him to leave me alone when I prepared food with them.
Toby was a ninja when it came to sneaking milk out of our glasses. One minute he was across the room, and the next he's sitting right next to us with his paw in the glass. We didn't even hear or feel him get near!!!
Chewy would be right in my face or trying to go after my plate when I was eating toast with butter. He would try to knock the toast out of my hand sometimes, but mostly he would wait for me to give him the plate of crumbs left behind, with a long string of drool hanging from his mouth.
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Hank would literally try to crawl up my body to get chick peas. I had to throw them across the house to get him to leave me alone when I prepared food with them.
Toby was a ninja when it came to sneaking milk out of our glasses. One minute he was across the room, and the next he's sitting right next to us with his paw in the glass. We didn't even hear or feel him get near!!!
Chewy would be right in my face or trying to go after my plate when I was eating toast with butter. He would try to knock the toast out of my hand sometimes, but mostly he would wait for me to give him the plate of crumbs left behind, with a long sting of drool hanging from his mouth.
"Beware of flying chick peas".
You need a sign in your kitchen that says this!
I don't know why picturing this little cat playing catch with chick peas is so funny to me, but it is. It's just cute. :thumbsup:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1
Try picturing me (120 lb soaking wet) against a crazed 24 lb cat with claws!!!
He was so desperate to get them sometimes that all I could do was to hurriedly grab a small handful and just launch them. Then the chase would begin, but it would take a few attempts for him to get going as he slipped on the tile floors as he tried to get momentum.
One time I ended up unknowingly throwing them at my husband as he was coming around the corner to see what all the fuss he could hear was about. He ended up tripping trying to avoid stepping on Hank as he barreled into him and fell onto the dining table. We had a good laugh.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1
Try picturing me (120 lb soaking wet) against a crazed 24 lb cat with claws!!!
He was so desperate to get them sometimes that all I could do was to hurriedly grab a small handful and just launch them. Then the chase would begin, but it would take a few attempts for him to get going as he slipped on the tile floors as he tried to get momentum.
One time I ended up unknowingly throwing them at my husband as he was coming around the corner to see what all the fuss he could hear was about. He ended up tripping trying to avoid stepping on Hank as he barreled into him and fell onto the dining table. We had a good laugh.
Oh my gosh :flail: I have felt like a pile of elk crap all day and this (and the mental video) just has me roaring!
You and your husband have a wonderful sense of humor about this!!!
One morning I put some beef heart in the sink to start the thawing process (for the dogs and cats) and an hour or so later I hear this loud thump. I go investigate and there's this big chunk of beef on the floor with about 4 innocent looking cats (some even blinked or said "peep" as if to say "wasn't me") sitting around it. :flail:
Just tonight when I fed some of the cats, the little ones tried to steal from the big ones. The little ones are almost 7 years old, and are actually the biggest (I call them "the little ones" because they're some of the youngest, but they're big freaking cats.)
Just as butthole Baby T was stealing food from our 10 year old female, I yelled "QUIT THAT" and he reacted like my words were bullets. He flinched, hard ("I'M HIT!!!") then did the worlds most amazing slink away.
It must have been an optical illusion or the angle that I was standing at but this cat got about 2 inches in height, looked like a fast moving trotting pancake and seemed to be levitating the entire way entirely off the ground until he hit the safety of his chair.
I gave the little female an extra portion because the eyes in the back of my head have a retina problem, and I'm not sure how much of her food he stole.
Best part was when I yelled "QUIT THAT" he ran, the others paused and looked at me as if they were telling me to shut up, and I swear this little girl who was the victim of a food mugging saw me approaching with more food for her, and was like :yess:.

Diana Faye

Always and Forever, Irving
Adult Cat
Sep 10, 2018
I have a couple of cheese heads. I don't know if I should feel proud or defensive, because I really love cheese and it's a bit of a struggle to be able to enjoy my favorite snack. My one kitten really enjoyed tasting turkey dinner last Thanksgiving, and is now really interested in any meets that I'm cooking. I can't always share because I usually use garlic and onions in everything. He's funny because he is just so happy when food is involved, but since he tasted turkey he's not as eager to eat his wet food.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 14, 2018
I have a couple of cheese heads. I don't know if I should feel proud or defensive, because I really love cheese and it's a bit of a struggle to be able to enjoy my favorite snack.
I always say it's an impossible dilemma: Eat cheese cold from the fridge and not fully enjoy it but be able to eat it in peace, OR let the cheese warm up to room temperature so I will be able to really smell and taste it but will also have my cat hounding me to share it with her.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Black olives
All the pizza
Ice cream
Zignature Turkey dry dog food
Jerky for dogs
Stella & Chewy freeze dried raw red meat recipe for dogs


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2005
South Coast of California
I have an 8 year old "Touch Me Not" cat.

I can take a string cheese stick out of the fridge. Walk to my desk. Open it knowing it will make that "zipper" sound. Sit down and within 30 seconds she is there for small thin strings of cheese. She will coo and walk around. Then turn her back so you can touch her tail. She has trouble seeing you pet her, so this seems to work for her. Immediately turn and "Where is my cheese string?". Repeat until I and the cats (mostly the two cats) consume the stick. All gone.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mowgli will beg for anything other than bananas, so it's hard to say what weird things are his favorites. Our last cat went completely gaga over mushrooms - fresh, frozen, or canned.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2015
Cat food. Apparently, if your normal food is not just typical same/same store bought kibble? That stuff is awesome! :lol:
That being said, a hard boiled egg will get you mauled. And you cannot hide it on your person. If you put a hard boiled egg in a jacket pocket and head through the house looking for the cat? He'll find you before you find him.