I can't remember the last time I went for a walk. Either we have nice weather, and I either putter in the garden, or sit on the deck. Or it's cold and wet, and I stay inside. Maybe once May gets here I can start regular walking again.
Whenallhellbreakslose : about losing weight, I've never had to lose a significant amount, but for a long time wanted to "lose 5-ish pounds", so have read a lot about dieting and nutrition.
I know opinions differ, even among "experts", but I believe skipping meals is a deterrent to weight loss, and that eating 3, reasonably healthy, meals a day is the best approach to take. Skipping meals, imo, just leads to becoming so hungry that you overeat when it's finally meal time. I also try to not snack after 7 pm, so that I have a long stretch of "fasting" between my last meal of the day and "breaking the fast", aka breakfast.
You definitely have to watch for "sneaky calories" that hide in things like pasta sauces, mayonnaise, etc. Also, try not to "drink your calories". Healthy drinks like orange juice and smoothies have a lot of sugar. As, of course, does pop.
Eating out, whether sit down restaurants, or fast food, will have a lot more calories than home cooking. One reason is they have to make the food taste good, so they add lots of sugar and fat. Plus, generally servings are much larger than a home cooked meal would be.
I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I've read that it takes 15 to 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is full. So eating too quickly, doesn't give your brain time to register that fact and let you feel full. So, if you're a fast eater (I'm not) try to eat slower. Smaller amounts on your fork or spoon, or smaller bites from a sandwich or pizza. Even try putting the fork down between bites. Also pay attention so that you recognize when your stomach is full.
And remember it's ok to not finish everything on your plate. That especially applies if you grew up with parents who told you to clean off your plate "because there's starving children in Africa". I used to have a friend who struggled with her weight, and when we'd eat out, I'd push my plate away when there was still food on it, however, she'd keep eating, even though she was full, just because that voice was in her head saying to "clean your plate".
And speaking of plates, using smaller sizes plates can help control portion size, as the same amount of food will look like more on a small plate, compared to a large one.
Smaller Plate for Weight Loss| Right Path Fitness Copy.
Also keep in mind that once you start exercising a lot, you may not see a difference on the scale, however, you may find your clothes getting looser. That's because muscle weighs more than fat.
Muscle Doesn't Exactly Weigh More Than Fat, But the Tissue Is More Dense.
Also, remember that stress can have an effect on your entire body, including weight. So hopefully things like yoga and exercise will help you destress a bit, which will make a difference with how your body hangs onto excess weight.
And, hey, maybe try adding some vegetarian meals to your routine, keeping in mind not all vegetarian foods are healthy. But staples like beans and rice usually are.
There's ton of websites with weight loss tips. Here's one that looking at it quickly, seems pretty good.
How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science
Good luck.
Whenallhellbreakslose : about losing weight, I've never had to lose a significant amount, but for a long time wanted to "lose 5-ish pounds", so have read a lot about dieting and nutrition.
I know opinions differ, even among "experts", but I believe skipping meals is a deterrent to weight loss, and that eating 3, reasonably healthy, meals a day is the best approach to take. Skipping meals, imo, just leads to becoming so hungry that you overeat when it's finally meal time. I also try to not snack after 7 pm, so that I have a long stretch of "fasting" between my last meal of the day and "breaking the fast", aka breakfast.
You definitely have to watch for "sneaky calories" that hide in things like pasta sauces, mayonnaise, etc. Also, try not to "drink your calories". Healthy drinks like orange juice and smoothies have a lot of sugar. As, of course, does pop.
Eating out, whether sit down restaurants, or fast food, will have a lot more calories than home cooking. One reason is they have to make the food taste good, so they add lots of sugar and fat. Plus, generally servings are much larger than a home cooked meal would be.
I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I've read that it takes 15 to 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is full. So eating too quickly, doesn't give your brain time to register that fact and let you feel full. So, if you're a fast eater (I'm not) try to eat slower. Smaller amounts on your fork or spoon, or smaller bites from a sandwich or pizza. Even try putting the fork down between bites. Also pay attention so that you recognize when your stomach is full.
And remember it's ok to not finish everything on your plate. That especially applies if you grew up with parents who told you to clean off your plate "because there's starving children in Africa". I used to have a friend who struggled with her weight, and when we'd eat out, I'd push my plate away when there was still food on it, however, she'd keep eating, even though she was full, just because that voice was in her head saying to "clean your plate".
And speaking of plates, using smaller sizes plates can help control portion size, as the same amount of food will look like more on a small plate, compared to a large one.
Smaller Plate for Weight Loss| Right Path Fitness Copy.
Also keep in mind that once you start exercising a lot, you may not see a difference on the scale, however, you may find your clothes getting looser. That's because muscle weighs more than fat.
Muscle Doesn't Exactly Weigh More Than Fat, But the Tissue Is More Dense.
Also, remember that stress can have an effect on your entire body, including weight. So hopefully things like yoga and exercise will help you destress a bit, which will make a difference with how your body hangs onto excess weight.
And, hey, maybe try adding some vegetarian meals to your routine, keeping in mind not all vegetarian foods are healthy. But staples like beans and rice usually are.
There's ton of websites with weight loss tips. Here's one that looking at it quickly, seems pretty good.
How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science
Good luck.