Still has chronic diarrhea after treatment

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Pimobendan itself is unlikely to directly cause significant hypotension but used alongside amlodipine and benazepril, the combined vasodilation effect can cause BP to drop too much, especially in a frail cat with poor kidney or heart reserves. Also if he is dehydrated or has low blood volume due to advanced kidney disease or poor appetite, the mild blood pressure lowering effect of pimobendan can become more pronounced.

Are his extremities cold? Is his gum pale? These are signs of low BP.

I would stop these meds gradually. For example, halve the dose of pimobendan, stop benazepril, and reduce amlodipine. Stopping all three suddenly is not ideal due to the risks of rebound hypertension and worsening heart function.
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  • #162


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
Pimobendan itself is unlikely to directly cause significant hypotension but used alongside amlodipine and benazepril, the combined vasodilation effect can cause BP to drop too much, especially in a frail cat with poor kidney or heart reserves. Also if he is dehydrated or has low blood volume due to advanced kidney disease or poor appetite, the mild blood pressure lowering effect of pimobendan can become more pronounced.

Are his extremities cold? Is his gum pale? These are signs of low BP.

I would stop these meds gradually. For example, halve the dose of pimobendan, stop benazepril, and reduce amlodipine. Stopping all three suddenly is not ideal due to the risks of rebound hypertension and worsening heart function.
The vet is coming today. He crashed overnight... can't walk any more. 😢
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  • #164


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
Oh no.. poor Jengo I'm so sad 😭
I'm still in shock... can't believe he's gone. I'm constantly looking for him... I always knew where he was. Had to be vigilant because I didn't want him on the stairs knowing that he'd get hurt if he fell. Oh God, I'm going to miss this little guy so much. 😭 He was the smartest, cleanest, neatest, cuddliest cat I've ever had... and my last cat. I'll be 80 in January and too old for another cat.

Thanks for all your help and advice. Wish I had taken it all but I was in denial as to how bad his health was... it was kind of stable for a while then took a dive. Take care. Keep your buddies close... never know when you'll lose them. Barb


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
The pain of loss is immeasurable, and I'm so sorry this day had to come. I will always remember Jengo's story. He was much loved by many. I thought Gracie was your last?
Please take care 🤗
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  • #166


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
The pain of loss is immeasurable, and I'm so sorry this day had to come. I will always remember Jengo's story. He was much loved by many. I thought Gracie was your last?
Please take care 🤗
Thanks for your kind words. Jengo was an exceptional cat... the smartest, cleanest, neatest, cuddliest, lovable cat I ever had. We adopted Jengo and his half brother Jaboli... Silver Bengals, when they were 7 months old. My friend couldn't keep them because her female Gerdman Shepherd had a brain problem and didn't like them. Jengo's top weight was 11.2# and Jaboli was 22#... they loved wrestling. When they were about 4 or 5 yrs. old, Jetsen came into our lives. I was glancing out the window one morning to see a mother cat and 4 kittens in the yard. We live in the woods and there are coyotes, wolves, eagles and other predators around so I successfully live trapped mom and 3 grey kittens. The little black kitten was too smart to trap, so we took them to a no-kill shelter on a Friday afternoon before they closed. Well, I eventually caught the black one and because we kept him over the weekend we got attached to him. We didn't need 3 cats, but he was a cutie! Named him Jetsen. He died in 2021 at age 10 from large cell lymphoma. He was a beautiful boy and got along with Jengo and Jaboli. Gracie is our latest adopted cat. She showed up in our yard two years ago. Tried to find her family but no one claimed her so we adopted her. She's a medium haired grey beauty. She and Jengo loved to play hide and seek until he got very weak.

Sorry that explanation about who Gracie is got so long. Guess I'm trying to keep from dwelling on Jengo's death. Is there a way to attach a photo? Or send it in a private message?
Take care now. Barb


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. You can attach photos by clicking the "attach files" on the left bottom corner of the comment field. The weight gap between Jengo and Jaboli is huge! Sounds like Jengo had a very very happy life, and I'm sure he's reunited with Jaboli and Jetsen in heaven now. He's not alone.
You can also start a new thread here Crossing the Bridge if you would like to share your story, since this will be closed soon by admin.
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  • #168


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. You can attach photos by clicking the "attach files" on the left bottom corner of the comment field. The weight gap between Jengo and Jaboli is huge! Sounds like Jengo had a very very happy life, and I'm sure he's reunited with Jaboli and Jetsen in heaven now. He's not alone.
You can also start a new thread here Crossing the Bridge if you would like to share your story, since this will be closed soon by admin.
I have to spend some time writing down all the fun and wonderful things my cats have done. I don't want to ever forget the good times. I don't know much about these forums... didn't know that they closed topics. Thanks for all your help. Barb
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Take your time, and only do it if you feel like it. I think some people post a year after their loved one passed away. You will always remember good times and he will always live in your heart.


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Yes, I plan on donating things to the local shelter.... especially food because Gracie is fussy and turns up her nose at canned food.

Well, what I noticed first was him kicking and shaking his rear legs out. That started back in last Dec. and gradually got worse. Neither vet could explain it and hours of searching online didn't solve the mystery either. Neither vet thought it was arthritis... not a typical symptom. So, it gradually got worse and possibly that's what turned into this rear leg weakness.

I think the months of trying to cure his diarrhea took a toll on his system. A couple of rounds of the two antibiotics and two different probiotics until it finally resolved only to start up again a month later. In retrospect I should have taken your advice and tried the Kitty Biome ever though there was reviews saying it didn't help their cats. Also the vet gave his two cents worth and said it wasn't any better than the in-house tests he runs. Another mistake that I'll have to live with. :-(

Jengo is having a bad day... he had gotten worse and can hardly walk. I called the vet and asked when she can come to the house and euthanize him. I'll never know if these recent meds are to blame for his sudden decline or not... no time left to test that theory and see if he improves. His legs are giving out... so sad to watch him try to walk. :-( I have to let him go as much as I don't want to. He no longer purrs when I pet him... must be in pain. No more experimenting, pilling, poking, etc. He's had enough.

My heart is breaking and I can't see for tears. Thanks for trying to help. Barb

Oh no.... I'm so sorry for you and Jengo. You did the best you could with what you knew to do. His quality of life is as good as it could have been considering the issue. Big hugs from me and my 3 boys.💔💔🐱


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am very sorry for your loss of Jengo. You both fought the good fight and I hope in time that those happy and early memories of him as a kitten will return to comfort you. You gave him a remarkable life.

When a cat passes on, we close the thread out of respect. You are more than welcome to post a thread about Jengo in our Crossing the Bridge forum.

Crossing the Bridge
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