Usually, if they’re not eating at all, can’t go to the bathroom and they’re suffering from pain or breathing etc. and in some other way and have terminal end stage disease. Did you talk to the DVM about this? Did the bw show that there are serious things going on? Sorry if you said that and I have forgottenWhen do you think it's time if I had to send my cat to the rainbow Bridge? I don't know how worse she breeds to be. I can tell she's miserable everytime she falls to her side and can't get up. I'd have to lift her to where she wants to go.
That is greatI hope there really is nothing major going on in her legs but she's walking. Maybe it's joint related. I forgotten I got this supplement that suppose to prevent uti and this also helps joints. I didn't used it as my vet gave me methigel.
She will see her regular vet on Thursday. Her walking gave me hope.
That’s great that she was able to walk a little on her ownShe walked well. I thought of getting a pet wheelchair, but my cat may panic that could start a seizure. Usually when I visit er because of how long the commute is she may or may not have a seizure. Probably anxiety?
I like to be able to keep helping her because she still has that quality of life in her