I have a 12.5 year old female who has been vomiting hairballs, bile and food in random order for over 5 years now. She has been to 5 different vets since its started and 3 of them have been in the last 2 years. No one knows what's going on... One did xrays and said she had gallstones.. She wanted to take out her gallbladder As well as remove all of her teeth due to a suspected immune system reaction... I declined and treated with Cerenia occasionally and would treat hairballs. This was 5 years ago.. She is still here so it wasn't gallstones.
3 other vets just did really expensive bloodwork and said she might be pre diabetic or have a problem with her thyroid... That was last year..
The next vet who is her current one said her bloodwork does not point to diabetes or thyroid.
She now does have pancreatitis and it is kicking her butt... Watching my little girl suffer sucks so bad.
her new vet thinks it might be a chronic issue and that may just be what has been going on. SO I am looking at changing her diet to a sensitive stomach one but They are soooo dang expensive and she is very picky. And I also have 5 other cats and if I change ones food I have to change them all. So expensive!
Looking in to homemade food possibly even raw or cooked with an added supplement like Ezcomplete fur Cats. But im so confused.
The vet is reluctant to give her something I can use for her longterm nausea. She wants me too keep bringing her in! im at a loss as I cant afford all of this. I called them today and asked for zofran and no one ever called me back. I mean really! Cats cant go very long without sustenance. I hate to go to yet another vet but man...
Meanwhile I have a sweet old lady kitty that I love dearly and am not ready to have her be a memory. She is currently curled in a ball and not eating. Cerenia seems to make her loose her appetite. So I started using some zofran I had left from another pet that passed and its working better than the Cerenia. Im thinking about trying them both together as they do two different things and may help her get her appetite back. I cant drop her off at the vet and have them drug her up, fill her with subq fluids freak her out just to repeat this every couple of weeks.
Anyone have any advice??? On what could be going on or a diet change that won't break the bank or any suggestion that might help her. I have mostly senior cats so something in that area that is easily digestible and also easy to have shipped to me or that is easy to make. I would be most appreciative. Sorry if my post is long and all over the place as I am upset and sad.
xoxo to you all! <3
3 other vets just did really expensive bloodwork and said she might be pre diabetic or have a problem with her thyroid... That was last year..
The next vet who is her current one said her bloodwork does not point to diabetes or thyroid.
She now does have pancreatitis and it is kicking her butt... Watching my little girl suffer sucks so bad.
her new vet thinks it might be a chronic issue and that may just be what has been going on. SO I am looking at changing her diet to a sensitive stomach one but They are soooo dang expensive and she is very picky. And I also have 5 other cats and if I change ones food I have to change them all. So expensive!
Looking in to homemade food possibly even raw or cooked with an added supplement like Ezcomplete fur Cats. But im so confused.
The vet is reluctant to give her something I can use for her longterm nausea. She wants me too keep bringing her in! im at a loss as I cant afford all of this. I called them today and asked for zofran and no one ever called me back. I mean really! Cats cant go very long without sustenance. I hate to go to yet another vet but man...
Meanwhile I have a sweet old lady kitty that I love dearly and am not ready to have her be a memory. She is currently curled in a ball and not eating. Cerenia seems to make her loose her appetite. So I started using some zofran I had left from another pet that passed and its working better than the Cerenia. Im thinking about trying them both together as they do two different things and may help her get her appetite back. I cant drop her off at the vet and have them drug her up, fill her with subq fluids freak her out just to repeat this every couple of weeks.
Anyone have any advice??? On what could be going on or a diet change that won't break the bank or any suggestion that might help her. I have mostly senior cats so something in that area that is easily digestible and also easy to have shipped to me or that is easy to make. I would be most appreciative. Sorry if my post is long and all over the place as I am upset and sad.
xoxo to you all! <3