Stress and Stress Busters


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Mar 10, 2018
What are your signs that you are stressed out? How do you usually combat them?

I've been getting more stressed out the last year than I used to, so I've been more aware of how I react to stress. I can usually tell I'm stressed when my tics get bad (I have Tourette's). I call them my Visible Stress Indicators because they are really only bad when I'm stressed out (but sometimes when the seasons change they get bad too). I also clench my jaw and might get back or neck pain.

I woke up this morning with bad tics and my jaw clenched up, but since I don't work Fridays, I got to sit around and watch a bunch of movies and work on homework. I can gratefully say that my jaw isn't clenched anymore and I'm not ticcing either. Other times I might go for a really long hike. I find that once I hit mile 2 of a 5-mile hike, my mind stops racing and I'm able to be in the moment a little better.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
This year has also not been quite good to me. When I am under extreme stress I shut off and the back of my head tingles. I would then have this need to vomit which I can't and refuse to speak to anyone.

To lessen my stress I cry, and I cry a lot. If I am at home my cats would be all over me, as if they can sense my emotions. My Bourbon would sit in front of me and just stare. I don't know why she does that. And she won't leave until I tell her to leave.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Physical manifestations of stress that I've experienced have been/are anywhere from a simple tension headache to full blown panic attacks and everything in between. Last year my hair started falling out, I'm still dealing with that. I'm a chronic jaw clencher, have been for most of my life. I also have loss of appetite and loose "output" when I'm stressed. Things like chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, "stupidity" :rolleyes2:...the list goes on.
Geeze, when I write all this out, I sound like a basket case! The thing is, I internalize, so most people would be non the wiser that I'm stressed. I push thru and "get 'er done".

As to how I try to relive my stress, I have started incorporating essential oils in my routine, I will sit back and check out with a good TV show or movie, read...etc..
I want to start exercising, but just haven't started yet.:paperbag:
I also have started incorporating some specific supplements to help with some of my physical issues that contribute to my stress.
Basically, I try to identify what my "deal is", and make a plan to overcome it. Like right now, my house is a disaster, it took a back seat to what I went thru last year. So I've been slowly getting my butt in gear and tackling projects around the house. Every time I complete something I feel a weight lifted. There are several other contributing factors in my life right now but that satisfaction of seeing something completed gives that extra boost to continue.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I am generally pretty even emotionally but of course do have days when I feel stressed. When I am stressed I will obsess over negative things, feel impatient and cranky. Two things that really help me. One is putting my house in order. I find cleaning and straightening closets to be very calming and when the whole house is neat and clean I feel better.

The second is exercise. I spend an hour at the gym every other day doing cardio and weights. It is great for relieving stress and relaxing. I find if I skip a session I will feel more tense than usual and can’t wait to go and feel better.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2017
I am very stressed pretty much all the time. My husband and mother in law are both disabled and I am sole caretaker. I also work a stressful job, volunteer at a cat shelter and sew to do craft shows so I am busy.

When i am extra stressed I get hives on various parts of my body. right now it is my neck. I also get the feeling pf being overwhelmed, and I just want to curl up under the covers, which I can't do.

I always say kittens and gin keep me sane. I have 2 or 3 drinks every night but I use a total of maybe on;y 1 shot. Just enough to take the edge off. Then I usually sit down with little kittens - I usually foster. I used to be able to go over to my best friend's for a couple hours but he died suddenly - I found him on May 31. He had 2, 5 year old males that I had bottle fed. I have them now - 1 of them sprays everywhere and fights with 1 of my other males so I mostly keep them in the bedroom which means I can't have fosters. So my two main means of stress relief are now gone.

Another thing I have started doing is having my laundry done - I have it picked up and delivered 2 days later. I do that when I can afford it. I also have groceries delivered. Those two things save me time which relieves my stress somewhat - it gives me time to be on TCS for example.

Going to the shelter is also a stress reliever since everyone there is like a second family and I get to have unlimited petting with all the cats and kittens. And I feel good about helping the cats.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I am very stressed pretty much all the time. My husband and mother in law are both disabled and I am sole caretaker. I also work a stressful job, volunteer at a cat shelter and sew to do craft shows so I am busy.

When i am extra stressed I get hives on various parts of my body. right now it is my neck. I also get the feeling pf being overwhelmed, and I just want to curl up under the covers, which I can't do.

I always say kittens and gin keep me sane. I have 2 or 3 drinks every night but I use a total of maybe on;y 1 shot. Just enough to take the edge off. Then I usually sit down with little kittens - I usually foster. I used to be able to go over to my best friend's for a couple hours but he died suddenly - I found him on May 31. He had 2, 5 year old males that I had bottle fed. I have them now - 1 of them sprays everywhere and fights with 1 of my other males so I mostly keep them in the bedroom which means I can't have fosters. So my two main means of stress relief are now gone.

Another thing I have started doing is having my laundry done - I have it picked up and delivered 2 days later. I do that when I can afford it. I also have groceries delivered. Those two things save me time which relieves my stress somewhat - it gives me time to be on TCS for example.

Going to the shelter is also a stress reliever since everyone there is like a second family and I get to have unlimited petting with all the cats and kittens. And I feel good about helping the cats.
Oh my goodness, you have a lot on your plate :hugs: Love the "Gin and kittens keep me sane." I am so sorry about your friend.

It seems I am stressed a lot. Since I became disabled in 2000, I have been on a very limited income and that causes a lot of it.
Losing the Vincie girl recently has put me in deep despair. I had her for 19 years and I am going through the grieving process.
When she first passed I could barely sleep nor eat. Not eating is my go to of being overly stressed and that's not good. My doc prescribed non-addictive sleep medication and said to drink Ensure, bananas, cashews, grapes. I am now back to eating but not like I should be but I am trying. Yesterday I took a walk but that depends on my pain levels. It felt good to get out. Being on here helps
a lot, reading and spending time with Cal. She is grieving for the Vincie girl as well and curls up against my belly and naps. I feel
badly for her because she doesn't understand why she's not here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
When I become stressed I grind my teeth which is almost all the time. I am partially disable and live on a limited income and I worry about everything.

My teeth are getting loose and I need to have two of them pulled next week because they are breaking apart. Now I am worried about loosing all of my teeth. I have already lost two since I have retired. I sure don't want dentures.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
When I get stressed I normally get irritable or flustered. I normally listen to music or do something relaxing like drawing or adult colouring.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
I get headaches and feel like my heads going to explode. It has happened too much. I watch a movie that makes me laugh which is Enchanted. I have watched it numerous times. The actors are so handsome from Grace Anatomy and Saved by the Bell


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
When i am extra stressed I get hives on various parts of my body. right now it is my neck
I take hydroxyzine four times a day to combat the stress hives I get on my feet and hands. It has helped a great deal. I used to have to put my feet in ice water to numb them so they would stop bothering me. That stopped when I gave myself chilblains on top of the hives. I remember my doctor's face when I showed him my feet!

I have anxiety and C-PTSD. I cannot remember the last time I did not have some level of hypervigilant stress. It is exhausting. If I miss my hydroxyzine, I get hives and my anxiety is worse. I take two other medications for nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety. It is hard to say what my signs are of my general stress because I always have it. I just know that I used to feel better and different. For an anxiety attack had while away from my house, it normally starts with a need to get away and go home and a rapid heartbeat. I also start shaking my leg and scratching my nail on fabric, usually my purse. I start the techniques at that time. If they do not work, I start to feel nauseated and shaky. Next are hyperventilation and vomiting, sometimes accompanied by crying. At that point, I tend to have to ride it out until someone can get to me or I calm down enough to get home. Since I am disabled, getting away and getting home is easier said than done because I move slowly. I have thrown up in our local grocery store twice now.

If I am home and it starts, I check all the doors and windows and sit in "my" spot in the living room and start the techniques. By the time one is hitting me, at least one of my cats is climbing on me. It is not unusual for my husband to come home and see me surrounded by nine cats. Two of them--sisters Astrid and Estella--become very vocal when anyone in the house is upset. One thing that helps with my anxiety at night is not going to bed until between 4 and 6. It is the only time I feel safe enough to take my medication that makes me extra sleepy. (All my medications have a drowsy warning. I am always tired.)

On top of my medication, I have a few things that I do. Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is helpful for smaller anxiety attacks and my general stress throughout the day. Some people use a tapping pattern for EFT, but I find that tapping my eyebrows can sometimes calm me enough to stop an attack. Pressing and rubbing in between my eyebrows with my knuckle also are helpful. Deep breathing slowly through my nose while reciting the first lines to "Phenomenology of Spirit" has been known to work.

I have some unhealthy coping techniques, too. Primarily disassociation and emotional numbing. That just happen, though.


TCS Member
Oct 22, 2019
Sydney, Australia
What are your signs that you are stressed out? How do you usually combat them?

I've been getting more stressed out the last year than I used to, so I've been more aware of how I react to stress. I can usually tell I'm stressed when my tics get bad (I have Tourette's). I call them my Visible Stress Indicators because they are really only bad when I'm stressed out (but sometimes when the seasons change they get bad too). I also clench my jaw and might get back or neck pain.

I woke up this morning with bad tics and my jaw clenched up, but since I don't work Fridays, I got to sit around and watch a bunch of movies and work on homework. I can gratefully say that my jaw isn't clenched anymore and I'm not ticcing either. Other times I might go for a really long hike. I find that once I hit mile 2 of a 5-mile hike, my mind stops racing and I'm able to be in the moment a little better.
Oh dear that does not sound good. Usually when you get stressed for prolonged periods of time you get the signs of lack of hunger, insomnia, and slight depression. But thats just me. Best way to cure that is to try get sufficient amount of sleep and obviously one. have a chat with your animal friends and hoomans.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
For me stress can cause insomnia and lack of appetite or binge eating, as well as being extremely cranky and feeling a need to be alone. Usually I just clean - working helps. However right now I am in a situation that nothing seems to be helping. My husband has had a chronic illness for years and it has suddenly worsened to the point that the doctor is testing him to see if a transplant is viable. A transplant is the only treatment option, if he isn't a candidate then he has limited time left. I have only been sleeping about 3 hours a night since we found out last week.