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- #1,061
I just looked up Max's records.... it was Nov 6 2023- when it got resolved with Famciclovir 250mg tabs for 2weeks( & thd Ofloxacin 3% solution - his recheck was the 21st and he's not had such a bad episode since (a couple of little flare ups where I just used the solution )HiKwik
Thanks if you could get the name of that med Max got would not hurt to ask my vet if it is something that would be good for Izzy.
I got two doses of the liquid med so far. I mashed a little sardine with a little of her regular food, and some Cat Sip.Warmed it up put the med in sprinkled it with bonita and she ate it right up. She's a science experiment! Then gave her the rest of her food.
It is only her left eye. She is on both the anti viral and anti bacterial for the eye. She really is not liking it. So not treating the right eye , it looks perfect. She fights just getting the left eye doneThe one vet mentioned a Opthalmologist but she does not have the patience to deal with a cat like Izzy. This vet feels because Izzy is so anxious and very easily stressed she is getting more flares. She very clearly told me how to proceed so hoping to see better results. It clears for a few days and then its red again. There isn't a tear duct issue or eye lash issue. But an Opthalmologist could be in our future.
Izzy is dealing with asthma, the eye issue and now the urinary. When she took her to the back I heard her say everyone be quiet and minimize your movement so I can get urine from Izzy. It went completely silent and before I knew it she opened the door to the exam room with a big smile and said I got it she did really well! Talk about lucky.