The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2021

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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Yay Aedan!! :banana1: :banana1: :banana1:

Is he motivated by big boy underwear or anything like that? I know some kids really go for not getting their favorite character wet/dirty. M&Ms were a big fail for me. I ate 100x what my kids did.:paperbag: One of my friends made a reward poster that looked like a board game. I do not have that in me. And if I know my kids; they’d lose interest fast. 😅


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I bought some parent's choice pull ups because they had paw patrol characters and Aedan loves paw patrol, but he still peed and pooped in them. And they leaked. So that was a mistake.

I called John at work and told him to go to Walmart and buy a toy because I'd been promising Aedan a toy if he pooped in the potty. 20210220_180259.jpg

I ordered some paw patrol underwear from Amazon and when they arrive, we're gonna try those and make a big deal out of the Big Boy Underpants but until them, we'll stick with naked. Cuz you don't mess with success.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
He pooped in the potty!!! Omg I'm so excited! He's not that excited, he's just saying, "toy, now." Cuz I told him he would get a new toy if he pooped in the potty. So now John has to run by Walmart before he comes home.
I recommend getting several small, inexpensive toys and stashing them away. Especially since bribery works! Just hope you aren't still doing it when he turns 16, :crackup:


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
if you can drive to get cheeseburgers and beer why can’t you drive to urgent care?
The cheeseburgers were before the injury and the beer was delivered instacart with the rest of my order that day. I only drove for the cheeseburgers like an hour after falling and cleaning snow off the car so my Mom could have them. The pain didn’t start til the following day. And last night she had to go without her McSickos.

Sorry I didn't specify. I just thought that when I mentioned placing an order with Instacart early Friday morning that it would be assumed that I got all my groceries that day. I walk around the house to stretch my legs. If I fall at home it's on me and only me but if I get behind the wheel of a car and get a cramp or spasm I can hurt others as well.
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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Well, it's official. Iris is a CKD kitty. :( I took her in yesterday to have blood drawn, and the vet called me this morning. We pretty much knew it already; the blood work just confirmed it. I'm waiting for them to email the test results so I can study the numbers. The good news is that her appetite is excellent (she is still yodeling for food), and she's a healthy weight. Her phosphorus is on the low end of normal. Her creatinine is high, of course. And she's peeing every three hours or so and drinking a lot. But she seems comfortable for now although she wants a bit more cuddling than usual. I hate this, though. So hard.
I'm sorry about Iris :hugs: ❤


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Wyze has great cams but their CS and services are horrible. I spent the last 3 hours frantically looking at playback on my cams and nothing showed to give me peace of mind until just now. At 5:30 am something happened that was good but wasn't there earlier. I really thing Wyze is taking on too much instead of fixing the issues with their already existing products. I recommend the cams but I will strongly advise against paying for their messed up Cam Plus. Just get an SD card and set timelapse.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
How is everyone doing? My Bee n Lilah are both doing well but I've been under the weather for a long time health wise..Mr. J is having more pain from rheumatoid so this past fall n winter has been a bear for us.. I got lots of catching up. Bee still gets chased by trouble but they sleep in opposite ends of the house..working alot too.. I miss everyone here!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I have been having trouble with 2 different things..tomorrow morning I go for a stress test to find out why I am so out of breathe all the time then next week a phone appointment with gastro cause my gallbladder (started in November before thanksgiving) is makin me toss my cookies at odd times-I still can eat spicy but for some reason sausage, chili and hot spicy chicken patty and other random things makes me sick...been to ER twice-1st time they did good job with pain and vomit control, the second time focused on my lungs which I found out I have nodules on both lungs and my O2 isn't staying where it should be when exercising. I gave up street riding my bike because the hill by work is too hard to do without me feeling like ick. ... So I still use a stationary cause I have to do some kind of exercise but I can't push myself like I used to. And Mr. J is making me walk around the block 3 times a week cause I can't keep the weight down which I do-not very willingly but I have gotten better...he thinks it's from all the laying around...I beg to differ...I will find out tomorrow.

Last summer was brutal. It took me forever to dig holes and spread dirt and all the crap that goes with gardening..never paid it any mind-I just thought it was the heat because we were having 90+ plus days and just didn't think to go get it looked at..Lilah has been spending lots of time laying ontop of me and keeping me company on days I don't work. I lay around way too much but I will be feeling better once the stress test gets chest pain no obvious symptoms. I just don't like dealing with docs. The ER found zip wrong with my gall bladder but I am not sure how I want to deal with that going forward...I just feel like doctors just push expensive tests and tell you to go lay down. :angryfire:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I'm ridiculously exhausted today. I could make Aedan take a nap, but then he'd be up til midnight. So no nap for me.. And I'm out of coffee.
Now that can't happen. Got to keep the coffee or in my case Diet soda I am trying to give it up but it's my last vice.

on a plus side I trained Lilah to crawl onto my belly/lap when I am laying in bed watching TV. I refused to brush her until she climbed up on me=she was NOT a lap cat at ALL..sometime in September she randomly crawled up on me without asking---so every night we have 2 hours of cuddle time. She sleeps on me while I read or watch some mindless stuff on tv, later she crawls under the covers and curls up against me purring for a long time while I pet her...she absolutely cuddly loving cat that never gets tired of being touched..Bee on the other hand bites and scratches if we pet her too much...she's not as cuddly as Lilah but she does curl up on me if I am in the livingroom. She sleeps in one of the other bedrooms with Jon while I distract Lilah...took me months to sleep in a real bed and now with Lilah-kind of have to so she isn't lonely...anyways I gots to make some more posts in Lilah and Bee's threads so I don't hog the what's on mind thread with my rambling...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yeah, I'm really kicking myself for neglecting the caffeine supply. I still have my sweet tea, at least. But it has less caffeine than coffee.
tomorrow I have to go without my caffeine=12 hours no zipper soda and then no eating 4 hours before-uggg.. I won't be too grumpy as the test is in the morning but I definitely get the caffeine headache around 10ish If I don't have any...and yeah I don't care for tea but if that's all you have, you can always make iced tea..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I'm pretty tired today, too. Last night was one of those evenings where I could barely keep my eyes open. J was up at 1, 5, and 6:45 and wanted to be up for the day by 7:30. I've already had my two cups of coffee, so I'll try hot tea next, and if that doesn't help, I'll be making more coffee for sure.

foxxycat foxxycat - good to see you back! I hope you find answers for your health issues soon.
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