A coat of armor? Just kidding!That's a great idea to put them on your lap to clip the nails. My cat is 16 lbs though and is there anything I can put on to protect myself if he starts thrashing around and accidentally scratching me? Thanks so much!
I'd suggest just trying one paw,one clip and if he wants to jump down let him and make a big deal about how good he is with praise & treats so he doesn't run off,you don't want him to associate being on your lap with being restrained and something negative....
Very often I will put then up on different surfaces- counter,patio table,ottoman to brush or clip or just to give treats - they never know what Im going to do but they expect something good..... I keep treats in my pockets all the time so the one thing they are sure of is when I say " come " PLUS my hand going in my pocket is going to earn a reward....
My cats are not really " lap cats" but the lap is not a place to get restrained,it might be we are going to go for a stroller ride,get brushed or something interesting.....so clipping nails just means a reward is coming