The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Forum Helper
Mar 18, 2008
What a great thing this is!!

I want to say that I have VERY many good friends that I've met here on The Cat Site. It's just lovely going over my Facebook and thinking how many I met here! <3
ContestKitty is totally calling you out for logging in and posting for the first time in months to do the Contest! :flail::flail::flail: ContestKitty is waiting for your PM. ;)

Hmmmm..... I guess Contest Kitty has to give a positive now. We have had more people play this contest since we started a few days ago than did the whole time it was running when we last did it in 2014.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I had some of those incredible IKEA vegetable balls last night, because I couldn't get enough of them at lunch, apparently.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Did you have much trouble assembling them?

R raysmyheart - A very special Birthday wish to the beautiful Speedy!

Just lovely here today, as the temperature climbs toward sixty degrees - a perfect day to be outside, wherever you are!

Shane Kent Shane Kent - You've been missed around here my friend, although we know that you're playing round robin with the cottage and the current house while you look for another home. Keep your chin up - soon - at least for a short time - you'll own three houses, and what could be more fun than that?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
ContestKitty is totally calling you out for logging in and posting for the first time in months to do the Contest! :flail::flail::flail: ContestKitty is waiting for your PM. ;)

Hmmmm..... I guess Contest Kitty has to give a positive now. We have had more people play this contest since we started a few days ago than did the whole time it was running when we last did it in 2014.
Bahahahah! Totally called out!!! Have only gotten 2 clues. I'm sort of working and I work at a rec center and it's the dreaded SPRING BREAK!! lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hey friends! Still busy at work-got some pictures to upload-a lovely morning of the sunrise. A crisp 22°F this morning-heavy frost on the windshield-tomorrow calling for 45 at lunchtime-I hope to resume the bike ride tomorrow and if it's not too windy-take an extra long ride to catch up!



Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Happy Birthday:gingercat2:
The IKEA fold out pet couch/beds are awesome. They are what is under the white blankets that Kitty and Rusty are laying on in my 4 cat holiday season photo. Thanks again for the tip:)

R raysmyheart a Happy Birthday to Speedy:petcat:

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine - Finished the boardroom today. Touched up the walls with paint. I had to do finishing work on structural beams that are exposed and run into the wall. I did finishing work on the weekend. I love getting out of my desk but it does make for a :sleepycat:

To think, I work for a company that has carpenters work for them but the geek does the best finishing work. I do come from a long line of carpenters on my Mother’s side? It is also the time and patience many of us know on this site:bicolorcat:

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
After much brushing (I think Speedy's shedding her fur coat) and playing with Speedy's favorite toy (a plastic twist bottlecap) we are settling down and will watch a movie together, we have chosen Second Chorus with Fred Astaire and Paulette Goddard.

Thank you to all my friends here for posting about your day, it has certainly made mine!:)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Got a new litter box from Ikea yesterday, high side but an "entrance" cut into one side, Chamouti sat in it like it was a new bed for him, lol. There has been an avoidance of using the litter box lately by a certain cat who will remain unnamed who peed NEXT to it or over the side. So far the new litter box has been a success but I'm not holding my breath. Panthera, who had been using the LitterRobot faithfully, has decided he'd a rather use the new box, no no no, it's back to the LitterRobot even if I have to keep him from sleeping with me at night by closing my bedroom door. I think Chamouti also uses it if I keep him from sleeping in my room.
Filled up the hummingbird feeder, today I saw several hummers at it, with 2 kitties watching, the summer show is on.

Spent 3 hours in the garden, now my arms and back hurt, a nice hot bath will feel wonderful. More work in the garden still waiting, only 4 more bags of compost to distribute but did manage to plant 1 zucchini, 4 different peppers and 3 tomato plants. Forgot to take the soaked corn and beans, maybe tomorrow. Ordered 4 rhubarb plants from Burpee since the old ones died from neglect when I was sick back in September.
The hoe and the digging fork arrived yesterday, (who would have thought that a hoe would cost $30 and the digging fork $50, with Amazon and Honey I got them for cheaper but still) put my name in indelible ink on them and on all of my other gardening tools too, hopefully this will deter thieves as I do not want to carry them back and forth in my car all the time, where would I keep them here?
What's going to be for dinner? Something really delicious, not out of the freezer that I cooked a week ago, no, maybe a chicken schnitzel, a mashed potato, peas? A few strawberries for dessert with or without whipping cream? I do wish there was somebody else at the table with me but my neighbors are so lame.
Damn, old age is hell, your friends have moved in with their kids or are dead or in a nursing home, nobody to hang around with anymore and it's really hard to make new friends, sorry, internet friends are just not the same, you never see them, they live half across the country, just ranting. I'm not THAT old, and I darn well do not feel like it either, only the mirror says "oh yes you are".
So I pull myself together, prepare that bath I was bragging about, have a drink, cuddle the cats and am thankful that I still have all my own knees, hips, no hearing aids or new lenses in my eyes because of cataracts, but wearing glasses since age 11 because I'm blind as bat without them. My hair is white (no gray, thank you) but it has been turning that since I was 30, bleached blonde until about 3 years ago, skin is getting wrinkly, and my humor is getting poisonous, sorry about that. I don't think it will get sweeter at this point although I am trying not to insult too many people.

So what else is new? I'm still above ground, I'm not sick, walking without a cane, I have my cats and nice people on this site and tolerable neighbors, my oldest son calls me when he is on the road on a boring stretch and we talk for hours, my daughter calls me to make sure I'm still alright and kicking, those calls are never longer than 20 minutes which is ok, I have PBS and the National Geographic Channel besides CNN and MSNBC and I watch old Star Trek episodes on BCCAmerica, I read Scientific American and the Smithsonian, I am a fan of Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I'm not totally cut off from the world. Yeah, it's wonderful world!
So overall, this is all positive, as we are saying Pawsitive.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Happy Birthday:gingercat2:
The IKEA fold out pet couch/beds are awesome. They are what is under the white blankets that Kitty and Rusty are laying on in my 4 cat holiday season photo. Thanks again for the tip:)

R raysmyheart a Happy Birthday to Speedy:petcat:

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine - Finished the boardroom today. Touched up the walls with paint. I had to do finishing work on structural beams that are exposed and run into the wall. I did finishing work on the weekend. I love getting out of my desk but it does make for a :sleepycat:

To think, I work for a company that has carpenters work for them but the geek does the best finishing work. I do come from a long line of carpenters on my Mother’s side? It is also the time and patience many of us know on this site:bicolorcat:

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Shane Kent Shane Kent - I hope you're holding up all right. Maybe you should consider getting another job - yanno - something to do in your free time.


Owed to the Air Force Base being about twenty-five miles to the west, and the number of hangers-on from the test pilot programs in the time when Bell Aerospace was still a force there, we still see a few old warbirds flown under civilian registry here. Happily, the camera was on the table in the mudroom when I came back from feeding the foxes, because as this tired old bird reached the commercial ceiling, he was just a stone's throw away - close enough that you could hear (and feel) the 17,000 horsepower engine as the pilot gave the stick a little tug backward.


I'd guess the angle of attack at more than 70 degrees, and less than a minute later, the hot end of the contrail just disappeared. Not much of a surprise, since the F-104's rate of climb was close to fifty thousand feet per minute, and not bad for a sixty-odd year old airframe.

If you didn't grow up during the Cold War, it's just an old aircraft.

Edited to add: segelkatt segelkatt - What a delightful post!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 , Speedy and R raysmyheart are sending Special Wishes for you to have a wonderful day! :):sunshine::party2::daisy::purplebutterfly::butterfly::daisy: :)

This morning is very sunny in my area, a little chilly. When I woke, I said to Speedy "Happy Birthday, Speedy". May I celebrate many more Birthdays with you. :party::party2::catrub:I am lucky to have the evening free with her tonight and we will play Da Bird!
Happy Birthdays to you all!

It's Hiro and Jiro's fifth birthday today. Lots of my cats have birthdays over the next few weeks. (Yes, I will be posting pictures of all of them on their big days) ;)

The reason I'm extra positive about all the five year olds is that the 2013 kittens were the last ones born in the colony before I got everyone TNR'd. Took me two whole years to do it, but I got there in the end.


Here's Hiro and Jiro when they were around 6 months old.


Here's a more recent picture.

Love my boys! :heartshape:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 9, 2014
Last year I rescued a feral cat who had a tail injury. She had an amputation but was doing fine in my house, except my possessive cats didn’t want to have her under the same roof. Besides, I have 3 cats already, so I started looking for a new home for her. 10 months have passed and last week, she was officially adopted by a very nice person! I miss her a bit but I know she will be loved and there are no more fights with other cats. And I get to visit her next week! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
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