Sudden chronic URI symptoms, worsening since teeth were extracted


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 23, 2023
Hi! I am feeling quite desperate so here we are.

Quick Extensive background: My cat Armin is an 11 year old neutered male. I've had him since he was 9 months old. When he was 3-4, his vet (in another state) told me he had dental resorption and feline asthma. He's had regular dental cleanings since he was 3. His asthma was only evident when he rarely had coughing attacks (1-2x per year, then none at all for several years). In 2019, when he was about 8, he had two or three molars extracted which sent me into an utter panic. The vet at the time also told me she saw early stage CKD on his labs. That, too, set off a long journey of different diets, etc. His labs have been fine ever since then.

Fast forward a couple years to July 2022. We moved into a new rental home with a nice grassy backyard that the cats enjoy (with my supervision). In August 2022, Armin seems constipated so I call the vet and am told to bring him in right away. He had a urinary blockage that thankfully was caught early enough that it was easily cleared. He spent two nights in the hospital and I was heartbroken. He recovered well and hasn't had any problems since, and I've been hydrating him much more.

Now to the current issues - sorry for rambling. In September of 2022 he started wheezing and snoring. I have an overweight cat who snores and wheezes and it was unusual for Armin to make these sounds. His vet game him a steroid shot which didn't help; he spent 2 weeks on dexmethasone (steroids); then another week; and by early November I took him into a pet urgent care one night because his breathing was so loud and congested. That vet gave him famciclovir (antiviral); the next day he went back to his primary vet who gave him marbofloxacin (antibiotic). By mid-November he was doing worse and lethargic, so I took him to yet ANOTHER vet (a VCA hospital) who said he urgently needed teeth extracted. He had several teeth extracted, including his front canines, on Nov. 15, 2022.

The vet didn't give him any antibiotics after the surgery. As soon as his teeth came out, the nasal discharge started. It's been bad ever since. The vet prescribed Azithromycin (antibiotic) in early January, which he took consistently for 10 days and then tapered off of. He actually was doing a lot better at this point. For 3-4 weeks he was much better as we tapered the dose down. In mid-Feb. (this month) I took him outside for 10 mins one day and he sniffed around. That same night one of his nostrils was runny and it's been getting worse ever since. I haven't taken him outside at all since then.

About a week ago, I took him back to the VCA (where he has a care plan) and another vet told us to up the antibiotics dose and come back in 2 weeks. I'm getting a bit fed up at this point, so I take him to the "internal medicine" vet hospital who turns out to be full of red flags and incredibly overpriced. They take him back to do the exam, the vet talks to me for 2 mins and tells me he needs a CT scan and possible rhinoscopy which will be $2-3k. I am desperate so I just accept it. The vet tech comes in and gives me something "to make him more comfortable" and doesn't say anything else. His CT is still scheduled for March 9 there, though I don't think I'll go back.

When I get home I look at the medicine the internist sold me: Meloxidyl oral suspension. The one with an FDA black box warning about renal failure and death in cats. I understand I am not a veterinarian, and that they prescribe off-label all the time. But given Armin's history of CKD labs, I'd have like to have known the risks? I would not have paid $70 for this medication. Am I being paranoid about this? I was extremely upset but this whole thing has me worn down.

Anyway - his follow up appointment with the VCA isn't until next week. The VCA vet who extracted his teeth and deemed that to be the cause of his problems had an opening tomorrow that I took tonight. So he will see her tomorrow. His face is starting to become swollen, his nose/eyes are runny, discharge is turning yellow/green today, and he's breathing through his mouth. :sniffle:

I'm just so sad for my baby and feel terrible dragging him from vet to vet with no real change in his symptoms - and even worsening with time. I've spent so much money but that's not really an issue (just an added level of stress). I found a hospital that will do the CT for $1800 flat and the VCA said they'll accept it. I guess I'll wait and see what his vet says tomorrow.

Just needed to vent, I guess. If you read this far, thank you for reading. He is still eating and drinking - though he's basically refused dry food since the extractions even though he's always loved it. He's on an all-wet diet now, mostly urinary care formulas. I really hope we can get some answers soon. I will spend any amount of money (incur credit card debt, basically) to keep him healthy.



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
It's very possible that your kitty has feline herpes and something has triggered it. It can manifest as upper respiratory infection-like symptoms. This may be why he improved with the azithromycin. He could also have airborne allergies. I had a cat who was extremely sensitive to weather changes and really struggled in the winter because our temps vary from hot to cold throughout the season and we get cedar pollen, the only tree in the world that releases pollen in the winter. I would suggest finding a cat-only vet, if you have one in your area or asking your vet to do a PCR URD panel on the discharge to see if you're dealing with a secondary infection. That may be what caused the tooth infection and it has spread since the teeth and nasal cavity are close together.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
My late cat Lily had tooth reabsorption and had the same nasal problem. Eventually, she formed a bump on her head.

She got better on antibiotics, and then it seemed like it went away and she got something else and then the green-yellow discharge came back.

The vet then tried this antibiotic, anti-fungal combo which worked, but I can't remember what it's called but on the VCA website, it says to keep the cat on it until 3 weeks with NO symptoms. My former vet (non-VCA) did not do that. It came back and nothing else he tried ever cleaned up the symptoms again. I begged for the other medication again, to no avail and ended up having to have her pts after the lump formed.

What I think happened: she had a URI which is normal during tooth reabsorption. We went outside and she got a secondary fungal infection from the garden. The vet stopped antifungal too early because he didn't see it on the slides.

From my research, that lump forms because of a fungal Infection. Fungal URIs can exist deep in the cavity and perhaps do not get caught during swabs and slides. I watched a rescuer's video where her cat had the same thing.

All of the infor was unfortunately saved on my old computer that kicked the bucket after Lily passed.

Though, this university information package has information under fungal. Respiratory Infections


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 21, 2020
Ah found it. This one. She was at risk because of the current URI she had, as well as hyperthyroid..
Aspergillosis in Cats | VCA Animal Hospital
I don't want to hijack this thread but did want to say thank you for this info. My kitty came to me with a bad URI as a kitten, presumably from herpes, which the vet thinks damaged her nasal tissue. And though she only ever goes on my deck, I just cleared some brush from a gutter and this is a really helpful reminder to dispose of it asap and not let her sniff it.

armybear armybear , I'm so sorry your going through such a stressful experience and I'll be thinking of you and Armin.
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TCS Member
Dec 13, 2024
Hello Armybear,

Have you gotten any updates! my cat is also going thru the same thing :(. I hope your kitty is doing better now. If you can help me with some updates that would be great!


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
The OP hasn't been back on TCS since posting over a year ago so you probably won't get a response.

You may want to start a new topic in the Cat Health forum mangoju26 mangoju26