The worst part of pet ownership.


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2013
Due to an absurd confluence of events* we just lost one of our Main Coon's to a UTI blockage. His creatinine levels were off the charts which left us looking at $6,000 hospitalization with no guarantee that he would survive 3-4 days in the ER never mind permanent kidney damage. He was a classic brown tabby at a lean 25 lbs. He was by no means a perfect cat overall but his positive attributes outweighed the negative and most importantly he had become an integral part of the family for 12 years especially post COVID with us working from home on a permanent basis.

Owning pets is just so hard because you know you're going to have to eventually tell them goodbye and their loss leaves a huge void yet we as pet owners choose to do it again. We're just a glutton for punishment I guess.

It's somewhat bittersweet that we have his brother who's in better shape but when he's gone it's the end of an era. A representation of the last decade lived. Gone.....forever.

*I feel compelled to explain what happened because although it wouldn't cure is other issues he did not have to die. Almost 2 months ago we had a tumor the size of a lime removed from his side near his rear leg. Luckily it was a low grade tumor and the vet obtained full margins (i.e. got all of it). After recovery he had started to defecate around the house rather than use the litterbox. He already has behavioral issues (FLUTD) which we managed to largely fix with a change in litter. During this time he started to use the bathroom outside (Wife would let him out to sit in the bushes and watch birds a couple of times a day) rather than inside and we couldn't figure out why he would choose to avoid one of his litterboxes. He also had a history of holding his urine and urinate 1x a day and for a large main coon it was a lot of urine. Fast forward to a week ago last Weds we thought his tumor may be growing back so we brought him back to the vet for a check up. The vet checked him out and thought the inflammation was due to remaining internal sutures which hadn't fully dissolved. We decided to try to make him more comfortable by putting him on a NSAID, but because he had explosive diarrhea on this medication during his surgical recovery we opted every other day rather than 3-days on and 3-days off and would revaluate in two weeks. Saturday I thought he may have an abscess near his neck and he was a little lethargic. Back to the vet and it wasn't anything. The vets asked us if was eating/drinking and we said yes but it was hard to tell because he started to use the bathroom outside and we have another cat in the house. Sunday, Monday, I notice he wasn't eating so on Tuesday morning I emailed the vet to see if he could prescribe mirtazapine. He was very lethargic, not eating, but these were the side effects of a NSAID in cats. Weds he had not urinate or defecated in the litterbox, so we thought he may have a UTI. Vet said to bring him in on Thursday morning as it was already 430pm. Normally when he has a UTI he would urinate somewhere in the house. We have a UV light used to look for urine and for the prior 1-2 days I looked everywhere in the house and did not find any spots but because he had been outside I assumed he urinate outside. Vet said to bring him in on Thursday morning as it was already 430pm. He was fully blocked and a urine panel had his creatinine levels at 11.
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm so sorry for your loss of your Maine Coon. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, or how long we've had them, it's still so painful losing them. And you're right, it really is the worst part of pet ownership. Sending hugs to you and your wife. :hugs:
RIP sweet kitty. :angel:

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Thank you for honoring your kitty by warning others as to what could happen. To be honest, it sounds as if you were doing your utmost, trying your best and listening to your vet so I truly hope you don’t blame yourself. The signs and signals cats give are so subtle. A friend of mine saved her cat recently just because she happened to notice she sneezed -once- and raced her to the vet. I’ve never had a cat to my knowledge with a UTI so thank you very much for showing us what to be aware of, hard as it may be for you. $6,000 is a lot of money, something to consider when we first get them them as a lil kitty. I am sorry you had to grapple with this— yes, we know we have to let them go at some point, but it’s clear you both appreciated one another, and that’s what counts.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sweet Friend, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

Yes, the worst part is knowing you will have to say "goodbye" to a beloved family member. But our short-lived fur family members teach us this: The pain of losing is always, in the end, outweighed by the joy of having, and we can love with our whole hearts, lose that love, and dare to love again...KNOWING that we will lose that new love, too, but that our lives are so much richer for it all. This is the Deepest Truth I know, that love never dies. It is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from his new home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, your cat blesses you, and sends his Love back to you, to walk with you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Eventually, after losing one of our beloved, we figure out that though it hurts so bad to say goodbye and the pain can be overwhelming at times, the good and the love that comes from our relationships far outweighs the bad. Love is spiritual, so eternal. We will forever have a part of them in our souls. Though they are gone from our physical lives they will always be near and sending their love. That pain we experience somehow morphs into gratitude for them sharing our lives. But it takes a along time......
Somehow we move forward in the future and live it as we would want for them to go on if we were the first to go. Seeking life and all it has to offer and the love that goes with it. The world keeps on turning and we must move with it or be stuck in a past that we cannot change. But that doesn't mean we aren't hurting, and angry because we feel so helpless and made so many mistakes. But we learn from our mistakes and they will always be made because not one of us is perfect. We are human and live and love and thus are guided by our hearts and emotions instead of our brains. love is what makes this world worth living. So never regret loving, even though it hurts so bad......
My heart goes out to you, I have stood in your shoes with my own loses and understand how frustrating and endless it seems at first. Sometimes the pain and grief can completely take over your life and rule your world. Just remember, your little one would never want you to be so sad. They love you and always will. so for now allow the pain to come so you can begin the journey to healing. but it takes taking that first step on a road that seems impossible to climb. Try not to dwell on the past, don't try to process the future. Just live in the present as cats do and take one day at a time.....,.RIP beautiful boy. You will always be remembered, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Officially a cat lady now. No regrets.
Super Cat
Feb 2, 2020
I'm so sorry for your loss. We just went through a blockage ordeal ourselves. I know how absolutely tired, stressed and sad you must be right now and I want to tell you that I'm thinking of you, praying for you and your family and holding you tightly in my heart. Please take some time for you to rest and take care of yourself. I'm so so sorry that you've had to go through this and I'm so sorry that the outcome wasn't a good one.

Losing an animal is never easy. I believe the pain is worth the love we experience with them when they are with us and truly I believe they never REALLY leave us, not when they are ingrained in our hearts the way they are. They will forever live on in us and the beautiful memories we have of them.

It's somewhat bittersweet that we have his brother who's in better shape but when he's gone it's the end of an era. A representation of the last decade lived. Gone.....forever.
I remember feeling so strange when my cat, Isabel, had to be put down. She was the last cat we had that my grandmother knew and loved with all her heart. -BIG hugs!!!-

Stormy accepts you

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 6, 2023
North Carolina
I’m so sorry for your loss. But, we keep loving not out of stupidity, but because our hearts are bigger than most. There’s always more love to give. It’s always returned tenfold. I promise he’s looking after you now. On the other side of that bridge.