Unnamed tortoiseshell treasure... my preciousss!


a kitty parent
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2020
Techinically I adopted her 3 weeks ago, but I've found this forum just now, so she's a new kitten on the block here :)

Let me introduce her now! She is ~2.5 months old, and when she was made a one half of an ordinary cat (father) went into her, and the rest happened to be 1\4 of a British cat and 1\4 of a Scottish Fold (yep, the mother was a mix between the two).

She is hyperactive and very friendly when she's sleepy enough not to want to run around. She loves climbing her tree cat, arm chairs, and anything else she can possibly climb! She swats her paws and bites anything that moves or dangles. She hides in every corner and under sheets. She hates sitting on my lap, because she can't stand not moving. But we have a bond. Every time she passes or runs me by, she purrs. She follows me everywhere, from room to room. She plays and sleeps only in the room I happen to be in, demanding to be the center of attention, and she's too adorable not to watch her nearly all the time!

These are the pictures of her lovely visage that range from how she used to be to what she's become:

_fs 20200107_184031.jpg

_fs 20200112_164629.jpg
_fs2 IMG_20200115_144438.jpg

This is her resting with me in cute funny ways:



Resting by herself, she doesn't care how it looks or feels:



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Renne and on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm
Welcome - White kitty.jpg

So glad that you’ve joined this wonderful site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs.

Thank you for adopting Renne and for giving her a warm and a fur-ever loving home and a safe sanctuary for her to live out her life :clapcat:
She's a cutie :redheartpump: :hearthrob: We have a special thread just for her in :- post-pics-of-calicos-tortieshells-and-orange-cats-here.303458 and many fun threads to showcase what your kitty is up to here in :- fur-pictures-and-videos-only.29

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Feel free to ask questions if you have any and start a new thread of your own and post them under the appropriate forums and do check out the many informative articles we have here in Articles | The Cat Site and don't forget to subscribe to our Newsletter :- newsletter-subscription-tutorial.33873 to stay informed of what goes on in TCS!

Enjoy your stay and see ya around :wink:
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  • #7


a kitty parent
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2020
Thanks, everyone!

I'm actually pretty worried about the kitten. She's inherited folded ears from her mom, and even though it's one fold only, afaik the risk of OCD is the same. Worse yet, her mom is half-British, and mixing British cats with Scottish Folds tends to result in making OCD worse, b\c British cats are massive.

I really hope she won't inherit many British body features, especially the size! Her legs look longer, her tail looks different, and although I can't tell apart faces of British and Scottish Fold cats very well (and she definitely inherited one of those), I still think it's Scottish. It's a bit more narrow (?) than it'd be otherwise.

I've seen her mom and she was absolutely huge. I didn't even know cats could be so large. She was around 60-70cm. And you should've seen the size of her mom's littebox! :D I actually had to buy a big litterbox for my kitten b\c she was used to a huge one. Now every guest who sees it asks incredulously why we have such an inordinately big litterbox for a kitten ;)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OH MY! Not only a tortie, but a DILUTE TORTIE! I'm very partial to torties (could you guess? see photo) and calicos, and I have to admit a REAL weakness for the dilute versions...gray and cream rather than black and orange...but DO NOT TELL my Hekitty! I'd never hear the end of it! She's a little love, and be sure and tell us when she lets you know what her name is!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2020
Techinically I adopted her 3 weeks ago, but I've found this forum just now, so she's a new kitten on the block here :)

Let me introduce her now! She is ~2.5 months old, and when she was made a one half of an ordinary cat (father) went into her, and the rest happened to be 1\4 of a British cat and 1\4 of a Scottish Fold (yep, the mother was a mix between the two).

She is hyperactive and very friendly when she's sleepy enough not to want to run around. She loves climbing her tree cat, arm chairs, and anything else she can possibly climb! She swats her paws and bites anything that moves or dangles. She hides in every corner and under sheets. She hates sitting on my lap, because she can't stand not moving. But we have a bond. Every time she passes or runs me by, she purrs. She follows me everywhere, from room to room. She plays and sleeps only in the room I happen to be in, demanding to be the center of attention, and she's too adorable not to watch her nearly all the time!

These are the pictures of her lovely visage that range from how she used to be to what she's become:

View attachment 317876View attachment 317875
View attachment 317879View attachment 317877

This is her resting with me in cute funny ways:

View attachment 317880
View attachment 317881

Resting by herself, she doesn't care how it looks or feels:

View attachment 317883View attachment 317882
Aww, she's so cute !
:creampersian: :welcomesign:

Willow's Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2019
inside of your imagination and/or smartphone app
Please don't tell Willow, but I have a thing for torties too.,

< cringe >

She is so stinking cute that I want to buy you a bazillion dollar camera just because I am a selfish and self-centered person! I wanna watch that little girl grow up!

What an absolutely adorable little treasure you have there. I'm glad you found us. My moggie looks more British than Yankee atm, which you can't really tell from my avatar. I'm sure there are other people here who have experience with purebred BSH and Scottish Folds and can advise you about her health issues.

Three weeks is a long time to go without a name. "Precious" could be a name, or at least a cute nickname, as well as an accurate and objective description.

But that's just my opinion. <3
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  • #18


a kitty parent
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2020
Maybe if you haven't come up with a name yet you could call her Treasure. :)
I wish it sounded as nice and short in my language. I'm not from the US, so we have our own. It's really long, 4 syllables, and shortening it produces funny local words, like the one that translates to 'juice'. :)

We can't decide between Diana and Ksyusha. The latter must sound ridiculous in English, but I can assure you it's a very simple name to pronounce, it just uses some sounds absent from English language (like yu). It's short for Xenia (Ksenia), and in my language it sounds very soft and cute, which is great for a cat. And it starts with 'ks' and has a 'sh' sound, which is fortunate.

But after watching her for a while, I started to doubt that it fits. She playhunts so crazily, running from one end of apartment to another, climbing all arm chairs in her way, and she keeps chasing invisible enemies. Whenever she stops she rotates her ears backwards and lashes around with her tail, as if she's super angry and theatening. When she moves, she usually arches her back, her tail becomes very large, and rather than running she tends to move in small leaps. We had cats before, but I remember none of them play like that, not even remotely. So I thought of Diana as fitting her character more, in honour of the goddess of hunting :). Here it'd sound 'Dee-Ana'. It sounds more noble than simple 'Ksyusha', too, which fits an unsual-looking cat. But it has no cat-friendly sounds... So I still can't decide.

In a week we'll be getting a vet passport, so I need to decide by then. :)

Willow's Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2019
inside of your imagination and/or smartphone app
I'm only fluent in English but I still think the pronounciation "Dee-anna" suits her better than "Dye-anna". <3

I didn't really name my kitten after a street sign, but my ex-family would have teased me unmercifully and said that I did. I just happened to look up at a street sign when I was going to pick Willow up and it had her name on it.

I was three years old the first time I had to name a kitten. I don't even remember saying "Fluffy", but it was a cat name and that's what my parents told the vet so that's what was written on Shimi's official records for her entire, long life.

You don't have to decide if you aren't ready.
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  • #20


a kitty parent
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 15, 2020
I'm not sure it's ethical to bump my own topic (at least without pictures), but I wanted to ask a question, and the pictures that are needed to answer it have already been posted in this thread.

Please help, what coat\hair does the kitten have? It isn't long, but I can't call it short, either. I need to choose the right furminator for her, and I don't know how to describe her coat to shopkeepers.