Still has chronic diarrhea after treatment

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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
If the old vet didn't detect a murmur but the new vet recently did, which implies his heart condition is worsening unless the old vet missed it. And you need an echocardiogram, not ultrasound to accurately diagnose HCM. If the new vet thinks he could benefit from Pimobendan, you could give it a try but might want to ask about potential side effects.

On Amazon there are many devices that look almost identical but lower-priced ones are apparently useless. Some come with optional cuffs for cats and small pets by the way.

If it was my cat, I would try anything from alternative meds to pricey supplements even if it takes a while to get delivered. If you had ordered antinol when I first mentioned it, surely it would've arrived by now. And that could be taken by your 3 year old too, and they should while still young and healthy. There's no guarantee any of these work for Jengo, but your vets seem unhelpful or that's the best they could do at a small town clinic.

The last time you gave me a list of meds and supplements you were giving, there weren't that many. Did you add new ones recently beside the BP med? Making him stress free is of utmost importance when no further diagnostic tests are available. If you can drop any of supplements or meds (zofran comes to mind), that's a good start. Did you ask your new vet if he should keep taking zofran? I don't remember if you confirmed with your new vet if the subQ amount is appropriate, but you'd better make sure.

It's possible that his persistent diarrhea was from taking antibiotics for a long time, and that's good to know he doesn't have c. perfringens anymore.

This is a good probiotic supplement that contains reuteri. This is for babies but can be taken by cats and adults humans BioGaia Nurture & Grow - Probiotic Drops

And some of these contain Pediococcus acidilactici as well as s.boulardii Plant-Based Probiotics for Dogs and Cats' Digestive, Joint, and Urinary Health | Imagilin® USA

If he's taking any other probiotics, you might want to review what probiotics they are. If he's not taking any, he should start taking them not just for his gut health but for his kidneys.
Thanks for writing again. I've been under the weather the past few days. Can't sleep and I'm so groggy that I feel like I'm drugged. Only got an hour or two last night. :- (

Right, the old vet said he didn't detected a murmur... that was about 10 months ago. When the new vet said she detected a murmur I was surprised. It was only about a month or two after he didn't hear one. She did an ultrasound since there are no veterinary cardiologists around here for echos.

The partner vet has who said he has high BP checked it on Friday and said it was down from over 200 to 170. She put him on Benazepril and said to also give him the Pimobendan. He's been on Amlodipine for several weeks and now he is on 3 heart medications!!!

I know I should have just ordered the Antinol when you first mentioned it. I put it off because he is so thin and frail that I didn't think he'd last this long. Also I have tried so many supplements that I haven't noticed did anything to improve his health and my savings are being depleted.

Didn't know that probiotics were good for the kidneys?? I have two on hand... Proviable and Jarrow w/MOS... will look into the BioGaia.

This message sat unfinished for a couple of days. I've been having problem... dizzy spells, vision problems, and other things. Probably from stress as I know that I'm going to have to make a decision about Jengo soon. He is starting to become anti-social... sleeps in his kitty cave instead of on his cat stand or other favorite spots. I don't think that he is in pain, but probably has some discomfort because he's stools are soft again. I've been putting psyllium and apple pectin in his food and that seems to work well for a while, but psyllium can also cause intestinal gas which could be what is going on.

I keep praying that something will make him bounce back but it might be too little too late. :-( I wanted to try the heart meds for a month at least and see if I notice any changes.

I wish we had connected many months ago because you are very knowledgeable and if I had tried your tips back then we might be in a different spot now. Thanks for all your help. I'm not giving up on him yet... keep waiting for a little miracle. Take care now. Barb



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
S Sillycat41

My boy had chronic diarrhea beginning of last year for almost 3 months. He purged 7 - 9 times a day. Went to the vet and was given medications to stop the diarrhea but my boy refused to take any medications.

I read this article my-cat-has-diarrhea---what-do-i-do.html and I followed the instructions given by administrating Jarrows S. Boulardii with MOS and my boy's diarrhea was resolved..

Till now, since his chronic diarrhea, I'm giving him a small dose of the Jarrows S. Boulardii with MOS once in the morning and once in the evening to maintain his gut health. Till now, his poo is very normal. I'm also on the same probiotics as my boy.

Please give the article a good read read I think the label on the bottle has changed to a new label now. This is the disposable stirrer 9Get the smallest one) that I use to give him twice a day. I scoop out a level amount and top it over his food gravy before he has his meal. To make it easy to scoop out, I open the capsules and pour them into a small air tight container so that it is easier to scoop out rather than open the capsule each time.



I hope that you feel better and Jengo,
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
That's great news that his BP has dropped to 170, which means Amlodipine was effective. Now that he's on both Amlodipine and Benazepril, just watch out for potential hypotension, especially at the beginning. Ideally you want to recheck his BP 3-7 days after, but another vet trip son soon would be very stressful for him.... and remember, they are not just heart meds, they are also used to treat CKD in cats. On the last page there's a table of meds with suggested dosage:

Yes, there's something called gut-kidney axis, and this page explains that well: Gut microbiota could be related with cat CKD ... Proviable is widely used by many pet owners and is definitely better than nothing. Usually probiotics made for cats are palatable and you can mix it with his food. What he needs right now are the 3 new meds, water, food, omega 3, probiotics, and cosequin. If you get antinol, you don't have to give both omega 3 and cosequin. His diarrhea may be from taking the new meds, and hopefully that will go away after a week or so.

If you can, have a nap during the day. I also focus too much on my cats and often feel groggy.
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  • #144


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
S Sillycat41

My boy had chronic diarrhea beginning of last year for almost 3 months. He purged 7 - 9 times a day. Went to the vet and was given medications to stop the diarrhea but my boy refused to take any medications.

I read this article my-cat-has-diarrhea---what-do-i-do.html and I followed the instructions given by administrating Jarrows S. Boulardii with MOS and my boy's diarrhea was resolved..

Till now, since his chronic diarrhea, I'm giving him a small dose of the Jarrows S. Boulardii with MOS once in the morning and once in the evening to maintain his gut health. Till now, his poo is very normal. I'm also on the same probiotics as my boy.

Please give the article a good read read I think the label on the bottle has changed to a new label now. This is the disposable stirrer 9Get the smallest one) that I use to give him twice a day. I scoop out a level amount and top it over his food gravy before he has his meal. To make it easy to scoop out, I open the capsules and pour them into a small air tight container so that it is easier to scoop out rather than open the capsule each time.

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View attachment 488986

I hope that you feel better and Jengo,
View attachment 488987
Thanks for writing TabbyTom and for the cute pics! I haven't been online much lately... not feeling well myself.

Wow! That was quite a bout of diarrhea your boy had!!! Thanks for the article. I do have Jarrow S. Boulardi with MOS on hand... haven't given it to him for a while. I started the other day and it seemed to help... stools were formed by wet... but this afternoon he squirted out a small pure liquid stool... first of that kind!!! I'm reviewing my notes to see what could have caused it.

Last night when he was cuddling next to my chest in bed, the gurgling sounds in his intestines were very loud. I knew something was churning but didn't know how to stop it. He had a stool after that around 3:30 AM... it was a pile of wet lumps. I have been putting half a capsule in his food twice a day...maybe I need to add more.

He just pooped again a few minutes ago... this time is was a pile of lumps with wet coating again. Poor guy doesn't feel well... I can tell. Hope I can get this under control. I've never seen the bottle with the stirrers.

Take care,
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  • #145


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
That's great news that his BP has dropped to 170, which means Amlodipine was effective. Now that he's on both Amlodipine and Benazepril, just watch out for potential hypotension, especially at the beginning. Ideally you want to recheck his BP 3-7 days after, but another vet trip son soon would be very stressful for him.... and remember, they are not just heart meds, they are also used to treat CKD in cats. On the last page there's a table of meds with suggested dosage:

Yes, there's something called gut-kidney axis, and this page explains that well: Gut microbiota could be related with cat CKD ... Proviable is widely used by many pet owners and is definitely better than nothing. Usually probiotics made for cats are palatable and you can mix it with his food. What he needs right now are the 3 new meds, water, food, omega 3, probiotics, and cosequin. If you get antinol, you don't have to give both omega 3 and cosequin. His diarrhea may be from taking the new meds, and hopefully that will go away after a week or so.

If you can, have a nap during the day. I also focus too much on my cats and often feel groggy.
Thanks for writing. I'm having a rough time... things aren't going well... lots of crying, trying to decide what to do. He is so weak now that if he tries to scratch his neck he almost tips over... his balance is off. I'm afraid his quality of life is going down but I don't want to give up too soon. When I pill him or give him sub-Q he had a weak whine... I feel like I'm tormenting him. :-( I can't seem to face the final decision. :-(

Yes, apparently his BP is down but, like you said, maybe it's too low... hypotension. I am so frustrated with vets!! She wanted him on the 3 heart meds for 3 weeks before retesting!! If I question her, she gets upset but my baby's life is on the line! Yes the trips to the vet are always stressful for him but it can't be good to have low BP either. She made a recheck appt. for Dec. 5th but I am hoping to get in sooner... like Monday.

Thanks for the link with IRIS guidelines. I'm going to have to study this closely, but judging from the dosages on meds that IRIS lists, I think she has him on too high a dose. He's down to 8#... very thin and frail... so I would think he's be on the lowest dose to start out. Bottom line... I can either adjust the dose myself or question her again and have her tell me to find a new vet.

I have both Proviable and Jarrow MOS on hand. I decided to give him the Jarrow twice a day. He is having wet stools again with occasional diarrhea. yesterday he had a small stool that was liquid!! I've had to wash his butt a few times when he squats in the litter box. I watched him and if it takes a while to poop his legs are weak and he squats in it. :-( He has always been a super clean cat and his dignity is hurt.

"What he needs right now are the 3 new meds, water, food, omega 3, probiotics, and cosequin." Okay, he is getting all these. I am using the omega 3 that I already have... wish that I had ordered the antinol when you first mentioned it, but it's probably too late now... don't think he has much time left. :-( I read that those heart meds can cause diarrhea ... he's been on Amlodipine for over a month and Benazepril and Pimobendan for 10 days now. His stools vary from wet piles of lumps to very soft... back and forth... no consistency..

One thing that is really worrying me is the fact that he gets dehydrated so quickly. The vet said to limit his sub-Q fluids to 50 ml Am & PM, but he gets dehydrated in between and that's hard on what's left of his kidney function. He get water in his canned food every meal plus he's drinking more on his own. This is a bad sign, isn't it? :-(

Sorry this got so long. I appreciate your comments because you are so knowledgeable. Thanks for writing. I only have one friend locally who is supportive but not knowledgeable about cat health issues. I do take a nap almost every afternoon because I can't keep my eyes open. Sometimes only get 3 or 4 hrs. at night. I keep hoping for a miracle and that he'll bounce back and stay with me for a while longer. Thanks again.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
It's not bad that he hasn't lost any more weight since September, is it?

I don't know how you are questioning your vet, but if I were you I would voice my concerns instead of being directly confrontational and doubting their capabilities even if they come across as incompetent since you don't have the luxury of choosing new vets in your area. They should have prescribed the dosage for a reason, so maybe you can ask about their reasoning behind the prescribed doses and why they are appropriate for Jengo's condition. If you are certain his recent episodes of diarrhea is a side effect of these meds, your vet needs to know that so they can adjust the dosage. The IRIS guideline is for treating and managing CKD, not for the hypertension or the combination of both, which is why his dosage may be higher.

If s.boulardii doesn't help with his diarrhea, stop using that as that doesn't work for every cat. Are you giving him proviable? How much EPA and DHA are in the omega 3 supplement you are using? I hope you are still giving him cosequin.

Diarrhea makes him dehydrated. You can ask your vet if you can increase sub q fluids when he has diarrhea. But overhydration leads to lethargy, swelling in the limbs or difficulty breathing. Daily volume of 100-150ml per day seems reasonable for his weight and stage 3 ckd.
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  • #147


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
It's not bad that he hasn't lost any more weight since September, is it?

I don't know how you are questioning your vet, but if I were you I would voice my concerns instead of being directly confrontational and doubting their capabilities even if they come across as incompetent since you don't have the luxury of choosing new vets in your area. They should have prescribed the dosage for a reason, so maybe you can ask about their reasoning behind the prescribed doses and why they are appropriate for Jengo's condition. If you are certain his recent episodes of diarrhea is a side effect of these meds, your vet needs to know that so they can adjust the dosage. The IRIS guideline is for treating and managing CKD, not for the hypertension or the combination of both, which is why his dosage may be higher.

If s.boulardii doesn't help with his diarrhea, stop using that as that doesn't work for every cat. Are you giving him proviable? How much EPA and DHA are in the omega 3 supplement you are using? I hope you are still giving him cosequin.

Diarrhea makes him dehydrated. You can ask your vet if you can increase sub q fluids when he has diarrhea. But overhydration leads to lethargy, swelling in the limbs or difficulty breathing. Daily volume of 100-150ml per day seems reasonable for his weight and stage 3 ckd.
Sad news to report. Took Jengo to the vet for a blood pressure check and overall evaluation. Asked for blood work and his BUN and Creatinine numbers were much worse than the previous blood test... off the chart! I'm devastated. On Oct. 28th his BUN was 101 which was too high and today it was 130! Creatinine went up from 5.0 to 11.4 and his anemia is worse. Also his blood pressure is still 170 in spite of being on 3 heart meds now... Amlodipine since mid-Oct. and then Benazepril and Pimobendan were added Nov. 15th. The low dose Benazepril was supposed to help reduce the Proteinuria.

I wasn't confrontational with the vet. What happened was I sent her an email with a quote from the IRIS website about using an ACE inhibitor along with the Amlodipine because it's supposed to help reduce the Proteinuria. I just asked if we could try it. She wrote back:
"I have gone through vet school to get the education I have and you have chosen our clinic for Jengo's care. If you do not feel comfortable with the treatment he is receiving here, maybe you should seek further visits with your old vet for his care."

Today Jengo was seen by the first vet I went to in this clinic... back from maternity leave. She spent an hour with me going over this conditions, meds, blood work, etc. I'm more comfortable with her and glad that she is back. She suggested that I contact hospice care and prepare myself for his final days. Also sent me home with some clay product to help with the diarrhea.

I tried the S. Boulardii for a while but his stools were still soft so I quit. Haven't tried the Proviable again... back when he had chronic diarrhea it didn't help at all. I'll try this clay and hope it works. The problem is when he poops his legs are weak and he squats in it then tracks it around. I have to listen for him in the litter box and wipe his butt right away or end up washing it.

The Omega-3 Pet has 16% EPA and 11% DHA. Yes, I'm still giving him Cosequin.

I started giving him sub-Q 3 times a day. The vet said to limit it to 50 ml at a time so as not to put strain on his heart.

I wish that I had connected with you a long time ago. You are very knowledgable and perhaps with you advice Jengo's life would have been extended. Now whatever I try is too little, too late. The damage is done and only a miracle could save him now and we know there are no miracles. :-(

I have so many regrets... will have to live with the guilt of procrastinating and being afraid to try suggestion I got online and from those in forums. This little guy is my kitty soulmate... the smartest, coolest cat I've ever had. My heart is breaking... can't write any more, guess I've said enough.

Thank you for sharing and caring... I truly appreciate it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
That's really devastating... I'm deeply sorry to hear about this 😟

The addition of benazepril can reduce blood flow to the kidneys in certain cases, especially if the cat is dehydrated or hypotensive. Worsening anemia is a common complication of advanced kidney disease, and heart disease may be also contributing by reducing oxygen delivery to tissues. If it's severe, the vet use an erythropoietin like darbepoetin which is an injection.
Pimobendan is generally used for heart failure and can improve heart function. The combination of medications should be carefully reviewed to ensure they are not worsening the overall picture. Maybe you can temporarily discontinue amlodipine and benazepril to see if his kidney function stabilizes? I assume your vet didn't discuss adjusting the dose of these meds. His kidneys were functioning better before the introduction of these meds, weren't they? It's also worth noting that BP readings might not be entirely accurate in hospital settings.
Pimobendan should be continued only if Jengo has a clear indication of congestive heart failure. Did you ask the vet if he was in pain? If so, buprenorphine (opioid) or gabapentin could help. Look for signs of distress, such as labored breathing, hiding, lack of appetite, or vocalizing. These may indicate that he is struggling and needs additional support or intervention.

I'm glad to hear that your old vet is back. The new one sounds like she's oversensitive and/or has bad bedside manner. Some people are just like that. Before we moved across the sea, the vet was saying our cats needed an f3 vaccine and copied a link to some random travel site even though I told her that the destination government told me otherwise, and yet she couldn't admit she was wrong. They may have been to vet school, but I graduated from ivy league and worked on wall street, so I trusted my own research and didn't have any issues arriving in the new country with cats.

If he's nearing the end of his life, maybe you don't want to remember the final days pilling him and trying to fix him. You still need to give him sub-q fluids but other than that I hope you can spend meaningful time with him, providing love and comfort and take pictures or videos if it feels right to help remember the happy times. You've done everything you could for Jengo. Guilt and second-guessing are common, but what matters most is that Jengo feels loved and cared for until the very end. He's 18 years old! It's not like you cut his life short. I don't think many cats are lucky to live that long.

Ideally you want to give him whatever he enjoys eating but you said he or his 3 year old brother weren't into treats....
Last edited:


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
I'm so sorry to hear this sad update. My boy about to turn 20 also has CDK and IBD (and hypertension and hyperthyroid) and we just dealt with a bad diarrhea flare up. The difference is, his BUN and Creatinine aren't like yours (yet). His allergies flared him and then hs started getting aspiration pneumonia from trying to breathe and eat/drink at the same time so needed Clavamox for that, then the stress triggered the IBD and he needed metronidazole for the spastic poops but all the antibiotics wiped out his gut flora so it wasn't until 2 weeks after getting off all antibiotics that he was back to (1) nasty soft poo a day (down from 20 times).

I know though...the tracking, the butt wiping, the flashlight search of the floor for poo prints....I know the struggle. What you (and I) have to remember is our cats are 18-20 yrs old. They're super-duper seniors and taking care of one is really a full time job. They will not live forever and our battle days are numbered. Every day we can do whatever we can for them is a win. While they are embarrassed by the butt wipes and baths and all that, it's what we have to do as cat parents. When I put my old boy in the sing to wash his paws and butt I try to talk calmly and explain mommycats have to bathe their babies when they can't clean themselves. I know he doesn't enjoy it but trying to keep my energy calm has helped him not feel bad about the whole thing.

You're doing everything you can possibly do against an undefeatable opponent (CKD and age itself). Enjoy every minute of every day and know we're all there with you.
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  • #150


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
That's really devastating... I'm deeply sorry to hear about this 😟

The addition of benazepril can reduce blood flow to the kidneys in certain cases, especially if the cat is dehydrated or hypotensive. Worsening anemia is a common complication of advanced kidney disease, and heart disease may be also contributing by reducing oxygen delivery to tissues. If it's severe, the vet use an erythropoietin like darbepoetin which is an injection.
Pimobendan is generally used for heart failure and can improve heart function. The combination of medications should be carefully reviewed to ensure they are not worsening the overall picture. Maybe you can temporarily discontinue amlodipine and benazepril to see if his kidney function stabilizes? I assume your vet didn't discuss adjusting the dose of these meds. His kidneys were functioning better before the introduction of these meds, weren't they? It's also worth noting that BP readings might not be entirely accurate in hospital settings.
Pimobendan should be continued only if Jengo has a clear indication of congestive heart failure. Did you ask the vet if he was in pain? If so, buprenorphine (opioid) or gabapentin could help. Look for signs of distress, such as labored breathing, hiding, lack of appetite, or vocalizing. These may indicate that he is struggling and needs additional support or intervention.

I'm glad to hear that your old vet is back. The new one sounds like she's oversensitive and/or has bad bedside manner. Some people are just like that. Before we moved across the sea, the vet was saying our cats needed an f3 vaccine and copied a link to some random travel site even though I told her that the destination government told me otherwise, and yet she couldn't admit she was wrong. They may have been to vet school, but I graduated from ivy league and worked on wall street, so I trusted my own research and didn't have any issues arriving in the new country with cats.

If he's nearing the end of his life, maybe you don't want to remember the final days pilling him and trying to fix him. You still need to give him sub-q fluids but other than that I hope you can spend meaningful time with him, providing love and comfort and take pictures or videos if it feels right to help remember the happy times. You've done everything you could for Jengo. Guilt and second-guessing are common, but what matters most is that Jengo feels loved and cared for until the very end. He's 18 years old! It's not like you cut his life short. I don't think many cats are lucky to live that long.

Ideally you want to give him whatever he enjoys eating but you said he or his 3 year old brother weren't into treats....
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with this. Keep going over things in my mind... where did I go wrong, what did I miss, what could I have done different, on and on. It's too late now. :-( I could see that he was failing this past month but kept hoping he'd bounce back like he often did, that I could find a magic cure online. Guess I was in denial that he was failing so fast... hoping that I'd find something to help him.

I asked both vets at the current clinic and also his old vet about said there was no good treatment for anemia at this point. They all said there was little that can be done and that the meds don't work well once the kidneys numbers are this bad. Also Darbepoetin can increase blood pressure which he doesn't need. The Benazepril was added to help reduce the Proteinuria.

I just read something about aluminum hydroxide phosphate binders making anemia worse!! Now I find out! They recommend ferric citrate instead. If I want to switch I'll take a week to get here... too late to help. I'm going to lose him soon.

I thought about discontinuing one or two of the heart medications... or at least cutting the dose in half. No, the vet didn't discuss adjusting the dose... just that his heart muscle has thickened and that he needs meds to help the function. His kidney numbers were much higher on Oct 28th than on the previous blood test but yesterday they were even higher!! I realize that his BP is probably higher in the clinic, but if I quit the BP meds and it goes up won't that make things ever worse?

I didn't asks the vet of he was in pain. I do have Gabapentin on hand. Tried a low dose once but it made him more wobbly and I was afraid he was fall and get hurt since he's so unstable now.

So far no labored breathing but he is sleeping in his cave most of the time now, only eats a little on his own so I have to syringe feed him and he is vocalizing occasionally... a couple of times over the water bowl??

The only thing the vet recommended was to contact pet hospice and prepare myself for the final decision. She said that he has too many health issues now and that keeping him going is not a good idea.

Yes some vets like doctors don't have bedside manner and refuse to admit they were wrong.

I have come to that conclusion... it's time to stop force feeding, cramming pills down his throat and sticking him with needles. I feel like I'm torturing him now. He bravely put up with it for a long time, but recently he just look up at me sadly as if to ask why I'm doing this to him. As for spending meaningful time with him, he only comes out of his cave to use the litter box now. If I sit next to the cave and put my hand in he'll lay his head on it.

I have taken lots of photos over the years and some videos too, but recent ones make me sad because he can hardly walk. I'd rather not remember him that way. I know 18 years is pretty old, but was hoping he'd make it to 20. I have one cat that lived to 22 which is pretty rare.

The only treats he like are little tuna and salmon pieces, but lately he has turned his nose up at them. He still greets his 3 year old adopted sister and they lick each others heads. I knew the end was near when he stopped walking on his cat wheel. That was his favorite thing to do every day. He's too unstable now and just sits on it.

Thanks for all your help. Guess I have to face the fact that he's so sick with too many illnesses to try to keep him going hoping that he'll bounce back... it's too little too late. Time to say our last goodbyes. :-( As luck would have it we are getting a major snow storm starting today for a couple of days so I don't think I can get the vet to come out to euthanize him for a couple of days. :-(

Take care, Barb

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  • #151


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
I'm so sorry to hear this sad update. My boy about to turn 20 also has CDK and IBD (and hypertension and hyperthyroid) and we just dealt with a bad diarrhea flare up. The difference is, his BUN and Creatinine aren't like yours (yet). His allergies flared him and then hs started getting aspiration pneumonia from trying to breathe and eat/drink at the same time so needed Clavamox for that, then the stress triggered the IBD and he needed metronidazole for the spastic poops but all the antibiotics wiped out his gut flora so it wasn't until 2 weeks after getting off all antibiotics that he was back to (1) nasty soft poo a day (down from 20 times).

I know though...the tracking, the butt wiping, the flashlight search of the floor for poo prints....I know the struggle. What you (and I) have to remember is our cats are 18-20 yrs old. They're super-duper seniors and taking care of one is really a full time job. They will not live forever and our battle days are numbered. Every day we can do whatever we can for them is a win. While they are embarrassed by the butt wipes and baths and all that, it's what we have to do as cat parents. When I put my old boy in the sink to wash his paws and butt I try to talk calmly and explain mommycats have to bathe their babies when they can't clean themselves. I know he doesn't enjoy it but trying to keep my energy calm has helped him not feel bad about the whole thing.

You're doing everything you can possibly do against an undefeatable opponent (CKD and age itself). Enjoy every minute of every day and know we're all there with you.
My heart is breaking... feel like I missed something in his treatment. Your boy had almost the same health issue but his BUN and Creatinine weren't as elevated. That's why I wondered if I missed something with Jengo and his numbers got so much worse. Sounds like a similar experience with diarrhea too. Ugh. Running around with a flash light in the middle of the night... how many can say that?!! I talk to Jengo when I wash his behind... tell him not to be embarrassed. He's always been a super clean cat... even used to cover up his brother's poops.

I wish I could enjoy our last few days together but he stays in his kitty cave and only comes out to use the litter box. I wish he would still sit on my lap and take a nap, but those days are over. He just doesn't feel like it.. Thanks for sharing.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
If you are concerned about the alminium based phos binder, you can switch to calcium-based or newer, non-aluminum binders like sevelamer or lanthanum carbonate, which are less likely to interfere with nutrient absorption or cause toxicity. For the last 4 months you have kept saying that it takes a while to get things delivered and Jengo doesn't have that much time left and it will be too late.... yet he's still with you today. But I agree, no more pilling. Even though his heart rate was high, he was doing better without BP meds. Just let him be. Hopefully he will come out of his cave soon when realizes that he no longer have to take meds. It's remarkable that he still eats voluntarily albeit a small amount.
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  • #153


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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
If you are concerned about the alminium based phos binder, you can switch to calcium-based or newer, non-aluminum binders like sevelamer or lanthanum carbonate, which are less likely to interfere with nutrient absorption or cause toxicity. For the last 4 months you have kept saying that it takes a while to get things delivered and Jengo doesn't have that much time left and it will be too late.... yet he's still with you today. But I agree, no more pilling. Even though his heart rate was high, he was doing better without BP meds. Just let him be. Hopefully he will come out of his cave soon when realizes that he no longer have to take meds. It's remarkable that he still eats voluntarily albeit a small amount.
At this point it's useless to ask the vet to prescribe another phos binder. She has already written him off and said to seek pet hospice care and plan on euthanasia in the near future. Been doing research on other binders to get away from alum. hydroxide in case it may be the problem. Niacinamide can be used... also Calcium Acetate and i have both on hand. Tempted to try them but I hate to use Jengo as a guinea pig. I know neither vet would approve... they like prescribe medicines.

I admit to being a procrastinator... I've been that way my whole life... after to make a mistake so make many mistakes. Also I have a large box full of products that people recommended and said they worked wonders on the cats. I didn't have the same luck and wasted a lot of money. I could see his health deteriorating 4+ months ago... didn't think he'd be around in December but here we are. Now he's at death's door and I'm still trying to find a miracle cure.

The vet told me that if I quit the heart meds his heart would probably give out. Still I'm tempted to quit them or a least cut the dose down and see what happens.

I was changing bed sheets earlier and he jumps ouf of his cave and onto the bed!! One of his favorite games was to hide under the sheets while I made the bed. He's still sleeping under the covers now.

Yes he still eats small amounts of canned food. Used to wake me up 3 or 4 times during the night for a small meal. Last night only woke me twice. If he likes the flavor and it there aren't a lot of things added to the food I syringe feed him, he licks it off the syringe.

It's hard to give up on this little fighter... I just hope he's not in pain. He does have a terrible time walking though... his legs are so weak now.

Well, that's enought blabbering. Thanks for your advice and tips. Take care now. Barb


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
Our cats love "helping" me change sheets too :happycat:

Why don't you donate the items in the box to a local cat rescue group? It's pointless to keep them unless your 3 year-old can use them. I wouldn't look at it as waitied money. The number of items in the box shows how much you have cared for Jengo. I understand how disappointing it is when a supplement that works for others doesn't seem to do anything for your own, but the important thing is that you tried. Personally, I don't think there's a single supplement that I can honestly say has worked for my cats.

You noticed his wobbliness before you started giving him amlodipine, didn't you? After weeks, if not months, of using antibiotics and other meds to fix his diarrhea, appetite, etc, his gut flora must have been completely disrupted, which could have caused the systemic failure. As I mentioned several times a healthy gut is the foundation of overall wellness, which is why I recommended kitty biome's gut health test over the diarrhea panel.

I hope you will find the right mix of meds and doses for Jengo to make him feel better. Given the sharp decline in kidney function after starting benazepril, it could be worth discontinuing or pausing it to assess whether his condition improves. Proteinuria would worsen slightly without benazepril but that is less critical than improving kidney function. Reducing the dose of pimobendan to see its effects can be a reasonable approach, especially if the med is suspected of contributing to his decline. It primarily supports heart function, but doesn't directly improve blood pressure or kidney function, so a reduced dose may help balance its benefits with overall stress on the body. Your vet may have written him off but it's best to inform them of the plan to reduce pimobendan. They might suggest a specific dose or schedule for tapering.
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  • #155


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
Our cats love "helping" me change sheets too :happycat:

Why don't you donate the items in the box to a local cat rescue group? It's pointless to keep them unless your 3 year-old can use them. I wouldn't look at it as waitied money. The number of items in the box shows how much you have cared for Jengo. I understand how disappointing it is when a supplement that works for others doesn't seem to do anything for your own, but the important thing is that you tried. Personally, I don't think there's a single supplement that I can honestly say has worked for my cats.

You noticed his wobbliness before you started giving him amlodipine, didn't you? After weeks, if not months, of using antibiotics and other meds to fix his diarrhea, appetite, etc, his gut flora must have been completely disrupted, which could have caused the systemic failure. As I mentioned several times a healthy gut is the foundation of overall wellness, which is why I recommended kitty biome's gut health test over the diarrhea panel.

I hope you will find the right mix of meds and doses for Jengo to make him feel better. Given the sharp decline in kidney function after starting benazepril, it could be worth discontinuing or pausing it to assess whether his condition improves. Proteinuria would worsen slightly without benazepril but that is less critical than improving kidney function. Reducing the dose of pimobendan to see its effects can be a reasonable approach, especially if the med is suspected of contributing to his decline. It primarily supports heart function, but doesn't directly improve blood pressure or kidney function, so a reduced dose may help balance its benefits with overall stress on the body. Your vet may have written him off but it's best to inform them of the plan to reduce pimobendan. They might suggest a specific dose or schedule for tapering.
Yes, I plan on donating things to the local shelter.... especially food because Gracie is fussy and turns up her nose at canned food.

Well, what I noticed first was him kicking and shaking his rear legs out. That started back in last Dec. and gradually got worse. Neither vet could explain it and hours of searching online didn't solve the mystery either. Neither vet thought it was arthritis... not a typical symptom. So, it gradually got worse and possibly that's what turned into this rear leg weakness.

I think the months of trying to cure his diarrhea took a toll on his system. A couple of rounds of the two antibiotics and two different probiotics until it finally resolved only to start up again a month later. In retrospect I should have taken your advice and tried the Kitty Biome ever though there was reviews saying it didn't help their cats. Also the vet gave his two cents worth and said it wasn't any better than the in-house tests he runs. Another mistake that I'll have to live with. :-(

Jengo is having a bad day... he had gotten worse and can hardly walk. I called the vet and asked when she can come to the house and euthanize him. I'll never know if these recent meds are to blame for his sudden decline or not... no time left to test that theory and see if he improves. His legs are giving out... so sad to watch him try to walk. :-( I have to let him go as much as I don't want to. He no longer purrs when I pet him... must be in pain. No more experimenting, pilling, poking, etc. He's had enough.

My heart is breaking and I can't see for tears. Thanks for trying to help. Barb



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am very sorry that it has reached this point with Jengo despite everything that you have done. Please remember that we are here for you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I'm so sorry that this day has come.... it's truly heartbreaking 😢
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  • #158


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
I am very sorry that it has reached this point with Jengo despite everything that you have done. Please remember that we are here for you.
Thank you.
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  • #159


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
I'm so sorry that this day has come.... it's truly heartbreaking 😢
The story of my life... nothing goes as planned. The vet couldn't make it out to my house today, so Jengo got a reprieve. In the meantime this afternoon I was doing some research on my phone and came a comment about Benazepril causing weak rear legs, lack of coordination and extreme wobbliness!! Of course I'm on the computer now and can't find the article. Anyway, I gave him 2 of those heart meds early this morning... Benazepril and Pimobendan... and he has been extremely wobbly all day!! I'm convinced that it is caused by those pills. I think it was you who suggested stopping them and I will now!! Again too little too late. :-( Unfortunatelhy the half life of that med is 24 hrs. so we'll see how he is in the morning.

I have a question for you... every time I read about meds that always say not to stop them cold turkey unless you get your vet's permission. I can't contact her after hours so I'm just going to stop these meds. I suppose his BP will go up and that may be a better optiong than not being about to walk!!!

Grrr! I'm very upset now. It's starting to look like these heart meds push Jengo over the edge. :-(
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  • #160


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 29, 2021
I'm so sorry that this day has come.... it's truly heartbreaking 😢
Found it!!! It was a Google search with AI results:

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If your cat on benazepril is showing weakness in the rear legs and stumbling, it could be a side effect of the medication, specifically related to potential low blood pressure caused by the ACE inhibitor, which can manifest as lethargy and incoordination in cats; consult your veterinarian immediately to discuss adjusting the dosage or potential underlying causes of the weakness.
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