Vexing Uri

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laura mae

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
Jeffery, whom I have posted about before, has had a vexing upper respiratory thing off and on since December. He's the hardest cat to get into a pet taxi or to medicate. He's timid, fearful and will slink around when you just think "It's time to give him his medication." We've spent $1100 on kitty hospital treatment, tests, retests just for the thyroid portion. And then today $250 more when he started struggling with a snotty nose again after having made such great progress toward feeling good. So the vet is having us use Cerenia somewhat unsually- in the snotty nostril. I am to give this to him twice a day for 14 days. He got an appetite stimulant at the vet and an antibiotic shot. (we tried oral antibiotic but after two pill pockets of it, he refused all pill pockets)

It took both of us to put the drop of Cerenia in his nose. I held him and my husband squirted the drop in his nose. Of course, he's not back on the methimazole because he will not take the pill pocket treat or reliably eat his food.

He's 14. We've had him since he was a kitten. He was initially a part of a family of strays who we took in. We kept 3 and found homes for 4. He's a sweet boy, just super fearful. Aside from his start in life, he's lived indoors and been pretty healthy until recently.

In December he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and I'm sure the stress of that plus the vet visit started his issue. He's an extremely fearful/timid cat. He wasn't eating much and spent several days in the kitty hospital getting IV fluids, syringe feedings, etc. He was anorexic and pretty weak. I think that his infection thing was more of an issue than the thyroid, but of course that was the primary thing that the vet focused on.

He got better, and I was able to get him his thyroid medication into him either via pill pockets or compounded methimazole squirted into a blob of his canned food with a sprinkle of Fortiflora over it. He'd devour it, and gained back nearly 2 pounds in a month. And then he got a snotty nose again. I've been using a cool vaporizer, trying to wipe his nose to keep it from crusting and fighting to give him his methimazole.

He ate a bit of baby food tonight and some kibble when he got home from the vet. Amazingly he is less gurgly tonight and seems a bit perkier. But man if I could come up with a way to medicate skittish kitties, I would be rich.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I'm terribly sorry for what Jeffery and you have been going through. It's not easy when one of our cats has taken ill and are difficult to medicate. For that reason I thought I would post this Article just in case you haven't seen it before: Pilling Cats: Must-know Tips For Hiding Pills Sending healing vibes and special thoughts your way. :vibes::vibes::vibes:


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
This sounds tough - I can't blame Jeffery for not liking the nose drops (I wouldn't either), and I can imagine how hard it is to hold him still, get the drops in and then keep still long enough that he doesn't shake everything straight back out. Such a shame you haven't found any other way of medicating or giving him pills.

Stick with it, getting him more comfortable and well is worth all the effort and most cats do seem to understand that their humans are only doing these things to help them. I went through a 10 day phase of medicating Mouse recently and it got to the stage that he was hiding from me as soon as I started to get ready for work because he knew that was one of the pilling times. I felt so mean :bawling: but there was no way I was going to miss a dose of his antibiotics as he had a nasty gum infection, and the risks of future antibiotic resistance.
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laura mae

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
I think he knows we are trying to help him. So far so good on the nose drops. He's not a snuggler but yesterday and today he calmly sat in one of our laps after and then seemed to forget what had happened right away. He gobbled his supper which he hasn't done for a few days. The thyroid medicine went over ok in a couple of chunks of sliced cheese.

After Hazel the cat (1984-2003) I thought I could pill a Cheetah. Jeffery has been a humbling reminder..


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
:cheerleader: Hooray for sliced cheese. :thumbsup:

So good to hear he gobbled up his supper. Keep us updated.

As for the lap-time, it is SO wrong but I can't help but think if that's what feeling sick does to a non-cuddly cat I'd be at risk of trying to keep them sick. :kneading:
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laura mae

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
Jeffery continues to eat and has successfully taken his methimazole (compounded) and mixed with baby food and eats his regular canned food as well. He's let me put the Cerena in his nostril. The vet said a drop is sufficient. Apparently she told my husband that while it appears to be a cold, she apparently mentioned a nasal tumor or tooth issue. I was looking at the PetMD article on nasal tumors and I sure hope that's not what is going on.

Of course I can't get close enough to see, but his left nostril seems swollen (thus the cerena in the nose is my guess). The snot is gone and there isn't any discharge. But he still snoring when he sleeps and when he's awake and relaxing he tends to hold his head up to get more air. . I know a cat cold can take weeks to get better. He clearly can smell more because he's eating more reliably. At this point, I'm going to assume that if it was a tumor, none of the measures we've taken would have mattered at all and he'd still be as snotty and there would be blood too.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
From what you say it sounds like he is noticeably better than he was but still worrying you. Has the vet said they want to see him again after a certain amount of time or just left it up to you whether you think he's still not well? I'd be worrying until I knew for sure nothing else was going on but I know you usually have to wait to see if basic treatment works before doing more tests or any examination that needs sedation.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 5, 2018
South Jersey, USA
We've had 2 cats that got congested regularly, one from seasonal allergies and the other was very prone to URIs. Our vet had us take them in the closed bathroom when we'd shower for a steam. He also gave directed us to give them eye drops to help clear the sinuses. The vet said plain saline eye drops with no other medication in it were ok. It's alway tough when our babies are sick, I hope he gets better quick.
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laura mae

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
From what you say it sounds like he is noticeably better than he was but still worrying you. Has the vet said they want to see him again after a certain amount of time or just left it up to you whether you think he's still not well? I'd be worrying until I knew for sure nothing else was going on but I know you usually have to wait to see if basic treatment works before doing more tests or any examination that needs sedation.
We do have to take him back to get his blood levels tested for the methimazole. And he needs vaccinations. But the vet didn't want to do the vaccinations last time because she didn't want to tax his immune system further while the URI was going on.

His eye isn't watering now and I see no snot and he is not sneezing and all of that was much worse before. His left nasal passage is stuffy and the Cerena up the nose might help with some inflammation. I noticed tonight when giving the dreaded squirt in the nose, he started to swallow, so I think his nose isn't completely blocked because the Cerana must have run down the back of his throat.

This vet takes the cat in back so we don't really see what kind of exam takes place. I'm not sure in his snotty cold state she would have been able to see anything up his nose. It certainly isn't getting worse but this AM I wasn't able to administer the squirt and could do so before supper tonight. So of course, he won't eat now. Lesson learned.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
If you can do steam treatments with Jeffery it may help him feel less congested. This may in turn get him to eat better since he would have an easier time smelling his food. I have used this with cats with some nasty URI's that were already on antibiotics from the vet. Run the shower as hot as possible and allow the bathroom to steam up. Sit with Jeffrey in the steam bathroom 2x-3x a day for 15-20 minutes. One of my cats hates it when I pick him up. He had a nasty URI a few years ago. He fought with me when I carried him to the bathroom. After the 1st treatment he demanded them on his own any time hubby or I used the bathroom. He stopped demanding steam treatments when he felt better.
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