It sounds like he has some underlying illness that can only be detected via ultrasound/x-ray.
If you are worried about his heart, you should be able to get an echocardiogram without making Jengo fast for 12 hours unlike abdominal ultrasounds. Powder CoQ10 is ineffective so you can throw that away.
Why do you need to keep giving him Zofran? That's like masking his symptoms without treating the cause...and my understanding was that you needed to give b-12 continuously for CKD cats?
SDMA can still be useful in stage 3. It can serve as a cross reference for creatinine levels, particularly if Jengo has muscle wasting, which can lower creatinine and make kidney function seem better than it actually is, but blood phos level and UPC (urine protein-to-creatinine ratio) may be more important for him at this stage.
It is interesting that your cats don't show interest in treats. What do they enjoy every day?
You've tried so hard to make him feel better but there's only so much you can do under the circumstances.
If you are worried about his heart, you should be able to get an echocardiogram without making Jengo fast for 12 hours unlike abdominal ultrasounds. Powder CoQ10 is ineffective so you can throw that away.
Why do you need to keep giving him Zofran? That's like masking his symptoms without treating the cause...and my understanding was that you needed to give b-12 continuously for CKD cats?
SDMA can still be useful in stage 3. It can serve as a cross reference for creatinine levels, particularly if Jengo has muscle wasting, which can lower creatinine and make kidney function seem better than it actually is, but blood phos level and UPC (urine protein-to-creatinine ratio) may be more important for him at this stage.
It is interesting that your cats don't show interest in treats. What do they enjoy every day?
You've tried so hard to make him feel better but there's only so much you can do under the circumstances.