The little things I like about my cat


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
I am not a cat person so the thing that I like about Boone and Gracie is that they chose me to love the most instead of my husband who is a cat person. I love seeing how jealous he gets when he calls them over for pets and they ignore him and then hop up on my lap instead. :lol:
I think they learn who they have to win over 😂


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
We have four cats living in the cattery at work. The cat rooms are not cages but are walk in rooms. But try to get the resident cats confined in one. You might as well arm wrestle a butcher block full of steak knives. They will shred skin with their claws trying to get away. BUT, when a boarder leaves and their things are removed and all that's left are empty food bowls and a cat tree, they dart in and insist on checking it out. I can close them in and walk away for an hour and come back and they're hanging out in the window or on the tree and look at me happily like "oh, hey." If I ever need to confine them, I'm going to have to pay someone to board their cat for a night! :lol:
Two of the cats have been lean, easy keepers for 14 years. Two of the cats have been impossible to keep a decent weight on for 10, they're both fat and I know it but we can't seem to get the weight off. We call them "Chubbs and Tubbs" (they're brothers). One is social, one is not. The social one will walk ahead of you, let out a yell that sounds like "Nyah nyah!" and then flop...hard...on his side and start rolling. I have tripped over him so many times. I read that book "How to tell if your cat is trying to kill you" and I'm sleeping with a nightlight these days. ;)

Timbo ba jimbo

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2021
Humboldt county northern California
Last year I was in a accident and had major injuries when I came home from the hospital I was bedridden my cat "Kat"approach cautiously smelled around my wound proceeded to lay down right there and that's where she stayed in a real very protective manner only leaving to eat and go to the bathroom that's where she stayed for the next two weeks or on the edge of the bed posted up protecting me sensing I was injured and being very careful around me


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Last year I was in a accident and had major injuries when I came home from the hospital I was bedridden my cat "Kat"approach cautiously smelled around my wound proceeded to lay down right there and that's where she stayed in a real very protective manner only leaving to eat and go to the bathroom that's where she stayed for the next two weeks or on the edge of the bed posted up protecting me sensing I was injured and being very careful around me
Love this 🙂


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Little things I appreciate about Toffee:

- the way he will always follow me around like a shadow whenever I'm in the house
- the way he'll stay outside my room as if he's guarding me when he's waiting for me to wake up in the morning
- the way he nudges himself towards me when he can sense I'm sad

Fudge has been missing for nearly two years now, but I remember when he used to tap me on the shoulder with his paws as if to ask me if I'm ok.


Servant to the Ofurlords
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Phoebe’s power snores. She’s a slim little cat but I can hear her snoring a room away.
Daisy’s bunting and grabbing my arm with her paw when she really wants attention/food.
The sheer amount of affection from both of them.
The way Phoebe races out whenever I bring the folding chair into the lounge. It means a visitor, and visitors exist to entertain her and provide laps to sit on, not do trivial things like change humans’ dressings or talk to them. 😸


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Phoebe’s power snores. She’s a slim little cat but I can hear her snoring a room away.
Daisy’s bunting and grabbing my arm with her paw when she really wants attention/food.
The sheer amount of affection from both of them.
The way Phoebe races out whenever I bring the folding chair into the lounge. It means a visitor, and visitors exist to entertain her and provide laps to sit on, not do trivial things like change humans’ dressings or talk to them. 😸
My Lila snores too :p She doesn't snore loudly but if she's cuddled up beside me I can hear it. With her snoring and my 5 pound dog snorting loudly when she yawns I feel like I'm living in a little piggy pen. 🐷


Servant to the Ofurlords
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Phoebe’s power snores. She’s a slim little cat but I can hear her snoring a room away.
Daisy’s bunting and grabbing my arm with her paw when she really wants attention/food.
The sheer amount of affection from both of them.
The way Phoebe races out whenever I bring the folding chair into the lounge. It means a visitor, and visitors exist to entertain her and provide laps to sit on, not do trivial things like change humans’ dressings or talk to them. 😸
Daisy went all-out cuddle darling before. I lay down for a nap. She and Phoebe were already on the bed (their usual daytime place). Daisy didn’t just curl up against me, she cuddled under my chin (I was on my side), bunted, purred, washed my face, and held my arm. I didn’t get much of a nap but it was worth it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Betty White has her own inner code of conduct that I never taught her. Don’t enter the kitchen from the ground. But the counter is okay. I did encourage her to develop this exception to her stay out of the kitchen rule that I never taught her. But she comes onto the cat food prep counter only. The other counter with the microwave and the stovetop is off-limits. She somehow knows this and we don’t ever argue about it.

Don’t wake Dad. Cuddles are nice but we sleep apart. And zoomies are for the other room while Dad is sleeping. 😴👍💤 And when she’s hungry in the morning, she sits quietly next to her plate rather than waking me. Such a blessing! 😻👍
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Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
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Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
He works SO HARD on his furs! An the hard to reach spots. Can never figure out how he decides which spot needs cleaning. There’s always this silly little ‘pause,’ where he stares goofily into space: I suppose he is waiting for the cleaning fluid to replenish. His rough washcloth looks self-soothing, like a massage.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
He works SO HARD on his furs! An the hard to reach spots. Can never figure out how he decides which spot needs cleaning. There’s always this silly little ‘pause,’ where he stares goofily into space: I suppose he is waiting for the cleaning fluid to replenish. His rough washcloth looks self-soothing, like a massage.
Sarah is an over-dramatic bather, on herself or the others. I love that little pause where they just freeze and stare. She usually leaves her tongue stick out a half inch or so too :)

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I love that Patches still suckles on my t-shirt or pj shoulder seam. I don't mind being left with a wet patch worth it for the cuddles and purrs. And I love how Bandit lays on the arm of the sofa with his bum on my knee's. I love the way they boop snoop as they go past each other.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
We had two big yellow long haired cats at work that have unfortunately passed away. The joke was always that Levi, the oldest, loved the ladies :p Willie, the younger of the two, would greet anyone he saw by walking up to them, sitting at their feet, and gently placing his paw on their leg and holding it there until he got some loving. One day, our kennel manager was heading out to leave for the day. As she went to leave, Willie stopped her by sitting at her feet, placing his paw on her leg, and gazing at her. She pet him. She went to leave, and he did it again. He did this a few times, and Levi came over and pounced on Willie, pinned him down, and held him there. We laughed so hard, it was like Levi the Womanizer said "The Lady...Said...No." :D We sure miss those two.
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  • #57

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Thread starter
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
We had two big yellow long haired cats at work that have unfortunately passed away. The joke was always that Levi, the oldest, loved the ladies :p Willie, the younger of the two, would greet anyone he saw by walking up to them, sitting at their feet, and gently placing his paw on their leg and holding it there until he got some loving. One day, our kennel manager was heading out to leave for the day. As she went to leave, Willie stopped her by sitting at her feet, placing his paw on her leg, and gazing at her. She pet him. She went to leave, and he did it again. He did this a few times, and Levi came over and pounced on Willie, pinned him down, and held him there. We laughed so hard, it was like Levi the Womanizer said "The Lady...Said...No." :D We sure miss those two.
This is so sweet, funny and true: cats read us like a book. So much they can emote w/out using human words. This is why, when Zorro needs a blood test, I can’t hold him down for the traveling vet: he knows all my weaknesses and when to start writhing so she can’t draw blood. I’m just a wuss. It’s almost as if their DNA is ESP.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
This is so sweet, funny and true: cats read us like a book. So much they can emote w/out using human words. This is why, when Zorro needs a blood test, I can’t hold him down for the traveling vet: he knows all my weaknesses and when to start writhing so she can’t draw blood. I’m just a wuss. It’s almost as if their DNA is ESP.
You're not a wuss :) I've held a lot of animals that weren't mine for blood draws or shots. My 13 year old dog was at the vets a few years ago for a blood draw, and the vet allowed me to hold him but told me they had to take blood from his jugular as his little veins in his legs are very tiny and it would actually be less stressful, and I said OK. I held my dog in a very loose and gentle hold, and the vet drew the blood and I watched confidently. But something about seeing MY dog having blood drawn from HIS neck and seeing HIS blood go into that syringe made the world go gray and I had to sit down. I've watched spays, neuters, c-sections, dentals, etc., but I refuse to participate for any surgery involving any of my own. Their DNA is ESP but so is ours :)


Servant to the Ofurlords
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Betty White has her own inner code of conduct that I never taught her. Don’t enter the kitchen from the ground. But the counter is okay. I did encourage her to develop this exception to her stay out of the kitchen rule that I never taught her. But she comes onto the cat food prep counter only. The other counter with the microwave and the stovetop is off-limits. She somehow knows this and we don’t ever argue about it.

Don’t wake Dad. Cuddles are nice but we sleep apart. And zoomies are for the other room while Dad is sleeping. 😴👍💤 And when she’s hungry in the morning, she sits quietly next to her plate rather than waking me. Such a blessing! 😻👍
She’s so much better behaved than my two - zoomies are for under, over and around my bed anytime after lights out. 🤪


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
She’s so much better behaved than my two - zoomies are for under, over and around my bed anytime after lights out. 🤪
Yeah. I kinda lucked out with her. She doesn’t even wake me in the mornings when she’s hungry. She just sits next to her food plate and knows that I have alarms set and won’t miss her mealtimes. Now if I’m awake when she’s hungry, those are different rules… 🤦🏼‍♂️🙀🚨 …that I didn’t teach her. 🤷🏼‍♂️😹